Current Issues


The Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC®) announces the launch of Current Issues on DTIC Online. The Current Issues site will feature hot topics for the defense community and will change periodically, based on emerging issues in the defense community, feedback from customers through reference requests, and user activity in DoDTechipedia.


Each topic will highlight an image, current issues for the topic, and links to recent public documents from DTIC's collections. To facilitate your research, the full-text DTIC reports will be accessible for free printing or downloading.


If you need more information on a topic, each page links to DTIC Online Access Controlled for searching more DTIC documents; DoDTechipedia, the S&T wiki, for searching user-contributed information; DTIC Registration for access to DTIC services, and the Ask a Librarian virtual reference service.


Explore the Current Issues today on DTIC Online and learn more about Airships, Biometrics, Human Terrain, Missile Defense, UAV & UAS and others. If you want to suggest a particular topic for future Current Issues, please contact