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Supercomputers could help speed up the drug discovery process by identifying suitable chemicals (seen as gray spheres)October 2012Science Highlights

Designing Drugs on Supercomputers

Researchers use Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility to accelerate drug discovery. Read More »

Electron momentum energy map of an oxygen (O2) moleculeOctober 2012Science Highlights

The Dance of Atoms in Molecules Captured in Ultrafast Time

The first real-time images of two atoms vibrating in a molecule have been captured using a technique called laser-induced electron diffraction. Read More »

Helically Symmetric Experiment at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.October 2012Science Highlights

Large Plasma Flow Discovered in the Helically Symmetric Experiment

A new type of stellarator could be a promising candidate for future fusion reactors. Read More »

A double coil is assembled on the transmission line of the magnetic field generator (MIFEDS).October 2012Science Highlights

Amplifying Magnetic Fields in High Energy Density Plasmas

Ultra high intensity magnetic fields open new opportunities in high energy density plasma science. Read More »

Low temperature plasma in air creates a variety of ionized and chemically reactive oxygen and nitrogen species.October 2012Science Highlights

Controlling Plasmas for a Cleaner World

New findings indicate that ionized plasmas like those in neon lights and plasma TVs can be used to sterilize water, making it antimicrobial for as long as a week after treatment. Read More »

Components for a large-area photodetector using glass spacers and enclosure and incorporating the large-area ALD microchannel platesOctober 2012Science Highlights

New Technology Paves Way for Highly Sensitive Photodetectors with Applications in High Energy Physics, Medicine, and National Security

Argonne National Lab wins prestigious 2012 R&D 100 award for development of Large Area Microchannel Plate Detectors Read More »

Saul Perlmutter pictured with a view of the supernova 1987a in the backgroundOctober 2012Science Highlights

LBNL Scientist Shares 2011 Physics Nobel Prize

Astrophysicist Saul Perlmutter wins Nobel “for the discovery of the accelerating expansion of the universe through observations of distant supernovae.” Read More »

Di-photon (γγ) invariant mass distribution for the CMS data of 2011 and 2012October 2012Science Highlights

New Particle Discovered May be the Long-Sought Higgs

Particle may help explain the origins of mass. Read More »

Tuning the ATTA magneto-optic atom trap at Argonne National laboratory.October 2012Science Highlights

Sleuthing the Fate of Water in Ancient Aquifers and Ice Cores

Precision analytical techniques developed for fundamental experiments in nuclear physics now enable routine measurements of ultra-low concentrations of Krypton radioisotopes in samples of water, ice, and gas. Read More »

Interior view of the CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer (CLAS) at TJNAF.October 2012Science Highlights

Solved: The Case of the Missing “Excited” Nucleons

Discovery could provide a deeper understanding of the dynamics of the three quarks enslaved inside the nucleon. Read More »

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Last modified: 1/18/2013 4:36:07 PM