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An official website of the United States Government.

Open Government Blog

Today, U.S. Chief Technology Officer Aneesh Chopra and Administrator of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs Cass R. Sunstein announced 11 awards for 8 agencies’ Open Government efforts. OPM received a Leading Practices Award for our Flagship Initiative.

Many thanks to everyone inside and outside of OPM who has contributed to the success of our Open Government Plan! We'll continue to keep you informed as we move forward with implementation.

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Judith N. Johannesen
10/14/2010 at 12:44 PM
I retired from FEMA Jan 31, 2010. I got a letter dated 3/10/2010 stating I would receive interim payments at a rate less than my actual annuity. This has been going on for 9 months. I called once and waited over an hour and even though it was after 5 PM on the East Coast, the recording said someone would be with me. It never happened. I called back the next day, waited another 30-40 minutes & finally talked with someone. She told me that OPM is "behind" because of so many retirees. Now I am trying to fill out paperwork for a DAE position and it wants the OPM paperwork which I have yet to see. I expected to wait awhile, but nine months? Please complete my paperwork so I can move forward.
kevin vander toorn
10/24/2010 at 11:07 AM
I to am looking foward to retirement on 12/31/2010. I'm wondering if I will be losing everything i have worked for for 33 years of government service. (specially my home) When are you going to get your act together. Hire more people to deal with this fiasco.
10/26/2010 at 12:21 PM
why isn't anyone in government helping the disabled postal workers??? 33,000 nationally are losing their jobs because they are no longer of any "value". Some of us are losing our homes, some are in dire financial situations because management is allowed to LIE, FORGE documents, and do whatever it takes to get rid of us.(Yes it's true, don't be fooled) Doesn't anyone have a conscious?
David Crom
11/1/2010 at 10:15 AM
I retired from the Bureau of Prisons on July 1st 2010, I am currently recieving partial retirement benefits. I am now told it will be 6 more months until I recieve my full benefit. If I owed the IRS money I would be required to pay penalty and interest, OPM get your act together. Somebody needs to be held accountable for jobs not getting completed in a timely manner, I think it is time to get a lawyer and take action agains the government.
Marc Glover
11/1/2010 at 5:13 PM
I too retired in July 2010 and have not received my full annuity. I cannot get a loan because banks do not take estimates and am running out of funds fast. There must be some way all the people who OPM is screwing can get togeather and FORCE them to pay. We all worked hard for this and there is no reason why we should be treated this way!!
Juanita D. Tucker
11/2/2010 at 12:02 PM
I totally feel for all of you who are still waiting for that first retirement check. Since I retired I have been looking for avenues to file a complaint against the Retirement Section of the OPM. I retired in May 2004 and did not receive my first retirement check until Feb. 2005, after I lost my home, my car, and had to live in my pop up camper for 11 months. What made the waiting worse, is YOU CAN NEVER TALK TO A PERSON ON THE PHONE. I called every day from 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. with no answer. Always the busy signal. They need more than 1 phone line. And to think that OPM just received an award from the White House. They need to revoke it, and do some internal investigations into the Retirement Section.
Marc Glover
11/4/2010 at 7:22 AM
Why have we not heard any response from OPM about these problems? They say that the reasons they are backed up are because of the amount new retirees and because of a recently purchased computer program does not work. Both are unacceptable. Everyone who is having a problem with their annuity should make a comment here and and see if we can get noticed!!! What we if we used excuses like that not to pay our taxes?
Marc Glover
11/4/2010 at 7:23 AM
Why have we not heard any response from OPM about these problems? They say that the reasons they are backed up are because of the amount new retirees and because of a recently purchased computer program does not work. Both are unacceptable. Everyone who is having a problem with their annuity should make a comment here and and see if we can get noticed!!! What we if we used excuses like that not to pay our taxes?
Larry V
11/4/2010 at 12:59 PM
I have been trying to get opm to take out for the support order for my children. They refuse to give the money for my children.I am very disturbed by how they ignore our request and our needs.We need our money.Lets file as many complaints with our congressional officials.
