
by admin - Posts (0). Posted Tuesday, September 7th, 2010 at 5:23 pm

What’s it really like to study in the U.S.? How do you get accepted to a university and earn a scholarship? How difficult is it to get a visa? Will you succeed academically and personally once you arrive?

On this blog, current international students answer these questions and more, telling our stories and giving our best advice about everything from college applications to making friends to passing final exams.

Meet all the Student Union writers

And we want to hear from you as well!  Get involved by sharing your own stories (here) and asking questions about whatever you want to know (here)!

The Student Union is edited by Jessica Stahl.

Contact Us:

You can leave a comment on any of our articles – we read every comment we receive.  We’re also on Twitter at @voastudentu, Facebook at facebook.com/voastudentu and Tumblr and voastudentu.tumblr.com.

You can also contact Jessica by email at jstahl [at] voanews [dot] com.

For additional answers to your questions, make sure to check out our Resources page, which has links to useful websites and official information.

Terms of Use:

As with all VOA content, anything posted on this blog is in the public domain and may be used with attribution.  If you are planning to repost content from this blog, we ask that you link back to the original post as a courtesy.  We will extend the same courtesy when we cite content from any outside blogs.

- VOA’s Privacy Policy and Terms of Use

Comments Policy:

Comments are welcomed and encouraged as an extension of the conversation.  Your comments should be:

- Respectful

- On topic

- Rated G (for general audiences, as in no profanity or other inappropriate language)

Comments that do not follow those basic guidelines may be removed. Most of our bloggers are teenagers and young adults, a fact you should keep in mind as you decide whether a comment is appropriate.

The Student Union is…

A place to hear stories about studying in the U.S. Our bloggers have come from all over the world to U.S. universities, and they'll be sharing their experiences, advice and more.

Learn more about this blog »

Share your own story!
Tell us about your experiences applying to the US, studying in America, or doing an exchange, and we may include it on the blog.



Glossary of Confusing Words

Find definitions of confusing words and terms about studying in the U.S. in our Glossary of Confusing Words.

All the words were submitted by YOU, so visit the glossary to see the words that have been defined already and to suggest your own.

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