Measurement : Cloud base height

For a given cloud or cloud layer, the lowest level of the atmosphere where cloud properties are detectable.

Cloud Properties


The above measurement is considered scientifically relevant for the following instruments. Refer to the datastream (netcdf) file headers of each instrument for a list of all available measurements, including those recorded for diagnostic or quality assurance purposes.

  • ARM Instruments
    • BLC : Belfort Laser Ceilometer
    • MPL : Micropulse Lidar
    • MWRP : Microwave Radiometer Profiler
    • RL : Raman Lidar
    • VCEIL : Vaisala Ceilometer
  • External Instruments
    • NOAASURF : NOAA Surface Meteorology Data, collected by NWS and NCDC
    • NCEPGFS : National Centers for Environment Prediction Global Forecast System
    • RUC : Rapid Update Cycle Model Data
  • Field Campaign Instruments
    • AERIPLUS-UWISC : AERIPLUS-University of Wisconsin
    • CO2LIDAR : Carbon Dioxide Doppler Lidar
    • CEIL-UMIAMI : Ceilometer(University of Miami)
    • CIR : Cloud Infrared Radiometer
    • IRSI : Infrared Sky Imager
    • MIRAI : JAMSTEC Research Vessel Mirai
    • MPL : Micropulse Lidar
    • MPL-AIR : Micropulse Lidar- Airborne
    • MWRP : Microwave Radiometer Profiler
    • LBTM-MINNIS : Minnis Cloud Products Using LBTM Algorithm
    • VISST : Minnis Cloud Products Using Visst Algorithm
    • RONBROWN : NOAA Research Vessel Ron Brown
    • NOAASURF : NOAA Surface Meteorology Data, collected by NWS and NCDC
    • NAWX : NRC Airborne W and X Band Radar
    • MPLNOR : Normalized Backscatter Profiles from the Micropulse Lidar
    • PARSL : PNNL's Atmospheric Remote Sensing Laboratory
    • MMCR94PSU : Penn State 94GHz MMCR
    • RLPROF : Raman LIDAR Vertical Profiles
    • RL : Raman Lidar
    • MMCR94MIAMI : University of Miami 94GHz MMCR
    • VCEIL : Vaisala Ceilometer

Value-Added Products


  • MPL : Micropulse Lidar Datastreams
    • MPLPS : Micropulse Lidar: polarization of atmosphere
    • MPL : Micropulse Lidar (MPL): cloud base and top heights
    • MPLPOL : Micropulse Lidar (MPL) polarized: cloud base and top heights
    • MPLPOLFS : Micropulse Lidar (MPL) polarized, fast sampling: cloud base and top heights
  • BLC : Belfort Laser Ceilometer Datastreams
    • BLCPROF : Belfort Laser Ceilometer (BLC): profiles
    • BLC : Belfort Laser Ceilometer (BLC): 30-s avgs of cloud base heights at up to 3 levels
  • VCEIL : Vaisala Ceilometer Datastreams
    • VCEIL25K : Vaisala Ceilometer (VCEIL): cloud base heights, 25,000 feet max range
  • NCEPGFS : National Centers for Environment Prediction Global Forecast System Datastreams
  • RUC : Rapid Update Cycle Model Data Datastreams
    • RUC20ISOB : Rapid Update Cycle (RUC) model: daily isobaric analysis data, 20 km resolution
    • ALLRUC20ISOB : Rapid Update Cycle (RUC) model: isobaric main analysis data, 20-km resolution
    • ALLRUC40ISOB : Rapid Update Cycle (RUC) model: isobaric main analysis data, 40-km resolution
    • SYNRUC20ISOB : Rapid Update Cycle (RUC) model: isobaric output, 20 km grid, averaged to 40 km
  • MWRP : Microwave Radiometer Profiler Datastreams
    • MWRP : Microwave Radiometer data (MWR Profiles - QME), water vapor, temp, cloud liquid water, precip water retrievals
  • NOAASURF : NOAA Surface Meteorology Data, collected by NWS and NCDC Datastreams
    • 60NWSSURF : National Weather Service (NWS) surface meteorology data: 60-minute averages