Marc Glover
11/4/2010 at 6:30 PM
Marc Glover
11/4/2010 at 6:30 PM
Marc Glover
11/5/2010 at 10:53 AM
Your customer service rep. just hung up on me after 20 min. wait. Where is the Transparency, Participation and Collaboration in that? It is not the retirees fault you missed managed your people. I am now losing my house and have no money for Thanksgiving or Christmas. Thanks
E. Blaney
11/11/2010 at 11:46 PM
I retired Sept 30,2010 I keep calling OPM for them to tell me they were waiting on my computation from Portsmouth, well the paper work was fedex to OPM 20 Oct 2010. The person I spoke with tells me to hold on while she checked the files to find my file on the shelf and it had not been entered into the system. I have not been paid since 15 Oct. Not the first dime. We work hard for years to have a retirement and then OPM cant even get our own money to us in a timely manner. Are we going to get paid for interest and late fees from OPM like when we owe taxes? This is our money and we cant even get it. I am single and have no paycheck coming into my household how am I suppose to pay bills. PLEASE CAN ANYONE HELP US RETIREES?
11/14/2010 at 5:08 PM
I retired as of March 2008. I've gotten the runaround from being forced out of the Postal Service on disability retirement. I do have an attorney who is baffled also by this agency. I called several times with all kinds of excuses the latest being we have everything we need but we will not even be able to log your case into the computer at least until March 2011( which will be 2 years) If I dont like how long it takes call my Congressman and tell them opm needs more help. If it weren't for social security I would be living on the streets. I'm having such a hard time paying my rent, bills and such. I can't begin to tell you loss of sleep, thoughts of suicide etc. It seems no one is in Goverment or otherwise cares for us. I did contact my Senator however I don't expect much results due to the recent elections. If I could talk with the President I'd be curious on what He could do. I got a letter in may 2010 saying I was approved but still not one dime and if I didn't call them I wouldn't know anything either. My former Union people tell me they can't help to contact my attorney. I served in the army 3.5 years and 23 years in the postal service. Did I want to leave no. I was forced out on disability. What are we to do I owe different bills because I'm living on social security disability only right now. My car is being driven illegally because I cannot afford to get it repaired or get another one. Needless to say Im tired and angry at the way we are treated in the USA and now some of our elected officials want to go after social security how are we going to live? We should be able to do something. Any ideas contact me at EMAIL RAMBO19621@YAHOO.COM
Juanita Tucker
11/16/2010 at 4:38 PM
Addressing OPM Problems (This article first appeared in the May/June 2010 issue of The American Postal Worker magazine.) Many APWU members who retired in October have reported that they still have not received regular annuity checks. We also have heard that many retirees receive a busy signal every time they call the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) on the agency’s toll-free number. This is an intolerable situation, and I have met with OPM officials several times in an effort to resolve these problems. I will continue meeting with OPM to resolve our members’ complaints. Currently, issues are being addressed on an individual basis. Please contact my office if you are experiencing a problem obtaining information about retirement and need assistance. In a February letter to John Berry, OPM Director, Sen. Barbara Mikulski (D-MD) sharply criticized OPM’s “delayed efforts to modernize their retirement information system.” These delays have inconvenienced APWU retirees for years. Mikulski also addressed complaints about the “length of time required to calculate service credit deposits and re-deposits, COLAs, and court-ordered benefits.” She noted that 132,000 federal employees that have complained about lack of access to information that they need to plan for retirement. “In a time of strained family budgets, federal employees retirees need certainty and reliable Retirees Department information; this cannot be a casual endeavor for your office,” she wrote. Judy Beard, Director Phone: 202-842-8584 Fax: 202-216-2612 About the Retirees Department APWU - Still Fighting for You!
