Having Trouble Downloading


There is a compatibility problem between Adobe Acrobat and some browsers. If you are unable to download one of our documents this may be the cause.


For a quick fix try:


Right click on the link and select either "Open in a New Window" to view the documents or "Save Target As..." to save it to your hard drive.


You can then download the document to your computer and open it in Adobe Acrobat as you will no longer be going through the IE browser.


Users who upgrade to Adobe Acrobat 8.0 may notice a problem opening PDF files from DTIC, even when attempting to open the file in a new window. We have found the problem can be overcome by changing the Internet preferences.


* It may be necessary to reboot, so all other applications should be saved and closed.
* Open your Adobe Reader.
* From the Edit menu, select Preferences.
* Under Categories select Internet.
* Under Web Browser Options unclick Display PDF in Browser.
Click OK. If you are asked to reboot, click Yes.


Another cause of your downloading problem may be that the document is too large for your system. Most of the full-text documents on our Web pages are in Adobe Portable Document Format (*.pdf) and are fairly large files. If you are using a modem or dial-in connection, you might experience long waiting periods (2-3 hours or longer) before your system completes the download and displays the document. Depending on your system configuration, you may lose your connection before the download is complete. These issues are controlled by your system and your telecommunication service, not by DTIC. If you are not a DTIC registered user, you may be able to purchase the document from NTIS.