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    NABA Career Center offers resources and professional services to help you build and manage your career to maximize your potential.

  • Scholarships

    NABA has provided over $11 million in student scholarships and millions more to professional programs. This is not possible without you!

  • Convention 2017

    Registration is now open for the 46th Annual NABA Convention!  Join us in New Orleans June 6th - 10th, 2017.  

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Ensuring A Seat at the Table


There is a vision... a vision of a future where there are unlimited opportunities for growth and leadership for blacks in the accounting and finance professions. As a nonprofit membership association, the National Association of Black Accountants, Inc., (NABA) is dedicated to bridging the opportunity gap for black accounting and finance professionals by providing leadership and technical training, as well as networking and career opportunities.

The Gap is Real
According to the latest US Census, Blacks or African Americans make up 13.6% (42,020,743) of the total US population (308,745,538) but only 10.8% of the employed market and less than 9% of those classified as Accountants and Auditors. For Analysts and Financial Managers, it's closer to 7%.

Making a Difference
When NABA was founded in 1969, less than 1% of all CPA's in the US were black. There have been tremendous strides in narrowing that gap over the last 46 years, but there is still much work to be done.

News & Highlights

    To view NABA and general industry news and highlights, CLICK HERE.

    Meetings & Events

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    Support NABA

    NABA strives to bridge the opportunity gap for black professionals in the fields of accounting and finance.  We do that by offering dynamic programs, networking opportunities, scholarships and meaningful career connections to our members.

    Many of our programs are fueled by public donations.  Every year, NABA members, stakeholders, and friends give back to the organization in support of our mission of discovering and sharing knowledge. YOUR Gift could make a difference in the life of a young black student or rising black professional.

    Your giving supports:
    • Scholarships
    • Accounting Career Awareness Program
    • Initiatives to fill the CPA pipeline
    • Leadership training opportunities
    • Financial education
    • Support for diversity & inclusion strategies

    Every gift makes a difference. When combined, the impact is immeasurable! You can help open the doors of opportunity, and keep them open for generations to come.