Juanita Tucker
11/16/2010 at 4:42 PM
from Office of Personnel Management Director John Berry pledged Wednesday that his office will work harder to get retiring feds their full annuity checks more quickly. OPM will transfer 40 staff members to the 130-person division handling retirement and all employees will be eligible to work overtime immediately, Berry said at a news conference called to answer retirees' complaints reported in Federal Times' Oct. 18 story "New retirees shortchanged: 6- to 12-month waits for full pension checks." The article detailed complaints by newly retired federal employees, some of whom waited up to a year to receive the full amount of monthly pension they are entitled to. Until OPM calculates and pays retirees the full amount of their annuity, the agency pays them only a fraction of what it estimates they are entitled to. Retirees also complained that OPM has been unresponsive when they call or write to ask when their annuities will be paid in full. "I recognize the hardship this poses to our retirees," Berry said. "We need to do it different; we need to do it better." OPM "accepts full responsibility" for the delay in issuing full retirement checks to new retirees, which now averages 138 days — about four and a half months. He said he also will work to "maximize" the amount feds will get in their interim payments, he said. Berry did not say what percentage of total estimated retirement pay new retirees are now getting from OPM, nor did he say what percentage should be paid to new retirees. OPM plans to hire 40 more full-time employees for its retirement division, but those hires will not be made until Congress approves a 2011 budget, he said. The current retirement process has an "ugly history," Berry said. There were multiple multimillion-dollar attempts at modernizing the process of calculating annuities, but all have failed, he said. Since his appointment in April, he said he welcomed the White House designating OPM's retirement problems a "high-risk area." "If this is not a high risk area, then what the hell is? Berry said. OPM will pursue a small-scale approach in which pieces of the process will be automated, he said. A good goal would be to reduce workload by 20 to 30 percent through automation, he said. But when pressed, Berry did not say when OPM intends to reach that goal. He added he will make sure retirees get responses to their questions on the first attempt and by making sure OPM call centers have the resources they need. OPM made a mistake in its last modernization attempt by reducing its retirement staff in anticipation of efficiency gains that never happened, he said. There were 178 full-time specialists in 2006, down to 130 in 2010 for roughly the same number of claims. He said if OPM needs to do more training, it will do it, and if it needs to change the way it processes the paperwork, OPM will do that too. He said he hopes to make a "severe dent" in the backlog before January, when the number of feds retiring usually spikes. But he did not say how many new retirees are now in that backlog awaiting full retirement payments, nor did he define what a "severe dent" would be. "This is not a one shot deal," Berry said. "We are going to be getting this ship turned and in the right direction."
Juanita Tucker
11/16/2010 at 5:00 PM
Everyone subscribe to federal times at and coment on all topics relating to OPM. Maybe someday, somebody will listen to your complaints. Just maybe
Judy Jergens
12/2/2010 at 7:09 AM
OPM should NOT be rewarded!!! After 22 years+ (my last day of work was Feb 28, 2010) of service with the federal government, I am STILL not receiving my full pension. My credit is ruined. I have the same complaints as many of the above. My interim payment is less than $600, because I'm a CSRS Offset and may be eligible for social security this year. We don't deserve this!!!!
12/5/2010 at 1:35 AM
Judy, I too am a CSRS offset, just want to warn you, when you apply for social security they will (the system itself) will automatically try to reduce your monthly income because of what they call the "offset". I knew that it should not apply to me as I read the regs first, so when they first said (by computer computations) my annuity would be reduced due to govt pension offset, I went to the local SS office and spoke with the office manager, who in turn called the regional manager, and they corrected the system immediately, and my first SS check was not reduced. So just be forwarned and be prepared for this up front when you first apply for your SS.
12/5/2010 at 10:40 PM
Thanks Juanita. My birthday was in late November and the social security issue is settled (just what you said happened). Mine also won't be reduced via social security. Is it possible for 'OPM' to reduce the payment because of some rule I haven't heard about?
12/8/2010 at 10:35 AM
This is a great, informative blog!
12/8/2010 at 2:33 PM
The monthly charges shown on the website do not coincide with what is actually the monthly charge for the plan - esp Mail-handlers. The charge for Mail handlers is $5023plus for a family even if the family is only husband and wife - it's more than double what a single person is and as a senior they do not have to worry about pregnancies. On the website it shows tmonthly charge to be $400 + - a big difference so how can anyone figure out the real deal???
1/13/2011 at 3:36 PM
Is anyone taking these blogs and reading them such as congress or the white house these are only a portion of complaints probably 1%
Web Design
1/27/2011 at 8:41 AM
It is a great achievement for OPM to get a glorious recognition from the White House itself. This achievement is a great one because this award came in the beginning year itself.
Viree Cabral
1/27/2011 at 5:58 PM
I was not notified that there woud be no more COLAS, my insurance keeps going up which means my retirement goes down. If this keeps up, I will most likely end up on welfare, if that is possible. When I first retired in 2005, things were fine until the new elections for president. Was this just quietly done? To think I spent all of those years working diligently for the government and this is my reward. I can't believe this. I am so disappointed.... I have some huge medical bills to pay plus other living expenses.
2/15/2011 at 2:08 PM
Can anyone get thru to the OPM retiree line - 18887676738??? I just started calling today many many many times and all I ever get is a busy signal? I'd appreciate it if anyone has called this number and gotten thru. Just wondering if it even works?? Thanks.
2/15/2011 at 2:09 PM
Can anyone get thru to the OPM retiree line - 18887676738??? I just started calling today many many many times and all I ever get is a busy signal? I'd appreciate it if anyone has called this number and gotten thru. Just wondering if it even works?? Thanks.
