U.S. Senator Chris Coons of Delaware

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Chris joins Delaware veterans for remembrance ceremonies at DC memorials

Senator Coons talks with veterans at the World War 2 Memorial.

Senator Coons had the pleasure of welcoming more than 150 Delaware veterans to Washington, DC, during the veterans’ stop at the World War II and Korean War memorials on Thursday. The trip was sponsored by the Delaware Police Chiefs’ Council, the Delaware Police Chiefs’ Foundation, the Delaware State Troopers Association, and the State Lodge- Fraternal Order of Police. During his visit, Chris expressed his gratitude for the Delawareans’ service, sacrifice, and commitment to our country.

“Congress must meet its commitment to the men and women who have served our nation in uniform,” Chris said in brief remarks to the group. “This includes ensuring that veterans have access to quality, affordable health care and that military retirees receive their promised retirement benefits. The members of our armed services protect our nation and our liberties every day. We must support them while they serve and after they return home.”

Following his welcome, a small group of veterans were asked to assist in the placing of a wreath at the Delaware Pillar of the World War II Memorial, while members of the Delaware State Police played the bagpipes and bugle.

A similar ceremony was then held at the Korean War Memorial to honor the Delaware veterans who served in Korea. A wreath was placed at the memorial and the veterans heard from retired Colonel Warren Wiedhahn of the United States Marine Corps.

To learn more about Senator Coons’ work to help veterans, click here.

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