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ONLINE ACCESS:   Contact the LANL Research Library to obtain a Corporate Account Number for registration. Coverage: (1963- ) http://www.delphion.com/ { Access restricted to LANL staff. } 
Title   LinkDelphion intellectual property network [electronic resource]
Published   Lisle, Illinois : Delphion Inc.
Frequency   Updated weekly and monthly.
Summary   Delphion provides searchable access to the world’s largest patent collections, including those of the US, Europe, Japan, World Intellectual Property Organization and INPADOC (Patent Family Service). Delphion also provides access to important non-patent prior art collections, including IBM Technical Disclosure Bulletins (TDBs), the abstracts of ISI scientific journal articles, and the IP.com Disclosures and Alternates databases. For questions concerning access contact the LANL Research Library at 7-5809.
Terms Gov. Use   1997-2008 Delphion, Inc.
Issuing Body   Formerly producted by IBM.
Subject   LinkPatents -- United States -- Databases
  LinkPatents -- United States -- Computer network resources
  LinkPatents -- Japan -- Databases
  LinkPatents -- Japan -- Computer network resources
  LinkPatents -- Europe -- Databases
  LinkPatents -- Europe -- Computer network resources
Other Author   LinkDelphion (Firm)
Other Title   Delphion
  Derwent world patents index
  United States patents
  European patents
  Patent abstracts of Japan
  World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
Format   Journal
  Online resource
Record Number   000284357

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