Joe Baisden
2/28/2011 at 5:29 PM
Just adding my voice of dissent. I too am a retiree from FBOP. I voluntarily asked Opm Court Ordered Benefits Branch to automatically pay child support payments to my ex-spouse. They were rather prompt in starting the process. I started trying to get them to stop 10 months ago with no success. I filed complaint with my congressman, Senator, and even email the office of the President with no success. Has anyone found an office directory for the Retirement branch, for that matter, any opm office? Has anyone found a way to file a complaint against any Fed. opm department? Are we just venting our anger by blogging or is there anyone listening? It seems to me that some enterprising young Attorney could make some money by fileing a class action suite against these bastards!
Robert Snead
3/3/2011 at 10:06 AM
This has got to be the worst case scenario.I didn't realize so many were being treated as badly as myself. I was starting to believe COB had my # call Blocked after 215 documented calls to them since 09/15/10. I must say 3 calls were returned (2 by a secratary and one to my voicemail).The paralegal working my case through January 6 , finally answered a call and said she had all my paperwork and would be working my case next week,(01/10/11). Needra Parker never did anything for me but put me off as when I called back 2 weeks later she had been transfered. Go figure!!! I worked 6 tears in the Navy and 25 years as an Air Traffic Controller, I only wish I could have known how they take care of loyal American Civil Servants ,I would have started my own Company. I know I could do a better job taking care of loyal workers. This agency is a JOKE ,See self evaluation of Transparency in Government. Robert Snead CC: Barack Oboma Sen. Thomas Carper Sen. Chris Coons
Robert Snead
3/3/2011 at 10:08 AM
This has got to be the worst case scenario.I didn't realize so many were being treated as badly as myself. I was starting to believe COB had my # call Blocked after 215 documented calls to them since 09/15/10. I must say 3 calls were returned (2 by a secratary and one to my voicemail).The paralegal working my case through January 6 , finally answered a call and said she had all my paperwork and would be working my case next week,(01/10/11). Needra Parker never did anything for me but put me off as when I called back 2 weeks later she had been transfered. Go figure!!! I worked 6 tears in the Navy and 25 years as an Air Traffic Controller, I only wish I could have known how they take care of loyal American Civil Servants ,I would have started my own Company. I know I could do a better job taking care of loyal workers. This agency is a JOKE ,See self evaluation of Transparency in Government. Robert Snead CC: Barack Oboma Sen. Thomas Carper Sen. Chris Coons
Roger Hall
3/4/2011 at 11:33 AM
I left NASA in November, 2006 under the CSRS. I did not have the problem that many of you have described. I was told early on that my annuity would be reduced for the first month or two and so I waited. Fortunately I had another contractor job to go to that filled in my gap and sure enough after the initial period of reduced annuity OPM came through with my full annity. So, it can happen in a good way. On the other hand, because of the contractor's job I had to adjust my tax withholding to a higher level and I did this with my CSRS annuity. I was laid off last Friday and now need to adjust it back down but like many of you I have endlessly called the retirement customer service number to no avail because every single time the number is busy. Oh yea, the web site (if you registered and have a user name and password can accomplish a lot of things including adjusting your withholding but if you are like me I didn't need to use it since I retired until now and my password expired "for security reasons"(because it exceeded 15 months on inactivity). The the OPM retirement web site told me that the "ONLY WAY" that I could reset my password was to call the customer service number 1-888-767-6738. Well, we can all see that that is a significant waste of time. So how in the world can I reduce my withholding at this point? Ideas?
Roger Hall
3/4/2011 at 11:34 AM
I left NASA in November, 2006 under the CSRS. I did not have the problem that many of you have described. I was told early on that my annuity would be reduced for the first month or two and so I waited. Fortunately I had another contractor job to go to that filled in my gap and sure enough after the initial period of reduced annuity OPM came through with my full annity. So, it can happen in a good way. On the other hand, because of the contractor's job I had to adjust my tax withholding to a higher level and I did this with my CSRS annuity. I was laid off last Friday and now need to adjust it back down but like many of you I have endlessly called the retirement customer service number to no avail because every single time the number is busy. Oh yea, the web site (if you registered and have a user name and password can accomplish a lot of things including adjusting your withholding but if you are like me I didn't need to use it since I retired until now and my password expired "for security reasons"(because it exceeded 15 months on inactivity). The the OPM retirement web site told me that the "ONLY WAY" that I could reset my password was to call the customer service number 1-888-767-6738. Well, we can all see that that is a significant waste of time. So how in the world can I reduce my withholding at this point? Ideas?
