Energy Storage Beyond Lithium Ion:
  Materials Perspectives

Energy Storage Beyond Lithium Ion
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Symposium on Energy Storage Beyond Lithium Ion: Materials Perspectives

Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Building 5200 Visitor Center
Tennessee Conference Rooms A, B, and C


We will be providing a bus to and from the hotels to the lab. Pickup at the hotels is tentatively scheduled for 7:15 am each morning. In addition, we will also be providing a bus from the lab othe airport on the October 8th at 4:15 pm.


Registration for the workshop does not reserve your hotel room. Please contact a hotel directly. To receive the preferred rate, please book your room reservation by September 16, 2010.

Room Block: "Lithium-ion" at the GSA of $90.00

Cut-off Date: September 16, 2010

Comfort Inn

433 S. Rutgers Ave., Oak Ridge, TN, US, 37830
Phone: (865) 481-8200
Fax: (865) 483-6142
Map/ Directions


Jameson Inn

216 S. Rutgers Ave
Oak Ridge, Tennessee   37830
Phone: 865-483-6809
Fax: 865-483-8435
Map/ Directions



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Last Modified: Thursday, July 29, 2010 6:43 AM