NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery Since 1974

ERSUG Meeting: January 8-9, 1996 (Berkeley, CA)

Dates January 8-9, 1996

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
1 Cyclotron Road
Berkeley, CA 94720


ERSUG Meeting Minutes - January 8,9, 1996 Lawrence Berkeley LaboratoryJanuary 8-9, 1996Kirby Fong (NERSC, LLNL), Dave Stevens (LBL), Ricky A. Kendall (PNNL,ExERSUG Vice-Chair) Opening Remarks From the Berkeley Laboratory This ERSUG meeting, originally planned for Princeton, New Jersey, was rescheduled at the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory to facilitate a user visit of the recently announced new home of the National Energy Research Supercomputer Center. Due to blizzard conditions closing many… Read More »


ERSUG Agenda Jan. 8-9, 1996Berkeley Lab Monday, Jan. 88:00    Shuttle Buses arrive at Marriott8:15    Buses Depart promptly for Berkeley Lab8:45    Coffee9:15    Report from the MICS Program Office -- Kitchens9:45    NERSC / ESnet -- McCurdy, Leighton, McCoy, Jette, Welcome,    -  What stays the same    -  Shape and Scope of the NERSC at Berkeley Lab,         including integration  to ER programs         increased partnering         distributed… Read More »