New York, Virginia and Puerto Rico District


District Superintendent
Mr. Michael Gould


Assistant Superintendent
Ms. Helen Balilo
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Superintendent's Welcome

Welcome to the DDESS Schools in New York, Virginia and Puerto Rico!

Welcome to School Year 2012-2013 and the DoDEA Quantico Dependent Schools.  We expect this school year will be electrifying for students, parents, and our staff as we engage in and take actions to ensure that our schools are dynamic, forward thinking 21st century educational institutions. We will meet the individual needs of our students by using research-based, data-driven instructional practices. Students will be stimulated through motivating and instructionally appropriate lessons. Communication with all stakeholders will continue to be a priority. Our already forward thinking schools will use actions and accountability to reach new levels of excellence. Together we will use two-way communications, strong partnerships, fidelity to processes, and high standards of accountability to obtain the highest student achievement.
The district commitment to school improvement is unwavering. Each of our school level teams is involved in implementing initiatives that will positively impact student achievement. These initiatives translate into the increased use of school and classroom level data to drive instructional decision making. This year you will find that each school continues to work towards achieving their two school-wide goals through unique school action plans. We encourage you to become familiar with your school’s improvement focus and determine where you can support these efforts.
Some of the very exciting research-based initiatives that you will see in our schools include Creative Curriculum for Pre-kindergarten and STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) related activities across all grade levels. Starting with this year’s ninth grade students four credits of high school mathematics will be needed to graduate. Over the next three years, DoDEA will be phasing in four new high school math courses. The increased mathematics requirements will help ensure our graduates leave DoDEA schools ready for their career choice or higher education.
Our parents and teachers are essential to the success of our students. We look forward to partnering with you to ensure that the research-based, data-driven, school improvement focuses are working effectively. I want to thank you in advance for your work in our schools and with our students this year.
Have a tremendous year and remember, through action, we will reach new heights!

District Superintendent
Mr. Michael Gould



Calendars 2012-2013

Dahlgren School
MCB Quantico School
Puerto Rico Schools
USMA West Point Schools

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Visit the DoDEA Attendance Website to learn about the new system-wide attendance policy for DoDEA students.

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  Updated October 15, 2012
U.S. Department of Defense Education Activity