U.S. Department of Justice

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Chief Jail Inspector's Network: Proceedings of the Annual Meeting
National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Washington, DC).
These proceedings are divided into two parts: Day One—introductions and overview, NIC Information Center, National Sheriff’s Association update, American Correctional Association Jail Standards update, Iowa, Minnesota, and Indiana standards and inspections, U.S. Marshals Service (USMS) update, and “Suicide Prevention: Current Research, Policies and Procedures, and Legal Trends; and Day Two—legal issues in today’s jails, Prison Rape Elimination Act, “Surviving in Hard Times: Marketing the Jail In... Read More
281 pages
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RE: Investigation of the Harris County Jail
U.S. Dept. of Justice. Civil Rights Division (Washington, DC).
Results from an evaluation of conditions at the Harris County Jail (Houston, TX) are presented. This report is divided into four sections: jail description; legal framework; constitutional deficiencies in medical care, protection from harm, and sanitation and life safety; and recommended remedial measures.... Read More
24 p.
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Chief Jail Inspectors' Network Meeting Proceedings, 2009
National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Washington, DC).
Proceedings from the 11th annual two day Chief Jail Inspectors' Meeting are presented. Topics discussed include: meeting overview and highlights; introduction; ACA CORE Standards update; NSA Committee update; federal agency update; New Jersey Information System; Ohio report—changes ahead for Ohio jails; data collection; construction trends; alternatives to incarceration; Justice Policy Institute article—“Jailing Communities”; doing everything with nothing; NIC update; Jail Transition/Reentry to ... Read More
182 p.
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Jail Inspection Basics: Supervisors Guide
By Rosazza, Thomas A.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
This guide prepares supervisors for conversations with new inspectors taking the "Jail Inspection Basics: An Introductory Self-Study Course for Jail Inspectors" self-guided course (NIC accession no. 022124). Questions and answer keys are provided along with discussion topics for each chapter.... Read More
78 p.
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Jail Inspection Basics: An Introductory Self-Study Course for Jail Inspectors
By Rosazza, Thomas A.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
This self-paced, self-instruction course explains the role and responsibilities of a jail inspector. Questions are asked at the end of each chapter which lead to answers from and discussion with their supervisors. Supervisors use the publication "Jail Inspection Basics: Supervisors Guide" (NIC accession no. 022123). Chapters cover: legal issues; standards; the inspection process; facility design; communication; government structures and processes; and resources.... Read More
136 p.
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Jail Standards and Inspection Programs: Resource and Implementation Guide
By Martin, Mark D.. National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Washington, DC).
“The purpose of this guide is to give information that will help states and state jail-related organizations to develop or update jail standards and inspection programs" (p. v). This publication contains the following sections: introduction; role and purpose of jail standards; jail standards and liability; key elements of jail standards and inspection programs; strategies for developing and implementing jail standards programs; technical assistance and resources available from the National Insti... Read More
64 p.
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Authority of State-Level Jail Inspection Agencies to Close County/Local Jails
National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Longmont, CO); LIS, Inc. (Longmont, CO).
Responses "to a question posed in November 2003 by the NIC Jails Division on that agency's private e-mail discussion list provided for chief state jail inspectors" are provided (p. 1). Seventeen of 23 responding agencies noted that jail inspectors do not have authority to close jails.... Read More
3 p.
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Competency Profile of Detention Facility Inspector
National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
The knowledge, skills, and traits needed by a detention facility inspector are assessed in this DACUM profile. Tasks are organized into the following duties; conduct facility inspections; provide technical assistance; perform administrative tasks; conduct investigations; oversee construction plan review process; provide training programs; and promote professional growth.... Read More
7 p.
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Jail Inspection Basics: An Introductory Self-Study Course for Jail Inspectors
By Rosazza, Thomas A.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). Nebraska Commission on Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice. Jail Standards Division (Lincoln, NE).
Particular skills common to most inspectors are identified in this document that was designed as an entrance level training vehicle for inspectors. Legal issues, standards, the inspection process, facility design and its impact on operations, communications, organizational structures, and resources are topics addressed.... Read More
155 p.
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Jail Inspection Basics: An Introductory Self-Study Course for Jail Inspectors, Supervisor's Guide
By Rosazza, Thomas A.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). Nebraska Commission on Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice. Jail Standards Division (Lincoln, NE).
The purpose of the Supervisor's Guide is to provide the supervisor a means to facilitate interaction between himself and the new inspector about the topics in the self-study course.... Read More
50 p.

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