3/27/2011 at 2:59 PM
Transparency my A!!. I was planning on retiring 4/11. Heard of some problems and started to contact Senator's offices in DC and Local. Got the runaround from all of them. Fancy this, I got my hands on an e-mail from K. M. White, Assistant Director Human Resource Management Division to Chief Executive Officers dated February 7, 2011. The memo outlines the reasons for the back logs as being postal early retirements and buyouts, and the number of expected retirements this year, 100,000. It also states OPM currently takes 9 to 12 months to adjudicate and finalize a retirement, and FERS retirees can expect to receive approximately 60% of the basic annuity. It goes on to say, as a reminder, retirees will not receive the Social Security Supplement while in interim pay status. The memo references 2009 as to when the backlog started, having worked for the BOP for 25 years I felt sure people had problems before then. After reading this blog now I know for sure. What angered me to the point I had to be escorted out of the prison I worked in, was I spoke to my Warden the same week I got my hands on the memo. During our conversation he said he got something on retirement earlier that week. He began reading it and bla bla bla'd over the first page which gave specifics, and then read the second page to me which outlined what you were supposed to have done as far as applying and the time lines you were to follow. Yeah time lines WE are supposed to follow, how's that for a JOKE. Were are supposed to follow their time lines and no one holds OPM to any time lines. The so called transparent government WE have all worked for has been hiding this since 2009, by the memo, that speaks volumes for how transparent the Government is. They did not even have the decency to tell their line staff about the problem so they could attempt to make some provisions to hold themselves over financially. After fighting inmates, having feces and urine thrown on me, dodging shanks (homemade knives), and having gas thrown on me for 25 years this is how I can expect to be treated, and THEY wonder why some of us GO OFF THE DEEP END! THEY USE US UP LIKE GREASY RAGS AND THROW US AWAY!!!!!!!! I can't even find a lawyer that will take a case against the fed's, their to scared, they say they don't want to fool with the government they cause to many problems for a person. Imagine that, in the Land of the Free, where the Government for the People, by the people, treats THEIR PEOPLE like S#!T. That must be what THEY mean by transparency!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Charles Tunstall
5/23/2011 at 3:14 PM
My comment/question is this. Why are employees told to report to a temporary duty station on a reaccuring basis, but are not alled to use Government Transportation. The temporary worw site is 36 miles from the official duty station,send reply asap!!!
Charles McAllister
6/7/2011 at 8:48 AM
I was forced to retire/disabled from USPS. They said they tried to find another position,but I know for a fact they didn't. So I had to take early retire/disability due to my back and hips. I got my disability from OPM then was told I had to sign up for SS. I did, I got it. I was required to inform OPM of this. I did. I filled out and sent a form stating I was getting SS. I even called them stating I was getting it. I talke to 5 different women 5X, asking questions about what was going on and about some details. I never talked to so many stupid people. NONE had any asnwers. Fine. 7 yrs laters my OPM check is cut in half, no warning. I call agin and same stupid people don't know why. Finally I was able to get a hold of someone who said an explanation had already been sent. 2 wks later I got it(no doubt another lie). I tried to contest it, went to the Merit Systems Board, sent my financials,etc. More lies about how I didn't leave messages, didn't send in the SS form, have no physical eveidence proving anything I was saying ( I guess you are expected to tape all phone conversations with them). I was told gas and food were not considered expenses(my wife still drives to work). Long and short is OPM never contacted me even though they said they did about my payments. So now in the form they finally sent I OWE them ALL my disability payments!! This comes out of my SS checks because what's left of my OPM payments are paying for health insurance and when that goes up I'll have to pay for that out of my SS too! As above, no lawyer will touch this, not even a so called OPM lawyer. I was told OPM does this to many people...let's their payments accrue then tell them they owe it back. I'll be dead before I get them crooks paid back!! So much for working 21yrs, taking at most 2 weeks total sick time, doing good work...then getting screwed by the people you worked for!
Charles McAllister
6/30/2011 at 8:19 PM
Nobody at OPM even reads this! I know let's put up a website (paid for with taxpayer money), say we will listen and blah,blah,blah....then not do a thing with it! I spoke 8X with them and no one could do anything but say "I don't know"...except for one person and she was the head of the dept that makes sure I pay back my disability after I sent them appropriate forms telling them so AND making phone calls!
