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  • Annihilating Anthrax

    Feb. 1, 2002

    Research aimed at building better greenhouses in space has led to a device that attacks and destroys airborne pathogens -- like Anthrax.

  • Gravity in the Brain

    March 18, 2002

    Playing catch looks easy, but there's more to it than meets the eye. A ball-catching experiment in space has revealed that human brains have a built-in model of gravity.

  • Balancing Brains

    Nov. 22, 2002

    NASA researchers have discovered something odd: if you put an astronaut in a spinning chair, their brains might decide they are back in space. Why? The answer may reveal important lessons about human learning.

  • Space Power

    Sept. 3, 2002

    This month Science@NASA will publish a series of stories about the technology of space exploration--and what advances in technology are needed to send human and robotic explorers across the solar system. Today's installment, "Space Power," is the first.

  • Great Intergalactic Cobwebs

    April 19, 2002

    Astronomers using NASA's FUSE spacecraft have spotted vast clouds between galaxies that might permeate the early Universe like a tangled spider's web.

  • Saving Cajun Country

    Nov. 1, 2002

    Archeologists and engineers will soon be using NASA satellite data to restore endangered wetlands without accidentally destroying Native American cultural sites.

  • Relax, it's only April

    April 24, 2002

    The five brightest planets are converging in the western sky for an eye-popping show in May 2002.

  • Rings around the Sun

    Oct. 24, 2002

    Whenever both sun and clouds are in the sky, be sure to look up--you may behold rings, arcs, and other marvels!

  • Cell Wars

    Jan. 23, 2002

    Immune cells vs. invaders: it's a war going on in every healthy human body. When the combatants travel to space, say NASA scientists, curious things happen...

  • My Pet Neutron Star

    April 3, 2002

    Using a new form of matter called Bose-Einstein condensates, researchers are bringing Astrophysicsfrom deep space right into their laboratories.