Office of the Chief Information Officer

United States Department of Agriculture

Geospatial Hosting (Google Maps)

Service Description

The Geospatial interface is a mash-up type application which utilizes a 3rd-party mapping service and a custom Application Programming Interface (API) to create an integrated mapping service. Map data points and associated information are set via an integrated database, which also provides a method of marking maps with useful information.

What's Included

  • Google Maps Premier API™
    - Multi-node, highly available architecture
    - Production and non-Production environment
    - eAuthentication integration available
    - The Google Maps Premier API lets you embed Google Maps in web pages via JavaScript. The API provides a number of utilities for manipulating maps and adding content to the map through a variety of services, allowing you to create robust map applications on a website
    - The ability to integrate maps with secure content through delivery over https 

How We Charge

Hosting charges are based on the following factors:

Geospatial Hosting

  • Number of integrated mapping websites
    - Includes HA Production, HA Staging, and Development   environments
  • Associated eAuthentication integration costs

Google Maps (Premier)

  • Optional licensing in 1 million page view increments

Service Level Metrics

Measure Target SLA
System Monitoring 24 x 7
Incident Response 24 x 7
System Availability 99.99% excluding planned downtime*
Website Metrics Weekly log delivery

* - NITC reserves the option to schedule routine infrastructure maintenance activities on Sundays between 1800 to 2400 hours Central Time.

NOTE: NITC utilizes the USDA Universal Telecommunication Network (UTN) for Wide Area Network services. The UTN is contractually guaranteed to be 99.9% available but has historically delivered 99.997% availability.

Cost Saving Tips

  • Engage EAS early in the scoping phase of a new project to identify all business and technical requirements
  • Forecast response time and load expectations
  • Utilize other EAS Software as a Service offerings to minimize application integrations efforts and reduce costs through economies of scale


Chris North, Director

OCIO, Enterprise Applications Services (EAS)