NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery Since 1974


Overview: NERSC status report and plans for FY03, NERSC-3 status, user survey, mass storage, big splash, budget issues

Scheduled for Monday, November 18, 2002 at the Marriot Inner Harbor Hotel West Ballroom, in Baltimore, Maryland.

The meeting will coincide with SC2002, the annual conference of high-performance computing and networking, to be held November 16-22. Information about the conference can be found on the Web at Online housing information for the conference is available.

Discussions for NERSC 3E queue structures

Scheduled for Monday, November 18, 2002 at the Marriot Inner Harbor Hotel West Ballroom, in Baltimore, Maryland.

The meeting will coincide with SC2002, the annual conference of high-performance computing and networking, to be held November 16-22. Information about the conference can be found on the Web at Online housing information for the conference is available.

Plans for Storage Quota

Scheduled for Monday, November 18, 2002 at the Marriot Inner Harbor Hotel West Ballroom, in Baltimore, Maryland.

The meeting will coincide with SC2002, the annual conference of high-performance computing and networking, to be held November 16-22. Information about the conference can be found on the Web at Online housing information for the conference is available.


Scheduled for Monday, November 18, 2002 at the Marriot Inner Harbor Hotel West Ballroom, in Baltimore, Maryland.

The meeting will coincide with SC2002, the annual conference of high-performance computing and networking, to be held November 16-22. Information about the conference can be found on the Web at Online housing information for the conference is available.