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ONLINE ACCESS:   User registration required. https://www.opensource.gov/ 
Title   LinkOpen Source Center [electronic resource]
Published   Washington, DC : Office of the Director of National Intelligence, 2005-.
Continues   LinkFBIS online
Access   Access is free, but registration is required before full access is granted.
Summary   OpenSource.gov provides timely and tailored translations, reporting and analysis on foreign policy and national security issues from the Open Source Center and its partners. Featured are reports and translations from thousands of publications, television and radio stations, and Internet sources around the world. Also among the site’s holdings are a foreign video archive and fee-based commercial databases for which OSC has negotiated licenses. The repository holds over 7 million products dating back to the mid-1990’s. Email alerts and advanced searching are available.
Publishing note   Successor to FBIS, Federal Broadcast Information System.
Subject   LinkUnited States. Office of the Director of National Intelligence.
Subject   LinkIntelligence service -- United States.
  LinkNational security -- United States.
  LinkInformation warfare -- United States.
  LinkOpen source intelligence.
Other Author   LinkOpen Source Center (U.S.)
  LinkUnited States. Foreign Broadcast Information Service.
  LinkUnited States. Central Intelligence Agency.
  LinkUnited States. Office of the Director of National Intelligence.
Other Title   OpenSource.gov
Format   Book
  Online resource
Record Number   001339766

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