Monthly Archives: March 2011

The United States – Canada Data Exchange

By Melissa The United States and Canada enjoy an economic partnership unique in the world. The two nations  share the world’s largest and most comprehensive trading relationship. Did you know that the two countries also share an agreement to exchange … Continue reading

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What is required for me to ship charity goods to Japan?

By: Omari On Friday, March 11, 2011, a major earthquake struck northern Japan, devastating the area and triggering a tsunami. Many U.S. residents and organizations are generously donating food, water, medicines, and other supplies to aid in the relief efforts. … Continue reading

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Proposed changes to the Foreign Trade Regulations

By: Omari On January 21, 2011, the U.S. Census Bureau issued the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPR), also in pdf, for revisions to the Foreign Trade Regulations (FTR). Most of the clarifications and changes reflect a need to update the … Continue reading

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Have You Used The Shipment Manager Yet?

By: Eric All AESDirect filers now have an option to manage their Electronic Export Information (EEI) – the Shipment Manager.  It offers a new way to search, review and retrieve your submitted EEI over the last five years. Highlighted Features: … Continue reading

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Decoding the SRN

By: Cindy and Nidaal A Requirement of the AES is that every shipment must have a unique Shipment Reference Number (SRN). See FTR Letter No.2. The SRN is a unique 17-character alphanumeric number assigned by the filer to each shipment. … Continue reading

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Trade deficit increases to $46.3 billion in January

By Fay The U.S. international trade deficit increased to $46.3 billion in January 2011 up from $40.4 in December 2010, as imports increased more than exports.  Exports increased 2.7% from December 2010 to $167.7 billion (a record high), and imports … Continue reading

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Get Ready to Floss

By: Terri Do you remember your last visit to the dentist’s office? Dentist: I noticed a bit of plaque build-up. Have you been flossing twice a day? (awkward silence) You: Um… I ran out and I just can’t find any … Continue reading

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Are Your Rough Diamonds Kimberley Process Certified?

By Erin Almost everyone loves a diamond whether it’s been cut and polished or still in its rough form. However, those beautiful diamonds can go through an involved process before they are sent to your local jewelry store. If you … Continue reading

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