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An official website of the United States Government.

Open Government Blog

This month, OPM released the results of the 2010 Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey (Fedview), formerly called the Federal Human Capital Survey. We used the Fedview survey to gather data on employees’ perceptions in areas such as job satisfaction and engagement.

Here are some of the questions about transparency, collaboration, and participation we asked in the 2010 survey:

Over a quarter-million government employees responded to the survey. Read our Published Reports for narrative accounts of the results or check out the weighted and unweighted results to see the data.

Now that we’ve collected the data, we need to act on the results. OPM is starting a new initiative through which we will provide customized support to agencies wishing to use the results of the survey to spur changes within their organizations.

The Fedview survey is one way employees can help improve their agencies. Others include President Obama's SAVE Award, through which the Administration is collecting ideas from Federal employees on how to achieve efficiencies and savings within their agencies. We'd love to hear from you about other ways Federal employees might help bring about improvements at their agencies, especially at OPM.

Please share your thoughts on the Fedview survey with us!

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Barbara West
9/1/2010 at 10:15 PM
it's great that the President and OPM are promoting this campaign to hire people with disabilities. How do you proposed to get the folks at these agencies to treat us fairly. I hope that you will put in place oversight to assist in keeping up safe. I have recently been hired by a govt agency and was stripped of my pride, dignity an joy. I am fighting a fight to prove to these people I am not a second class citizen, I just have a disability.
J. Jones
9/2/2010 at 4:58 AM
I think that the survey has a positive outlook on most areas. I think that OPM can create some more flexibility in the hiring process and some clarity as far as how people are eligible. For example what makes the GS-9 with Bachelors any less qualified or capable of performing in a position as a GS-12, than the GS-11 who has no education whatsoever. Experience is very valuable, it's just hard to believe that GS-9 is just automatically disqualified from contention in that position based on the arbitrary 52 week TIG that was established so long ago. Now when it comes down to allowing the manager to compare between the two that is a different story, but at least give the person an opportunity to get to that level. I think the move to make the hiring process more simplistic and transparent in November is great, I think to we need to add on to that and do more.
Crystal Blyler
9/3/2010 at 2:58 PM
58% of survey respondents were non-supervisory. In other words, 42% of survey respondents across the Federal government are in supervisory positions. In some agencies, there is a higher percentage of supervisory staff than non-supervisory. In the worst instance, fully 71.5% of the State Department respondents were supervisory. What are we to make of this? Is the Federal government so top heavy that there are more people supervising than actually working? It certainly feels that way to those few of us regular workers. These rates suggest that there are 1 to 3 supervisors per worker! How does this compare to the private sector? This seems like an area ripe for major transformation of the Federal government.
Debra Hamon
9/16/2010 at 1:21 AM
It"s great that President and OPM are promoting this compaign for people had to reassign there postion in the goverment take care parents And been get back on Denver va Hospital i am formal empolyee i had severly interviewa and no jobs offer . this need improver
Lisa L
9/16/2010 at 5:12 AM
Why arent ALL federal employees given the survey? I am a federal employee along with 50 others. I guess my agency is considered "quasi". In my case, federal employees and federal dollars are managed by civilians. There are a few agencies set up like this and I know that morale is the WORST including within my own agency. They are not concerned in the least about the workers, workers rights, how we are treated-which is worse than pond scum. Supervisors are verbally abusing employees. Turnover is about 80%. We had to get a union in because things are so bad and its been like this for 9 yrs. ALL federal employees should be given the survey if you want a complete picture. I feel robbed of the opportunity to tell OPM and Congress that we have problems-HUGE ones. Agencies wont change until they are publicly exposed. We dont matter and we wont ever matter because what they want is those FEDERAL DOLLARS and be darn the federal employees that tend to their every need. We want to be heard. I think you will find far biggier problems in those places that Congress has granted full authority to civlians to manage federal people and dollars.
D. Steinfeld
9/16/2010 at 8:15 PM
Reading the various comments, the folks are on target. The OPM system is archaic and once this economy improves and all the old folks are required to retire the system is going to find their past of refusing to hire a few years ago will define major impacts. Yes, it is still the good old boy system. The wages we are given is like living on poverty scale esp. at GS-5 level. Once makes just above the level of being truly poor but not enough to be able to pay for medical insurance for your family nor add/compensate one’s lively hood/retirement. The idea of education/experience is like the Gov desires folks with experience/education but refuses to compensate one for their skills and abilities. There is no insensitive to further one’s education for the cost is never recovered in an ample amount of time. This one of the major reasons why those who are 20-35 are not seeking employment with the government since it often is an old foggy environment and with minimum opportunities and pay. The older folks who are lifers often fail to understand value of $ and time which should not be wasted. However, since it is not a personal resources, they fail to protect the tax paper. No, one in the gov will grow rich but one will have an retirement; however, nothing in life is a guarantee. They can pull the plug like any organization if they do not delete it they have the ability reduce the total package which can be a reduction of benefits or make one pay more their medical insurance once they retire. Yes, why not all government employees were not allowed to take survey. Lastly, the HR system and hiring practices are often system that is controlled and employ clueless Individuals who believe they own the world (They have no idea of the real world; private sector) but ask them a basic question and they are unable to provide a response or will tell you they will have to get back with you!
