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  • Preventing Homelessness

    Authors: Lindblom, E. N.

    Publication Date: 1996

    The author explains that prevention is needed to help solve the homeless problem, not to just alleviate it. Issues examined include: cost-effectiveness and targeting those most at risk; preventing homelessness at the sources; keeping people in shared housing; assisting those displaced from condemned or destroyed buildings; transition assistance; prevention strategies for institutional releases; discharges from mental hospitals; and emancipation from foster care. The interven...

    Tags: homelessness; prevention; case management; serious mental illness; causes of homelessness; concurrent disorders; Demography & Characteristics of Homelessness; Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder; injection drug use; Severe Mental Illnesses

  • The Politics of Primary Prevention

    Authors: Albee, George W.

    Journal Name: The Journal of Primary Prevention

    Publication Date: 1998

    Primary prevention is the only effective strategy for reducing the future incidence of mental/emotional problems. But arguments about methods of reducing the rate of future problems have begun to raise questions that are more political, ideological and ethical than they are methodological. Prevention efforts may focus on safe strategies like individual behavioral change programs or alternatively on stronger non-voluntary group-mandated programs. Another dimension currently under deba...

    Tags: mental health; prevention; children

  • Rethinking the Prevention of Homelessness

    Authors: Shinn, Marybeth; Baumohl, James

    Publication Date: 1998

    The General Accounting Office's 1990 conclusion about the prevention of homelessness still holds: It remains "too early to tell" what works best. Eviction prevention programs show some promise but have not been rigorously evaluated and tend to exclude people at highest risk of homelessness. Several studies suggest that individuals with severe mental illness can be supported in the community, but the mixture of housing and supportive services necessary remains unclear. There is even l...

    Tags: prevention; preventing return to homelessness; housing; mental health

  • Title: Preventive Approaches to Homelessness

    Authors: Jahiel, R. I.

    Publication Date: 1992

    This chapter first describes the prevention paradigm as it applies to homelessness, then sketches three types of technical factors influencing prevention efforts related to homelessness (empirical data regarding homeless people and homelessness, theories of homelessness, and the tools with which different types of prevention strategies may be implemented). Lastly, the political factors and policy priorities that have influenced preventive approaches to homelessness...

    Tags: homelessness; prevention; case management; serious mental illness; housing ; affordable housing; causes of homelessness; Demography & Characteristics of Homelessness; Severe Mental Illnesses; supportive housing

  • Action Planning for Prevention and Recovery

    Authors: Copeland, Mary

    Publication Date: 2001

    ...regularly. It is easy to forget simple things that you know, especially when you are under stress or when your symptoms are beginning to flare up. The action plans for prevention and recovery described in this booklet were devised by people who experience emotional or psychiatric symptoms. They developed ways to deal with their need for structure in their lives that actively support their health. The plans are simple, low-cost, and can be changed and added to over time as you learn more an...

    Tags: mental health; recovery; prevention


  • Evaluating Homeless Prevention

    Authors: Pawson, Hal; Netto, Gina ; Jones, Colin ; Wager, Fiona ; Fancy, Cathie ; Lomax, Delia

    Organization: School of the Built Environment, Heriot-Watt University: Department for Communities and Local Government

    Publication Date: 2007

    This research was commissioned in 2004 to investigate the practical implementation of homelessness prevention on the part of local authorities and their partner agencies. The main objectives were to: ● evaluate the effectiveness of different approaches to preventing homelessness; ● provide evidence on the value for money of homelessness prevention work; ● produce a good practice guide on homelessness prevention; and ● make recommendations on the future monitoring o...

    Tags: prevention ; local authorities ; Housing and Homelessness Directorate (HHSD)

  • Homeless Prevention Plan

    Authors: Carver, Harry

    Organization: Kentucky Council on Homeless Policy

    Publication Date: 2003

    The Kentucky Council on Homeless Policy (CHP), recognizing a lack of coordinated policy priorities to address homelessness, decided to focus on collaborative prevention efforts as a key to reducing the number of people who experience homelessness. The resulting statewide prevention plan identifies existing institutional barriers that can contribute to or exacerbate homelessness and makes recommendations on specific problems or barriers identified within existing programs. These recom...

    Tags: prevention; preventing return to homelessness; community planning and organizing; Keith Gilabert, "This program can have a significant impact on the future of our youth."

  • HIV Prevention in Street Youth

    Authors: Walters, Andrew S.

    Journal Name: Journal of Adolescent Health

    Publication Date: 1999

    Homeless adolescents have remained an underserved population throughout the human immunodeficiency/acquired immune deficiency syndrome epidemic. This article reviews the recent literature investigating human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) risk behavior among street youth. Prevalence rates of both adolescent homelessness and HIV seropositivity are unknown. However, data from a number of samples document a high prevalence of HIV risk behavior, sexually transmitted diseases, and alcohol/drug use among home...

    Tags: youth; HIV/AIDS; prevention; health; street population

  • Preventing Homelessness in America

    Publication Date: 2007

    EVEN IN THE FACE OF 1990s ECONOMIC PROSPERITY, homeless statistics show the number of homeless has remained stubbornly high. Between five and six hundred thousand people are considered "homeless" at any given time - without a “permanent, safe, decent, affordable place to live” (Granruth and Smith*). Homelessness in America persists in part because many urban areas remain economically depressed, housing costs have risen rapidly in the past decade, and wages for lower skilled workers have remained stabl...

