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An official website of the United States Government.

Open Government Blog

Version 2 of our Open Government Plan moves us from strategy to implementation of ideas from the original plan. It also presents ideas that have emerged since we published Version 1 in 2010.

Read Version 2 to learn more about our new initiatives:

  • Enhancing OPM’s Performance Management Culture
  • Establishing Communities of Practice (CoPs) and Other Networks for Innovation
  • Flagship Initiative: Centralizing Call Centers and Help Desks
  • Enabling Widespread and Uniform Use of Social Media
  • Proactively Disclosing Information via

As we make progress on each of these initiatives, we'll periodically post information about them here. We'd love to hear any innovative ideas you have about implementing them.

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    Roland Jones
    5/25/2012 at 1:18 PM
    While as a citizen I applaud the movement toward open government, transparency and plain writing, I think it is reprehensible and an invasion of privacy for OPM to publish the name, pay grade, job title and amount of any bonuses/awards for employees. I don't think that is at all necessary for the rank and file employees, nor for the public to know. These are not elected officials, nor executives of publicly held companies informing shareholders about compensation. Nothing comparable is done for ordinary employees in the private sector. One cannot search an database or read in the newspaper about what her fellow employees are being paid or the pay for someone at another company. We are constantly being bombarded with annual refresher courses on the Privacy Act and safeguarding personally identifiable information but not afforded the same protections in that regard as other citizens. One should not lose basic citizenship rights because they are federal employees.
    Roland Jones
    5/25/2012 at 1:19 PM
    While as a citizen I applaud the movement toward open government, transparency and plain writing, I think it is reprehensible and an invasion of privacy for OPM to publish the name, pay grade, job title and amount of any bonuses/awards for employees. I don't think that is at all necessary for the rank and file employees, nor for the public to know. These are not elected officials, nor executives of publicly held companies informing shareholders about compensation. Nothing comparable is done for ordinary employees in the private sector. One cannot search an database or read in the newspaper about what her fellow employees are being paid or the pay for someone at another company. We are constantly being bombarded with annual refresher courses on the Privacy Act and safeguarding personally identifiable information but not afforded the same protections in that regard as other citizens. One should not lose basic citizenship rights because they are federal employees.
    Judith Van Alphen
    7/9/2012 at 4:34 PM
    I got a great plan.And it is so easy. It involves manners.Answer your phone or put it on the hook. (4 days 8 hrs of busy signals. Answer emails. Gee so simple and no thousands of dollar study.
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    11/13/2012 at 8:05 PM
    OPEN OPM Overview
    “Recruiting, Retaining, and Honoring a World- Class Work Force to Serve the American People”
    Through this Web site, we will share information with you about our Open Government plans and activities and collaborate with you to make OPM a more open agency.
    Through our Open Government efforts we aim to:
    • Build trust with the American people
    • Empower the public
    • Become more innovative, effective, and efficient in our work
    • Make wiser decisions
    • Foster a culture that values everyone’s contributions
    • Increase accountability
    • Track how our agency uses money
    As of April 2010, we made multiple data sets available via, launched this Web site, taken public input on how to improve openness at OPM, and posted our Open Government Plan. Please watch See How We’re Doing and News & Updates to see our progress since then.
    Our Open Government Plan is a living document. While we will make major changes every two years, we will make other changes as the process evolves. These changes may be based on ideas you share with us, the results of experiments with new technologies, or modifications to Federal laws or policies, such as the Paperwork Reduction Act or policies regarding Web browser cookies.
    The Plan includes a section on our Flagship Initiative, which will focus on using knowledge management tools to:
    • Support ongoing interaction with internal and external stakeholders
    • Explore social media and Web 2.0 sites and tools for their potential to bring new and varied stakeholders to the table
    To learn more, please peruse the site to see our Open Government Plan, data, blog, and other information sources and communication tools.
    I have taken an extensive tour of your web site, from your main page?the various policies on competitive entry and standard entry directives, criteria… to your contact blog. Oh My God. From what I see put into motion, the federal level of OPM has raised the bar so high out of reach with fictitious agency posting that require masters degree in subjects like “Funicular Studies” for a position like “LEAD RECREATION ASSISTANT ECC” - posted by the Department of the Army for a;
    “JOB DUTIES SUMMORY: In a patron usage facility” i.e. on base Rec. Center, “circulates among patrons to assure service is satisfactory; receives customer complaints; provides information and general instructions on the use of equipment, facilities and machinery. Assists patrons in use of facility by checking out equipment, providing safety instructions, demonstrating new equipment, teaching classes, etc. Plans, conducts, publicize and arrange suport for special events, Social activities, turnaments, related functions. Leads the work of other employees. Provides leadership, guydence and oversight in program operations. provides on-the job traning to new employees- Work experience, which involved dealing with the general public.”
    This is a REC Center Aid position at “$12.00 to $14.00 / Per Hour”

