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ONLINE ACCESS:   Coverage: (1974- ) http://www.etde.org/etdeweb/ 
Title   LinkETDEWEB [ETDE World Energy Base] [electronic resource]
Published   Paris : Energy Technology Data Exchange, 1999-.
Note   Since August 2003, ETDEWEB includes historical information from ETDE’s Energy Database, which began in 1987 as well as historical information back to 1974 from US DOE/OSTI’s Energy Citations database. Also includes information from the International Atomic Energy Agency’s International Nuclear Information System (INIS database) and the IEA Clean Coal Centre.
Summary   Searchable database of documents from the international scientific and technical literature in the field of energy and related topics. Includes abstracts and complete articles as well as links to available full text on the environmental impact of energy production and use, including climate change, energy R & D, energy policy, and nuclear, coal, hydrocarbon, and renewable energy technologies. Over 4 million records for technical reports, conference papers, journal articles and more. 400,000+ full text documents (as of Feb. 2011)
Issuing Body   Sponsored by International Energy Agency (IAA)’s Energy Technology Data Exchange program, and maintained by U.S. DOE’s Office of Scientific and Technical Information.
Subject   LinkPower resources -- Databases
  LinkPower resources -- Indexes -- Databases
  LinkPower (Mechanics) -- Databases
  LinkPower (Mechanics) -- Indexes -- Databases
  LinkEnergy policy -- Databases
Other Author   LinkEnergy Technology Data Exchange
Other Title   ETDE World Energy Base
  Energy Technology Data Exchange world energy base
  World Energy Base
Format   Online resource
Record Number   000002953

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