D Steinfeld
9/16/2010 at 8:17 PM
Reading the various comments, the folks are on target. The OPM system is archaic and once this economy improves and all the old folks are required to retire the system is going to find their past of refusing to hire a few years ago will define major impacts. Yes, it is still the good old boy system. The wages we are given is like living on poverty scale esp. at GS-5 level. Once makes just above the level of being truly poor but not enough to be able to pay for medical insurance for your family nor add/compensate one’s lively hood/retirement. The idea of education/experience is like the Gov desires folks with experience/education but refuses to compensate one for their skills and abilities. There is no insensitive to further one’s education for the cost is never recovered in an ample amount of time. This one of the major reasons why those who are 20-35 are not seeking employment with the government since it often is an old foggy environment and with minimum opportunities and pay. The older folks who are lifers often fail to understand value of $ and time which should not be wasted. However, since it is not a personal resources, they fail to protect the tax paper. No, one in the gov will grow rich but one will have an retirement; however, nothing in life is a guarantee. They can pull the plug like any organization if they do not delete it they have the ability reduce the total package which can be a reduction of benefits or make one pay more their medical insurance once they retire. Yes, why not all government employees were not allowed to take survey. Lastly, the HR system and hiring practices are often system that is controlled and employ clueless Individuals who believe they own the world (They have no idea of the real world; private sector) but ask them a basic question and they are unable to provide a response or will tell you they will have to get back with you!
Mike V
10/24/2010 at 1:52 PM
Need to have a system where we can check the status of our background investigations.So we are not hanging on indefinitly.
Rosa Angelica Z
10/27/2010 at 11:13 AM
I would like to see more promotions from with-in. We put in the hours and training in hopes to be selected for upcoming higher level jobs, always to see out side hires getting the positions. I am talking bout qualified folks who score. Why is this even happen, specially if it is a non-technical specialized position? Need fairness across the board.
Dennis Halcomb
10/27/2010 at 9:59 PM
As a veteran, I am very thankful to have a job in civil service but I do believe some managers hold back military retires because of jealousness. And, I think that transparency only goes so far, then a curtain goes up to block individuals from being heard. I know veterans bring several positive attributes to the table, but a conspiracy to hold them back or down will and always does subdue them. OPM has fantastic directions, but where the rubber meets the road is where the action is.
Mark Brown
11/7/2010 at 9:44 AM
WITHOUT FEAR OF REPRISAL? I complained to the Commanding Officer about the cancellation of a project to replace unsafe flooring. His ego was bruised because I questioned his decision. I complained to OSHA, the DODIG and my state Senator about the unsafe floor and my fear of retaliation. This didn't help. My employment was terminated 24 hours before my probationary period was finished. None of these agencies have offered me any protection
Angelique Brown
12/1/2010 at 6:57 PM
I would like to know when the issue of corruption within the hiring CPOC and CPACs will be addressed and dealt with. I am amazed that I was unqualified and qualified for the same position. Meaning I am a status candidate employee and I applied under that announcement as well as the public one. Pray tell how I used the same resumix and only qulaified under one opening. I work on a base where some of the people are not qualified for the positions they hold but based on who they know they got positions which should have gone to qualified personnel. Please tell me when and how you are going to address such widespread corruption.
Robert Benson
12/11/2010 at 11:46 PM
RE: FERS Annuity Supplement Calculation of the supplement is intricate, lengthy, and difficult. In fact, it is so bad, when OPM notiifies retirees of the amount of the supplement, they provide no information on the information used, how the calculation was performed, etc. It is simply "trust me." I propose that OPM develop/acquire computer software for dealing with the supplement. The software would not only do the calculation, it would also generate a useful printout of the numbers and procedures used to arrive at the final figure. If OPM cannot do this in-house, vendors will be happy to help.
Seo Tips
1/31/2011 at 8:32 AM
The survey done on the viewpoint of federal employee by OPM is really a great job to appreciate. The conclusion drawn by them definitely reflects the true scenario.
2/15/2011 at 6:33 AM
Your blog is great for anyone who wants to understand this subject more. Great stuff; please keep it up!
S Miller
2/15/2011 at 10:53 AM
