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Contact: Cory Fritz

Republicans Pledge to Repeal ObamaCare, Protect American Jobs

Oct 15, 2010

- Congressman John Boehner (R-West Chester) today released the following weekly column highlighting Republicans new governing agenda, "A Pledge to America," which calls for repealing ObamaCare and replacing it with common-sense reform to lower the cost of health care and protect American jobs:

"Over the past 20 months, Americans have watched as the governing party in Washington has pursued an agenda more focused on growing the size of government than addressing their priorities.  At no time has this been more clear than during the debate over health care.

"The American people wanted a step-by-step approach to lower health care costs and protect American jobs.  Washington Democrats refused to listen, and instead rammed a bill establishing a new federal entitlement and massive new bureaucracies into law.

"Any notion that this bill was truly aimed at the priorities and concerns of the American people vanished within weeks of ObamaCare’s enactment.  Small businesses and employers digesting the thousands of pages of new law started speaking out about jobs-killing mandates and regulations, like the ‘1099 mandate.’  The Obama administration’s own chief actuary for Medicare and Medicaid released a report confirming that the law will actually raise health care costs.

"As if this massive government takeover of health care – chock-full of tax hikes, higher costs, and $500 billion in Medicare cuts – wasn’t already intrusive enough, at its heart lies an individual mandate that will force Americans to buy government-approved health insurance or pay a tax.  This is the first time in American history that Congress has passed a law mandating that you buy something simply because you're breathing. 

"Across the country, Americans are saying ‘enough is enough.’  Twenty-one states and the nation's leading small business organization agree that this individual mandate is unconstitutional and are seeking to overturn it in court.

"This week a federal judge in Florida allowed one of these suits to move forward, stating in a decision that ‘the power that the individual mandate seeks to harness is simply without prior precedent.’  Undeterred, the administration has vowed to continue defending ObamaCare.  Republicans are taking an altogether different approach.

"In May, my colleagues and I launched the America Speaking Out project.  Through live forums, one-on-one meetings and an innovative internet platform, we listened as folks from every corner of America shared their priorities and concerns.

"Two weeks ago, we unveiled the product of that effort.  We call it 'A Pledge to America.'

"This new governing blueprint for a more responsive government includes a series of steps – which can be acted on immediately if House Speaker Nancy Pelosi will call the House back into session – to help restore trust in government and put Americans back to work.

"You can download a copy of our pledge for yourself at http://pledge.gop.gov.  In it, you’ll find plans to boost our economy and stop the spending spree in Washington. 

"You’ll see a plan to repeal Obamacare and replace it with common-sense reforms that will lower health care costs instead of killing jobs and driving our country into bankruptcy.

"And you’ll find plans to return power in the House back to the hands of the people.  No more flagrant disregard for the Constitution; no more kickbacks and backroom deals; no more passing massive bills that no one has had a chance to read.

"Our time to act is running short.  Many of ObamaCare’s tax hikes and mandates are looming on the horizon.  Together, we can make good on 'A Pledge to America.'  We can repeal ObamaCare and start over, focused squarely on lowering the cost of health care and protecting American jobs.

"Boehner represents Ohio’s 8th District, which includes all of Darke, Miami, and Preble counties, most of Butler and Mercer counties, and the northeastern corner of Montgomery County.  He was first elected to Congress in 1990."



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