Charles McAllister
6/30/2011 at 8:20 PM
Nobody at OPM even reads this! I know let's put up a website (paid for with taxpayer money), say we will listen and blah,blah,blah....then not do a thing with it! I spoke 8X with them and no one could do anything but say "I don't know"...except for one person and she was the head of the dept that makes sure I pay back my disability after I sent them appropriate forms telling them so AND making phone calls!
Rich Bram
12/23/2011 at 10:08 AM
OPM Retirement Services is broken beyond repair. For the past year, I have made repeated attempts by email, phone, Fax and USPS mail to obtain OPM assistance in correcting an error in my survivor annuity records and all of my attempts have been unsuccessful. In frustration, I wrote directly to the Associate Director, Retirement Services, and he was cordial enough to get personally involved; however, I was subsequently referred directly back to the Chief of the Court Order Division; the same Division that has been unresponsive for the past year. Given the high level personal interest in this matter, it is astonishing that no further follow up action was taken by management officials. This is indicative of the extent to which standard managerial practices have broken down within Retirement Services. I had no other option but to seek congressional assistance but, at this point, I am not optimistic that my records will be corrected any time soon. Considering the magnitude of blatant unresponsiveness by Retirement Services, in terms of number of customers and lengths of time, my thought is that perhaps “60 Minutes” or a YouTube video describing the extent of dysfunction, would serve to bring National attention to this absolutely unacceptable situation.
Steve Emond
1/7/2012 at 12:20 PM
I retired Dec 31, 2010. I received pay for leave on the books within 2 weeks so I know that my papers went through. I was told 6-8 months to process my retirement so I called the "Customer Service" line in April to see how things were going. I was then told everything was on track. I called back again in June and asked again and the customer service rep very rudely accused my agency of not submitting my paperwork until Feb which I know was not true. He then immediately forwarded me to another person who informed me that my case had not even been assigned to anyone yet. Almost 6 months had past at this time. So much for being on track. I called again in Aug and was told it should be complete by the end of Sept. Again, nothing. I called again in Oct and the only thing the rep had to offer was to forward me to the person handling my case. I have left messages and sent e-mails and the only response I ever get is "I'll forward you". Since Oct I have not been able to get through on the "Customer Service" line. It has now been 1 year and 7 days since I retired. I am also under FERS so my interim payment does not include the supplement. It's bad enough that I'm waiting this long and then to be ignored when trying to get a status is like adding insult to injury. As of right now, my interim payments are about 10% of my retirement payments.
Vickie Dorsey
1/12/2012 at 1:06 AM
I retired on 1 Apr 2011 and have been getting interim payments since then. I am in jeopardy of loosing my house and my car. My credit is ruined. I have called, emailed, and talked to retirement reps who have told me that my claim has not been worked yet, it has been sent to Washington, it would be accelerated...and still, I have not gotten any results. What can I do??? I'm afraid I'll end up on the street after working 38 years for the government!!!!
susan wolf
1/25/2012 at 9:30 PM
I also retired from the usps on may, 2011, it is now jan. 2012. i have been receiving partial pension payments. i have called opm 5 times and each time have talked to a different person. i have been given a different reason why i have not received full payment yet. i have been told that where i worked caused the problem, i was told they are short of help, i have been told it would be corrected by dec., it wasn't. today i wrote to my congressman asking for help. what a shame, 23 years of back breaking work in rain, sleet , heat. gave them 100 %, no sick calls. now where are they, this whole system is going down the tubes. i would like to know what they are doing with my money?
susan wolf
1/25/2012 at 9:31 PM
I also retired from the usps on may, 2011, it is now jan. 2012. i have been receiving partial pension payments. i have called opm 5 times and each time have talked to a different person. i have been given a different reason why i have not received full payment yet. i have been told that where i worked caused the problem, i was told they are short of help, i have been told it would be corrected by dec., it wasn't. today i wrote to my congressman asking for help. what a shame, 23 years of back breaking work in rain, sleet , heat. gave them 100 %, no sick calls. now where are they, this whole system is going down the tubes. i would like to know what they are doing with my money?
R Hamilton
2/8/2012 at 7:58 PM
Well maybe it is time John Berry is removed from his position! I was told by OPM they do not have form 2806 back from my employing agency. I spoke to DFAS and they stated their part in my retirement was completed two days after my retirement, which would of been July 22nd. OPM has given several different reasons as to what the hold up is and I was even told during one conversation to NOT CALL THEM BACK, AS I WAS HOLDING UP THE PROCESS! What a laugh! In my 38 years of my career, if I had failed to do my job planes would have crashed!! It is absolutely not reasonable to think there is a HUGE PROBLEM WITH OPM AND THEIR DIRECTOR JOHN BERRY. I have spent 38 years protecting my country and loving my job to only be treated with disrespect! Maybe we all should send our monthly bills to our congressmen and they can forward them to John Berry to personally pay. Either do your job OPM and John Berry or give it to someone who can!
