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Underlying Estimates

This section contains underlying detail from the Industry Economic Accounts. The estimates provided are those that have been frequently requested by users. BEA cannot satisfy all such requests for a variety of reasons: Cost and resource constraints, legal confidentiality requirements, and concerns about data quality. When possible, BEA will provide requested supplemental detail in this section to permit equal access.

Note: The annual I-O Supplementary Make and Use Tables are available at the I-O Interactive page.

I. Annual Industry Accounts

1998-2011 KLEMS Intermediate Use Estimates: Detailed Estimates of Energy, Materials, and Purchased Services Used by Industries: (XLS)

1998-2011 NAICS Import Matrices (after redefinitions): (XLS)

1998-2011 NAICS PCE and PES Bridges:

  • PCEBridge 1998-2011: Commodity composition of NIPA Personal Consumption Expenditures: (XLS)
  • PESBridge 1998-2011: Commodity composition of NIPA Private Fixed Investment in Equipment and Software: (XLS)

II. Benchmark Input-Output Accounts

  • Detailed Item Output from the 1997 Benchmark Input-Output Accounts:  The table shows the detailed items and their corresponding output values from the 1997 benchmark input-output (I-O) accounts, that, when aggregated, equal commodity output.  It is a supplementary table to the 1997 benchmark I-O accounts:
  • Concordance between 1997 Input-Output Commodity Codes and Foreign Trade Harmonized Codes | Description:
    (EXE) (ZIP)
  • Import Matrix from the 1997 Benchmark Input-Output Accounts: