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ONLINE ACCESS:   http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/%7Eley/db/index.html 
Title   LinkDBLP Computer Science Bibliography [electronic resource].
Author   LinkLey, Michael. 
Published   Trier, Germany : Universität Trier.
Frequency   Irregular
Summary   Provides bibliographic information on major computer science journals and proceedings. Initially the server was focused on DataBase systems and Logic Programming (DBLP), now it is gradually being expanded toward other fields of computer science. Some entries link to full-text/full-image documents.
Issuing Body   Created by Michael Ley at Universit 232at Trier.
Source of Descrip.   Description based on: 12/22/10. Title from home page.
Subject   LinkDatabases -- Bibliography
  LinkDatabases -- Congresses
  LinkLogic programming -- Bibliography
  LinkLogic programming -- Congresses
  LinkComputer science -- Indexes
Other Author   LinkUniversität Trier
Other Title   DBLP Bibliography
  Databases & logic programming : a bibliography server
  dbLP Bibliography
Format   Online resource
Record Number   000595917

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