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Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
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Photo of Joanne W. Hsu
  • Ph.D., Economics, University of Michigan, 2011
  • A.B., Economics and International Relations, Brown University, 2003
  • Current Research Topics

  • Financial Literacy and Financial Decisionmaking
  • Consumer Credit
    • Economist

      Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

    • 2011 - present
  • discussion

    June 2012

    RAND Behavioral Finance (BeFi) Forum Public Policy Roundtable

  • seminar

    March 2012

    FRB/GWSB Financial Literacy Seminar Series

  • conference

    December 2011

    Conference on Aging, Health, and Human Capital

    The Implications of Alzheimer's Disease Risk for Household Financial Decisionmaking

  • conference

    September 2011

    Internet Interviewing and the HRS

    Mode Effects in Mixed-Mode Surveys: Insights from the Cognitive Economics Study

  • seminar

    February 2011

    Federal Reserve Board of Governors

    Aging and Strategic Learning: the Impact of Spousal Incentives on Financial Literacy

  • conference

    June 2010

    Western Economic Association International Annual Conference

    Aging and Strategic Learning: the Impact of Spousal Incentives on Financial Literacy

  • seminar

    September 2010

    University of Michigan, Abraham and Thelma Zwerdling Labor Economics Seminar Series

    Aging and Strategic Learning: the Impact of Spousal Incentives on Financial Literacy


  • 2010

    Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan

    A. Regula Herzog Young Investigators Award

  • 2010

    Networks Financial Institute

    Dissertation Fellowship in Financial Literacy

  • 2010

    Western Economic Association International

    Graduate Student Dissertation Workshop Grant

Professional Affiliation

  • American Economics Association
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Last update: July 2, 2012