    Definition of funicular / fu•nic•u•lar:
    1. Of, relating to, or resembling a rope or cord.
    2. Operated or moved by a cable.
    3. Of, relating to, or constituting a funiculus.
    4. A cable railway on a steep incline, especially such a railway with simultaneously ascending and descending cars counterbalancing one another. (
    So a Master’s in “Funicular Studies”- the study of rope and cable in how it applies to ascending and descending railways must be critical for a REC. Aid job. I draw your attention to one other item… the actual cut & paste of this posting, particularly the job duties summary. Do you notice the spelling and grammar of the contents? This position stated an education pre-requisite of a Master’s degree, seriously? Why am I not drafting these postings? Oh yes, “In accordance with 5 U.S.C. 3307, a maximum entry age of 36 has been established for Federal initial appointments.” I’m over 36 and more than 3 years from my Honorable discharge date. I have eleven years Criminal Justice experience in State corrections agency as a program counselor with a proven success. I promoted up from security, and have 144 semester hours in Criminal Justice Administration and Management. However due to State Agency budget constraints, older staff with seniority 10+ years were riffed or if vested forced to retire in a cash out to avoid the state any further cost or lose it all November 1, 2012. I can’t file Un-employment because I had to cash my retirement and early-out, which makes me an invisible number. I have been unemployed for over 8 months now and find in the most recent federal postings that In accordance with 5 U.S.C. 3307, a maximum entry age of 36 has been established for Federal initial appointments. I read this Code and it even includes positions fields in medical, clerical, research, counseling, case/social work, etc. It gives no opportunity to Female Vets over the age of 40, even if they qualify because they are older than 36. Those positions previously applied for less than 60 days ago are now age restricted under this code. I have it in writing that I am qualified or eligible, but have not been referred for hire due to my age. My Mother was age 68 when she first started with the Social Security Administration as benefits Application reviewer in 1988. And it had been over 33 years since she retired from her state job and over 40 from her Honorable discharge from the Army.
    As I recall the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (Pub. L. 90-202) (ADEA), as amended, and appears in SEC. 623. [Section 4]. The ADEA prohibits employment discrimination against persons 40 years of age or older. The Older Workers Benefit Protection Act (Pub. L. 101-433) amends several sections of the ADEA. In addition, section 115 of the Civil Rights Act of 1991 (P.L. 102-166) amends section 7(e) of the ADEA (29 U. S.C. 626(e)).
    (a) It shall be unlawful for an employer-
    (1) to fail or refuse to hire or to discharge any individual or otherwise discriminate against any individual with respect to his compensation, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment, because of such individual's age;
    (2) To limit, segregate, or classify his employees in any way which would deprive or tend to deprive any individual of employment opportunities or otherwise adversely affect his status as an employee, because of such individual's age; or
    (3) To reduce the wage rate of any employee in order to comply with
    this chapter.
    (b) It shall be unlawful for an employment agency to fail or refuse to refer for employment, or otherwise to discriminate against, any individual because of such individual's age, or to classify or refer for employment any individual on the basis of such individual's age.
    (c) It shall be unlawful for a labor organization-
    (1) to exclude or to expel from its membership, or otherwise to discriminate against, any individual because of his age;