This blog is great but someone needs to listen and act on the negative that is exposed. I can tell you of so many cases of management within the Veterans Admin that are doing everything to get rid of any vets working for them. WHAT IS THIS ALL ABOUT? They ignore the problem with management and sweep it under the rug, while stating they want to hire the vets. REALLY!!! Most of the management doing this have NEVER served. The government money WASTED by these managers for unnessary out of country phone calls and trips for meetings that NEVER take place. Who is looking into these complaints? If budget cuts need to be made lets start there and quit allowing our vets to continue to pay with there livelyhood. If the Veterans Admin will not hire our vets and keep them employed who will????
S Miller
2/15/2011 at 10:53 AM
This blog is great but someone needs to listen and act on the negative that is exposed. I can tell you of so many cases of management within the Veterans Admin that are doing everything to get rid of any vets working for them. WHAT IS THIS ALL ABOUT? They ignore the problem with management and sweep it under the rug, while stating they want to hire the vets. REALLY!!! Most of the management doing this have NEVER served. The government money WASTED by these managers for unnessary out of country phone calls and trips for meetings that NEVER take place. Who is looking into these complaints? If budget cuts need to be made lets start there and quit allowing our vets to continue to pay with there livelyhood. If the Veterans Admin will not hire our vets and keep them employed who will????
4/25/2011 at 7:20 PM
Transparency and openess are buzz words that will mean "business as usual" unless the underlying corruption in the Civilian Personnel agencies is addressed. I'm fairly new to gov't employ and so far I've witnessed several blatant corrupt and illegal practices by my local Civ. Personnel department. Furthermore, the union is a small local union who is overwhelmed with complaints. So, I either have to go directly to the FLRA or ignore the obvious illegal hiring practices that they use to staff gov't positions. We had one such employee get hired over the obvious qualified candidates with the hiring decision taken away from our office/commander by Civ. Per. To make a long story short, they put someone in the position who didn't know base level tasks, yet this person was protected by the agency. To further exaserbate the issue, no one can tell me who my local Civ. Personnel dept is accountable to. So, I have no way to escalate egregious occurances unless I go straight to FLRA. There will be NO transparency nor openess worth a hill of beans until the government starts to get rid of the huge beauracracy and obvious disconnects in upward and downward accountability. These are the first issues that need to be fixed. Until then, you can make your website as open as you think it is and nothing will change...except your website.
4/25/2011 at 7:21 PM
Transparency and openess are buzz words that will mean "business as usual" unless the underlying corruption in the Civilian Personnel agencies is addressed. I'm fairly new to gov't employ and so far I've witnessed several blatant corrupt and illegal practices by my local Civ. Personnel department. Furthermore, the union is a small local union who is overwhelmed with complaints. So, I either have to go directly to the FLRA or ignore the obvious illegal hiring practices that they use to staff gov't positions. We had one such employee get hired over the obvious qualified candidates with the hiring decision taken away from our office/commander by Civ. Per. To make a long story short, they put someone in the position who didn't know base level tasks, yet this person was protected by the agency. To further exaserbate the issue, no one can tell me who my local Civ. Personnel dept is accountable to. So, I have no way to escalate egregious occurances unless I go straight to FLRA. There will be NO transparency nor openess worth a hill of beans until the government starts to get rid of the huge beauracracy and obvious disconnects in upward and downward accountability. These are the first issues that need to be fixed. Until then, you can make your website as open as you think it is and nothing will change...except your website.
8/6/2011 at 1:33 PM
I think the survey tool has outlived its usefulness in its present form. An agency of 100K employees is represented by 1000 responses; this is not the 'true' picture and can not be easily extrapolated. The questions no longer conform to current theory and the answers are only as good as the questions.
Edie LeRoy
8/29/2011 at 6:17 PM
If the country is struggling financially and there need to be budget cuts, why are there so many trips by supervisors and higher grade staff for conferences. This is a disgrace that so much money is being spent for these trips. Most of these people come back with nothing. This really needs to stop. The country is struggling, and we're sending people on trips!!! What a total waste!
7/6/2012 at 5:33 AM
When will the recent fed employee survey results be publshed? Seems to me if it takes a year and the premise is to let our bosses know how we feel (and hopefully members of Congress too) then taking a year to publish does very little. And quite honestly, I dont think the results will change sr management.As long as they get fed funds and arent chastised, why should they change a thing?
7/6/2012 at 5:34 AM
When will the recent fed employee survey results be publshed? Seems to me if it takes a year and the premise is to let our bosses know how we feel (and hopefully members of Congress too) then taking a year to publish does very little. And quite honestly, I dont think the results will change sr management.As long as they get fed funds and arent chastised, why should they change a thing?
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10/26/2012 at 2:43 AM
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10/26/2012 at 2:46 AM
I must query a couple of details. Can I post them here or should I email you.
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10/26/2012 at 2:48 AM
The questions no longer conform to current theory and the answers are only as good as the questions.
11/21/2012 at 3:37 AM
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