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Tents for Temporary Classrooms Arrive in Paktika Province

USAID's LGCD project delivered tents to the U.S. Military for distribution to schools across Paktika Province



Representatives of the Paktika Department of Education receive tents for temporary schools.

USAID’s Local Governance and Community Development project delivered 277 tents to the U.S. Military at Forward Operating Base Sharan for eventual distribution to schools across Paktika Province.  Reports indicate that 61 percent of schools in the province lack buildings for holding classes.  The U.S. Military will coordinate with the Department of Education to distribute the tents to selected schools in Sharan, Mata Khan, Zarghun Shahr, Jani Khel, Waza Khwa, Yosef Khel, Sar Hawza, and Dila districts.

USAID/Afghanistan Program Highlights: 2/16/2011-2/28/2011

Learn more: Stabilization

About this activity: Local Governance and Community Development (LGCD)


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