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Embassy Youth Forum

The 2nd Embassy Youth Forum

The 2nd Embassy Youth Forum

The 2nd Embassy Youth Forum

Real People Talking

Date: May 07, 2008, 5-7 PM
Venue: PA/IRC

Moderator: (center) Patrick J. Linehan, Minister-Counselor for Public Affairs, U.S. Embassy, Seoul

Topic: Good Summit or Bad Summit?
- Where’s the beef?

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Click here to see the video 18:  0 The 2nd Embassy Youth Forum
Real People Talking
Click here to see the video 3 : 1

Susan B. Phillips, Deputy Agricultural Attaché, Patrick J. Linehan, Public Affairs Officer ask:  How many people have died from mad cow disease?

Click here to see the video
3 : 9

Heather Grell, Economics Specialist, U.S. says inspections are based on science. 

  • Students are concerned because Korea has never had any cases of BSE.
Click here to see the video
2 : 25

Various Topics discussed:

  • Domestic Issues are being mixed up with the beef issue. 
  • Consumer’s rights are not being protected: people do not feel they have a right to choose.
  • Koreans see the Lee administration’s decisions as being too hasty.  
  • Americans do not see the decisions as being hasty since it has taken 5 years.
Click here to see the video 2 : 48 Question from the audience:  Will this beef issue hurt U.S. – Korea relations?
Click here to see the video 2 : 56 Patrick J. Linehan asks, "Who do Koreans trust?"

Panel: (from left to right)

Chung, Chan Young (International Studies, Kyunghee University)
Kim, Ah Young (International Studies, Ewha Womans University)
Susan B. Phillips (Deputy Agricultural Attaché, U.S. Embassy Seoul)
[Moderator] Patrick J. Linehan (Minister-Counselor for Public Affairs, U.S. Embassy Seoul)
Heather Grell (Economic Specialist, U.S. Embassy Seoul)
Ko, Hanna (International Studies, Ewha Womans University)
Choi, Young Eun (Journalism and Mass Communication, Korea University)