    (2) to limit, segregate, or classify its membership, or to classify or fail or refuse to refer for employment any individual, in any way which would deprive or tend to deprive any individual of employment opportunities, or would limit such employment opportunities or otherwise adversely affect his status as an employee or as an applicant for employment, because of such individual's age;
    (3) to cause or attempt to cause an employer to discriminate against an individual in violation of this section.
    But I’m sure your Personal Management Organization already knows all this. So, here’s my feed back for a more open Federal Government;
    Since everyone is joining forces, and we’re now going to save all this $$$$, My suggestion is to set a better example where your mission statement is concerned, and re-implement employment and job education programs that include those over 40, as well as allow us female vets over 40 that 5 point preference originally stated in the veteran’s benefit plan for employment placement assistance. Just because we’re not working at the moment, doesn’t mean we don’t need to and haven’t been applying- for everything. I hope I’ve actually been contributory- that’s my real intention here, and thanks for the opportunity to do so.
    11/13/2012 at 8:15 PM
    OPEN OPM Overview
    “Recruiting, Retaining, and Honoring a World- Class Work Force to Serve the American People”
    Through this Web site, we will share information with you about our Open Government plans and activities and collaborate with you to make OPM a more open agency.
    Through our Open Government efforts we aim to:
    • Build trust with the American people
    • Empower the public
    • Become more innovative, effective, and efficient in our work
    • Make wiser decisions
    • Foster a culture that values everyone’s contributions
    • Increase accountability
    • Track how our agency uses money
    As of April 2010, we made multiple data sets available via, launched this Web site, taken public input on how to improve openness at OPM, and posted our Open Government Plan. Please watch See How We’re Doing and News & Updates to see our progress since then.
    Our Open Government Plan is a living document. While we will make major changes every two years, we will make other changes as the process evolves. These changes may be based on ideas you share with us, the results of experiments with new technologies, or modifications to Federal laws or policies, such as the Paperwork Reduction Act or policies regarding Web browser cookies.
    The Plan includes a section on our Flagship Initiative, which will focus on using knowledge management tools to:
    • Support ongoing interaction with internal and external stakeholders
    • Explore social media and Web 2.0 sites and tools for their potential to bring new and varied stakeholders to the table
    To learn more, please peruse the site to see our Open Government Plan, data, blog, and other information sources and communication tools.
    I have taken an extensive tour of your web site, from your main page?the various policies on competitive entry and standard entry directives, criteria… to your contact blog. Oh My God. From what I see put into motion, the federal level of OPM has raised the bar so high out of reach with fictitious agency posting that require masters degree in subjects like “Funicular Studies” for a position like “LEAD RECREATION ASSISTANT ECC” - posted by the Department of the Army for a;
    “JOB DUTIES SUMMORY: In a patron usage facility” i.e. on base Rec. Center, “circulates among patrons to assure service is satisfactory; receives customer complaints; provides information and general instructions on the use of equipment, facilities and machinery. Assists patrons in use of facility by checking out equipment, providing safety instructions, demonstrating new equipment, teaching classes, etc. Plans, conducts, publicize and arrange suport for special events, Social activities, turnaments, related functions. Leads the work of other employees. Provides leadership, guydence and oversight in program operations. provides on-the job traning to new employees- Work experience, which involved dealing with the general public.”
    This is a REC Center Aid position at “$12.00 to $14.00 / Per Hour”

