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Resources for Members of the National Network of Libraries of Medicine, Middle Atlantic Region (NN/LM MAR)

Middle Atlantic Region (MAR)

The Regional Medical Library supports collaboration among libraries and information centers that serve health information needs in Delaware, New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania. Our goal is to enhance access to health information for health professionals and the public.

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Our Boost Box Session was a Hit!

Are You Ready? Keeping Your Loved Ones Safe / February 2013

Presenter: Michelle Burda, Network & Advocacy Coordinator, NN/LM MAR

Description:Michelle highlighted National Library of Medicine (NLM) disaster health information and other emergency preparedness resources for family, friends and caregivers. She focused on special populations (such as seniors, pregnant women, and children) and their needs in preparation for emergency situations.  She also highlighted appropriate resources and services for those who have special needs (such as hearing, vision impairment, and other disabilities).

Presentation and Recording


If you missed our earlier sessions, archives are available that include recordings, presentations, as well as transcripts:

Value of Library Study Published in JMLA

MAR is delighted to report that the “Value of Library and Information Services in Patient Care Study” has now been published in the Journal of the Medical Library Association

Marshall JG, Sollenberger J,  Easterby-Gannett S, Morgan LK, Klem ML, Cavanaugh SK, Oliver KB, Thompson CA, Romanosky N, Hunter S. The value of library and information services in patient care: Results of a multi-site study. Journal of the Medical Library Association 2013 Jan; 101(1):39-46. DOI: (forthcoming)

The full study results are available on our website:  Please join us in wishing hearty congratulations to all the authors who worked so diligently on this study.

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and programs, contact us at or (800) 338-7657.