Monthly Archives: June 2012

BusinessUSA is here to Help Exporters

By Matthew Falls of BusinessUSA. Matthew can be contacted at and its partner feature resources for companies to become involved in exporting, from filling orders for domestic buyers (such as export trading companies that then export the … Continue reading

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States battle for export spotlight – The race to expand U.S. exports is on!

By Daniel Exporting goods has always been integrated in the fabric of the U.S. economy but recently there has been a growing trend to capitalize on foreign demand of American goods. According to data provided by USA Trade Online between … Continue reading

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National Export Initiative Priority Markets: Thailand

The U.S. Commercial Service is the trade promotion arm of the U.S. Department of Commerce’s International Trade Administration. U.S. Commercial Service trade professionals in over 100 U.S. cities and in more than 75 countries help U.S. companies get started in … Continue reading

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April 2012 Trade Data

By Janet For April 2012, the trade deficit in goods and services decreased to $50.1 billion from $52.6 billion (revised) in March, as both exports and imports decreased to $182.9 billion and $233.0 billion, respectively.  Both exports and imports where … Continue reading

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