    Definition of funicular / fu•nic•u•lar:
    1. Of, relating to, or resembling a rope or cord.
    2. Operated or moved by a cable.
    3. Of, relating to, or constituting a funiculus.
    4. A cable railway on a steep incline, especially such a railway with simultaneously ascending and descending cars counterbalancing one another. (
    So a Master’s in “Funicular Studies”- the study of rope and cable in how it applies to ascending and descending railways must be critical for a REC. Aid job. I draw your attention to one other item… the actual cut & paste of this posting, particularly the job duties summary. Do you notice the spelling and grammar of the contents? This position stated an education pre-requisite of a Master’s degree, seriously? Why am I not drafting these postings? Oh yes, “In accordance with 5 U.S.C. 3307, a maximum entry age of 36 has been established for Federal initial appointments.” I’m over 36 and more than 3 years from my Honorable discharge date. I have eleven years Criminal Justice experience in State corrections agency as a program counselor with a proven success. I promoted up from security, and have 144 semester hours in Criminal Justice Administration and Management. However due to State Agency budget constraints, older staff with seniority 10+ years were riffed or if vested forced to retire in a cash out to avoid the state any further cost or lose it all November 1, 2012. I can’t file Un-employment because I had to cash my retirement and early-out, which makes me an invisible number. I have been unemployed for over 8 months now and find in the most recent federal postings that In accordance with 5 U.S.C. 3307, a maximum entry age of 36 has been established for Federal initial appointments. I read this Code and it even includes positions fields in medical, clerical, research, counseling, case/social work, etc. It gives no opportunity to Female Vets over the age of 40, even if they qualify because they are older than 36. Those positions previously applied for less than 60 days ago are now age restricted under this code. I have it in writing that I am qualified or eligible, but have not been referred for hire due to my age. My Mother was age 68 when she first started with the Social Security Administration as benefits Application reviewer in 1988. And it had been over 33 years since she retired from her state job and over 40 from her Honorable discharge from the Army.
    As I recall the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (Pub. L. 90-202) (ADEA), as amended, and appears in SEC. 623. [Section 4]. The ADEA prohibits employment discrimination against persons 40 years of age or older. The Older Workers Benefit Protection Act (Pub. L. 101-433) amends several sections of the ADEA. In addition, section 115 of the Civil Rights Act of 1991 (P.L. 102-166) amends section 7(e) of the ADEA (29 U. S.C. 626(e)).
    (a) It shall be unlawful for an employer-
    (1) to fail or refuse to hire or to discharge any individual or otherwise discriminate against any individual with respect to his compensation, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment, because of such individual's age;
    (2) To limit, segregate, or classify his employees in any way which would deprive or tend to deprive any individual of employment opportunities or otherwise adversely affect his status as an employee, because of such individual's age; or
    (3) To reduce the wage rate of any employee in order to comply with
    this chapter.
    (b) It shall be unlawful for an employment agency to fail or refuse to refer for employment, or otherwise to discriminate against, any individual because of such individual's age, or to classify or refer for employment any individual on the basis of such individual's age.
    (c) It shall be unlawful for a labor organization-
    (1) to exclude or to expel from its membership, or otherwise to discriminate against, any individual because of his age;
    (2) to limit, segregate, or classify its membership, or to classify or fail or refuse to refer for employment any individual, in any way which would deprive or tend to deprive any individual of employment opportunities, or would limit such employment opportunities or otherwise adversely affect his status as an employee or as an applicant for employment, because of such individual's age;
    (3) to cause or attempt to cause an employer to discriminate against an individual in violation of this section.
    But I’m sure your Personal Management Organization already knows all this. So, here’s my feed back for a more open Federal Government;
    Since everyone is joining forces, and we’re now going to save all this $$$$, My suggestion is to set a better example where your mission statement is concerned, and re-implement employment and job education programs that include those over 40, as well as allow us female vets over 40 that 5 point preference originally stated in the veteran’s benefit plan for employment placement assistance. Just because we’re not working at the moment, doesn’t mean we don’t need to and haven’t been applying- for everything. I hope I’ve actually been contributory- that’s my real intention here, and thanks for the opportunity to do so.
    Can't submit my citizenship, because...
    "Unexpected Error
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    Your error has been logged and the appropriate people notified. You may close this message and try your command again, perhaps after refreshing the page. If you continue to experience issues, please notify the site administrator."
    And just who would that be?
    Margaret Ronner
    11/28/2012 at 7:20 AM
    Need to add flex jobs and telework search options on jobsusa site. Time for the government to evolve in serving the people.
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