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ONLINE ACCESS:   Coverage: (1785- ) http://search.proquest.com/georef?accountid=27865 { Access restricted to LANL staff. } 
Title   LinkGeoRef [electronic resource].
Published   Baltimore, MD : Cambridge Scientific Abstracts.
  ProQuest, 2011-.
Frequency   Twice monthly.
Issued   1785-
Summary   This database, established by the American Geological Institute in 1966, which provides access to the geoscience literature of the world. GeoRef is the most comprehensive database in the geosciences and continues to grow by more than 100,000 references a year. GeoRef database covers the geology of North America from 1785 to the present and the geology of the rest of the world from 1933 to the present. The database includes references to all publications of the U.S. Geological Survey, and Masters’ theses and doctoral dissertations from U.S. and Canadian universities. ProQuest Deep Indexing: Earth Sciences supplements GeoRef with access to millions of indexed charts, figures, graphs, maps, photographs, and tables from the scholarly research and technical literature. GeoRef can be cross-searched with other subscribed databases on the ProQuest platform.
Terms Gov. Use   "GeoRef" is a registered trademark of the American Geological Institute.
Issuing Body   Issued in association with: American Geological Institute.
Publishing note   Corresponds to the print publications: Bibliography of North American geology (including its earlier titles); Bibliography and index of geology exclusive of North America; Geophysical abstracts (Washington, D.C.): and: Bibliography and index of geology; with additional citations from other sources.
Source of Descrip.   Title from title screen.
Subject   LinkGeology -- Indexes -- Databases.
  LinkGeology -- Abstracts -- Databases.
  LinkGeophysics -- Indexes -- Databases.
  LinkGeophysics -- Abstracts -- Databases.
Other Author   LinkAmerican Geological Institute.
  LinkCambridge Scientific Abstracts, inc.
  LinkProQuest, Inc.
Other Title   ProQuest GeoRef
Format   Online resource
Record Number   000593563

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