R Hamilton
2/8/2012 at 7:58 PM
Well maybe it is time John Berry is removed from his position! I was told by OPM they do not have form 2806 back from my employing agency. I spoke to DFAS and they stated their part in my retirement was completed two days after my retirement, which would of been July 22nd. OPM has given several different reasons as to what the hold up is and I was even told during one conversation to NOT CALL THEM BACK, AS I WAS HOLDING UP THE PROCESS! What a laugh! In my 38 years of my career, if I had failed to do my job planes would have crashed!! It is absolutely not reasonable to think there is a HUGE PROBLEM WITH OPM AND THEIR DIRECTOR JOHN BERRY. I have spent 38 years protecting my country and loving my job to only be treated with disrespect! Maybe we all should send our monthly bills to our congressmen and they can forward them to John Berry to personally pay. Either do your job OPM and John Berry or give it to someone who can!
5/2/2012 at 11:11 AM
Well it looks like nothing has changed. from reading these other comments dating back 2-3 years ago, and the same bad service and long wait times still are the norm. Shame on OPM as another federal government branch for the way they treat all the other federal retirment employees. I myself am a dissabled veteran who still worked for the government another 20 years until my dissability became untolerable. Now i filed for dissability retirement in june 2011 it took them till jan 2012 to approve my disability. Now with it being may 2012 i still have no interum pay and no back pay!! How can they (OPM) justify hey if you work for the federal government and retire or dissability retire. you will not get paid for atleast a year. Thank you for your service. I am also tire of hearing the "we" are over worked with to many retirees. Do you really think your OPM-retirement branch is th only overworked government agency in the US. I never used that line when the large amount of millitary personel discharged and came to the VA for help and medical care..
5/2/2012 at 11:12 AM
Well it looks like nothing has changed. from reading these other comments dating back 2-3 years ago, and the same bad service and long wait times still are the norm. Shame on OPM as another federal government branch for the way they treat all the other federal retirment employees. I myself am a dissabled veteran who still worked for the government another 20 years until my dissability became untolerable. Now i filed for dissability retirement in june 2011 it took them till jan 2012 to approve my disability. Now with it being may 2012 i still have no interum pay and no back pay!! How can they (OPM) justify hey if you work for the federal government and retire or dissability retire. you will not get paid for atleast a year. Thank you for your service. I am also tire of hearing the "we" are over worked with to many retirees. Do you really think your OPM-retirement branch is th only overworked government agency in the US. I never used that line when the large amount of millitary personel discharged and came to the VA for help and medical care..
Doris pinto
5/23/2012 at 3:12 PM
Magical spells really work!! I never thought there were still honest, genuine, trustworthy and very powerful spell casters until i met the spiritual helper, MERUJA OWO. last week he did a love spell for me and it worked effectively and now he just casted another healing spell for my friend who has fibroid and family problem and now she is totally free and she is presently the happiest person on earth, she keeps thanking me all day.. I just thought it would be good to tell the whole world about his good work and how genuine he is, i wasn't thinking i could get any help because of my past experiences with other fake casters who could not bring my husband back to me and they all promised heaven and earth and all they are able to do is ask for more money all the time until i met with this man. he does all spells, Love spells, money spells, lottery spells e.t.c i wish i can save every one who is in those casters trap right now because i went though hell thinking and hoping they could help me.i recommend MERUJA OWO for any kind of help you want. his email address is: if you want to ask me anything my e-mail is: Kind Regards,
6/9/2012 at 6:26 PM
this is a spell caster I contacted 2weeks ago. he is really great. I have been scammed initially by other spell casters of almost a thousand of dollars. I am not rich, I work my ass for this hard earned money. But my sadness was turned to joy when I met Dr.Zack Balo he is really terrific and you will get results for whatever you are seeing he for within very few days. he is so honest and sticks to his promises. His contact is
6/13/2012 at 1:25 PM
I am Doris used every single spell worker on the internet, spent untold amounts of money and discovered they are all fakes…i was the fool though; doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. In the end, I decided that I wanted a tarot reading to know what my future held for me; I contacted a woman who lives locally to me and she told me about a man named (priests meruja); he does not advertise on the internet, has another job for income, has no set prices, makes no false promises and refuses to help anyone that cannot be helped and even helps for free sometimes, he will give you proof before taking money. He is a wonderful man and he was the only person who actually gave me real results. I really hope he doesn’t mind me advertising his contact on the internet but I’m sure any help/ extra work will benefit him as He travel marriage,finance, job promotion ,gambling voodoo,lottery Voodoo,poker voodoo,golf Voodoo,Law & Court case Spells,money voodoo,weigh loss voodoo,any sicknesses voodoo,Trouble in marriage,it’s all he does Hope this helps everyone that is in a desperate situation as I once was; I know how it feels to hold onto something and never have a chance to move on because of the false promises and then to feel trapped in wanting something more. his cell phone number 5182932141 !