    Tags: housing; McKinney Title 1; prevention; community planning and organizing; transitional housing; resource centers

  • The Homelessness Prevention Program: Outcomes and Effectiveness

    Authors: Office of Program Planning, Analysis and Development; and Office of Shelter and Supported Housing Programs


    Publication Date: 1990

    In New York State there are currently 25 not-for-profit homelessness prevention services. The majority of these programs began servicing clients between March and May of 1990. Most of the clients served by the Homelessness Prevention Program are in the late stages of the eviction process. In all but two programs, the majority of clients have been served with eviction notices or received eviction notices while in the program. In addition to offering program descriptions, this report p...

    Tags: homelessness; prevention; case management; serious mental illness; causes of homelessness; Demography & Characteristics of Homelessness; Severe Mental Illnesses

  • Homeless Research Summary: Evaluating Homeless Prevention

    Organization: Department for Communities and Local Government

    Publication Date: 2006

    This summary accompanies the good practice guide on homelessness prevention, by providing key findings from an evaluation of homelessness prevention across ten local authorities. (Authors)

    Tags: prevention

  • Blueprint To Break the Cycle of Homelessness and Prevent Future Homelessness

    Organization: Memphis/Shelby Couny Mayors' Task Force on Homelessness

    Publication Date: 2002

    n recognition of the tremendous short- and long-term consequences and costs of allowing homelessness in Memphis and Shelby County to continue, the Mayors’ Task Force on Homelessness was created. To guide the community in coordinating and developing programs and initiatives to break the cycle of homelessness and prevent future homelessness, The task force developed the “Blueprint to Break the Cycle of Homelessness and Prevent Future Homelessness.” The Blueprint provides goals and stra...

    Tags: prevention

  • Beyond Shelter: Policy Directions for the Prevention of Homelessness

    Authors: Stoner, M. R.

    Journal Name: Social Work

    Publication Date: 1989

    The author discusses homelessness in relation to broader issues in the economy, the housing sector, and social services and recommends a series of preventive strategies that will keep people at work, with their families, on decent welfare benefits, in affordable housing, or in mental health settings. The analysis of homelessness, its antecedents, and strategies for preventing homelessness delineates the basic elements of innovation needed to provide housing and social supports for th...

    Tags: prevention; case management; causes of homelessness; Demography & Characteristics of Homelessness; severe mental illness

  • New Thinking About the Homeless: Prevention, Not Cure

    Authors: Smith, S. J.

    Journal Name: Governing

    Publication Date: 1988

    The author discusses the increase in families among the homeless, the primary causes and regional strategies to prevent homelessness among this group. A brief discussion of homeless persons with mental illnesses and two New York City outreach programs developed for this subpopulation is included. [abstract]

    Tags: homelessness; prevention; case management; serious mental illness; causes of homelessness; Demography & Characteristics of Homelessness; Severe Mental Illnesses

  • New York City Family Homelessness Prevention Report

    Organization: New York City Family Homelessness Special Master Panel

    Publication Date: 2003

    ...and the fact that homelessness can be prevented for many families, this issue must be among the city’s highest priorities. (New York City Family Homelessness Special Master Panel)

    Tags: families; prevention; housing

  • What Works in Hiv Prevention for Substance Users

    Source: Washington, DC: AIDS Action, 2001.

    Organization: AIDS Action

    Publication Date: 2001

    ...reduction programs. The discussion of HIV prevention research is followed by descriptions of CBOs actively engaged in the fight against HIV infection among substance users. Finally, resources and references are found at the end of the document to aid in further research. (Authors)

    Tags: HIV/AIDS; prevention; outreach

  • Homeless Prevention in the Emergency Shelter Grants Program

    Publication Date: 2001

    This brochure provides information about homeless prevention efforts within the Emergency Shelter Grants (ESG) program, and highlights some specific homeless prevention strategies employed by ESG grantees and the agencies (recipients) that operate ESG projects. (HUD)

    Tags: housing; prevention; emergency shelters; ESG Funding

  • NCH Public Policy Recommendations: Foreclosure and Homelessness Prevention

    Authors: National Coalition for the Homeless

    Publication Date: 2009

    Assure the federal response to the national mortgage foreclosure crisis includes actions to prevent homelessness among owners and tenants losing their homes.

    Tags: foreclosure crisis; homelessness; prevention; owners and tenants

  • Homelessness Prevention Therapeutic Community (TC) for Addicted Mothers

    Authors:  Sacks, Jo; Sacks, Stanley; Harle, Michael; De Leon, George

    Journal Name: Delete

    Publication Date: 1999

    This chapter describes a homelessness prevention therapeutic community (TC) for addicted mothers and their children developed by Gaudenzia in response to increasing numbers of homeless addicted mothers and families entering the Philadelphia shelter system. The program uses TC principles and methods as the foundation for recovery and the structure within which the homelessness prevention interventions unfold. The mothers progress through program stages and typically move from resident...

    Tags: prevention; substance use; mothers

  • Prevention Concerning Mental Health: The Adolescent's Perspective

    Authors: Villeneuve, Claude; Bérubé, Huguette; Ouellet, Rejeanne; Delorme, André

    Journal Name: Canadian Journal of Psychiatry

    Publication Date: 1996

    Objective: To examine several subjective components of adolescents’ behaviour concerning mental illness prevention. Method: Adolescents’ knowledge, their attitudes and subjective norms, as well as their thoughts about how they would concretely handle a psychological problem were measured. A self-administered questionnaire was completed by 438 male and female adolescents in grades 8 and 11. Results: Gender and age differences were revealed: girls and older adolescents were more attuned...

    Tags: youth; mental health; research and evaluation; prevention

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