Category Archives: Foreign Trade Data

Trade Deficit Decreased in 2012

By: Lam & Kevin The Nation’s international trade deficit in goods and services decreased to $540.4 billion in 2012 from $559.9 billion in 2011.  Exports increased $92.6 billion to $2,195.9 billion in 2012, with increases of $33.7 billion occurred in … Continue reading

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The Sandy Effect

by: Jeff In case you missed it, at the beginning of December Stephen wrote an interesting post on what kind of an effect a hurricane can have on trade. He pointed to some interesting statistics from 2005, which show the … Continue reading

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Commodity Spotlight: WINE EXPORTS

By: Daniel Forget tea! Great Britain and Canada are thirsty for U.S. Wine! From the rolling hills of Napa Valley to the deep ravines of the Finger Lakes, wineries across the country have been increasing their efforts to expand sales … Continue reading

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Trade Grows in November

By: Sean Overall, the deficit of goods and services increased to $48.7 billion in November from $42.1 billion in October (revised). Exports increased to $182.6 billion in November from $180.8 billion in October (revised). Exports saw the largest increases in … Continue reading

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Happy New Year!

by: Stephen On behalf of the Global Reach Blog Managers and the Foreign Trade Division (FTD) of the United States Census Bureau, we would like to say Happy New Year! We hope that you have enjoyed your holiday season and … Continue reading

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Deficit Balance Increased as Exports and Imports Decreased in October 2012

By: Lam Overall, the deficit of goods and services is up $1.9 billion from $40.3 billion in September (revised) to $42.2 billion in October. Specifically, exports decreased $6.8 billion from $187.3 billion in September (revised) to $180.5 billion in October. … Continue reading

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Nature Strikes Again. What Does That Mean for Trade?

By: Stephen It is incredible to see the impact that a single storm can make on an area. What might be just as impressive is the immediate effect it can have on Trade. It will inevitably take some time before … Continue reading

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Getting Your Trade Data Sooner!!!

By: Melissa The U.S. Census Bureau’s Foreign Trade Division is pleased to announce that you will be getting your trade data sooner! Beginning in March 2013 with the January 2013 U.S. International Trade in Goods and Services (FT-900) report, monthly … Continue reading

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Record High Exports in September

By: Lam Overall, the deficit of goods and services is down from $43.8 billion (-$2.3 billion) in August (revised) to $41.5 billion in September. Specifically, exports increased from $181.4 billion (+$5.6 billion) in August (revised) to $187.0 billion in September. … Continue reading

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Imports and Exports Decrease Slightly in August

By Sean As some of our most ardent followers probably know already, we just released our August trade statistics.  The numbers indicate that the deficit in goods and services increased from $42.5 billion (revised numbers for July) to $44.2 billion … Continue reading

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