Ken Martin
7/9/2012 at 6:59 PM
What a JOKE! My congressman's office tells me it is one of the worst agencies to work with. I have been trying for 4 months to get health benefits for my new wife. I am retired. WHAT A JOKE! Like talking to a door knob. Get better response from my dogs.
Ken Martin
7/9/2012 at 6:59 PM
What a JOKE! My congressman's office tells me it is one of the worst agencies to work with. I have been trying for 4 months to get health benefits for my new wife. I am retired. WHAT A JOKE! Like talking to a door knob. Get better response from my dogs.
Willis Renshaw
7/20/2012 at 2:28 AM
has anyone contacted the News Media to get news coverage with this problem?
Willis Renshaw
7/20/2012 at 2:32 AM
has anyone contacted the News Media to get news coverage with this problem?
Willis Renshaw
7/20/2012 at 2:35 AM
has anyone tried to get the News Media involved?
8/10/2012 at 5:47 PM
I was angry with this my best friend of a man which i do not know the reason why i was angry with him but at time going i
find out this man was the reason my wife left me after i request help from the
relationship therapist he said he will help me with a spell that will surely bring her back.but i never believe all this…he told me i will see a positive result within 4 days.. 4 days later, she called me herself and came to me apologizing and she told me she will come back to me.. I cant believe this, it was like a dream cos i never believe this will work out after trying many spell casters and there is no solution..The spell therapist is so powerful and after that he helped me with a pregnancy spell and my wife got pregnant a month later..we are now happy been together again and with lovely kid..This relationship therapist has really changed my life and i will forever thankful to him..he has helped many friends too with similar problem too and they are happy and thankful to him..This man is indeed the most powerful relationship therapist have ever experienced in life.. Am Posting this to the Forum in case there is anyone who has similar problem and still looking for a way can
reach him here:
G Myren
11/13/2012 at 8:47 AM
My father died. I have notified over 11 agencies, stocks, etc. But when it comes to cancelling his retirement from OPM I can't get through.
No message.
No wait time.
Only a busy signal.
It's unbelievable with all this modern technology today that OPM only gives a busy signal. So primitive and cold. Are they doing this on purpose to send someone some message? Very strange.
So what am I supposed to do?
G Myren
11/13/2012 at 8:49 AM
My father died. I have notified over 11 agencies, stocks, etc. But when it comes to cancelling his retirement from OPM I can't get through.
No message.
No wait time.
Only a busy signal.
It's unbelievable with all this modern technology today that OPM only gives a busy signal. So primitive and cold. Are they doing this on purpose to send someone some message? Very strange.
So what am I supposed to do?
2/1/2013 at 1:32 AM MERUJA OWO... SCAM ARTIST,,,BEWARE,,, USER Doris or
goes by jannet ( post on this forum) is a scam artist who advertises for this
nigerian scam artist NATIVEDOCTOR101@LIVE.COM.. .. Meruja owo scammed me for
650$ canadian dollars. HE IS A SCAM ARTIST FROM NIGERIA. MERUJA OWO will ask you
to send him money western union and than he will haggle you for more and more
money and he is fake with no results. HE IS A SCAM BEWARE,, HE IS BEING
2/1/2013 at 1:33 AM MERUJA OWO... SCAM ARTIST,,,BEWARE,,, USER Doris or
goes by jannet ( post on this forum) is a scam artist who advertises for this
nigerian scam artist NATIVEDOCTOR101@LIVE.COM.. .. Meruja owo scammed me for
650$ canadian dollars. HE IS A SCAM ARTIST FROM NIGERIA. MERUJA OWO will ask you
to send him money western union and than he will haggle you for more and more
money and he is fake with no results. HE IS A SCAM BEWARE,, HE IS BEING

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