Monthly Archives: March 2010

Verifying Shipments

By Dan Each month analysts in the Foreign Trade Division contact freight forwarders, customs brokers, exporters and importers to verify the data elements on import and export records filed with U.S. Customs and Border Protection. This process involves calling the … Continue reading

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2009: The Year in Trade

By Joe December 2009 trade data were released on February 10 (in the middle of a blizzard, no less!) With the December release comes our chance to take a look back at a 2009 year-in-review. The annual trade data shows … Continue reading

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It Can’t Hurt to Ask

By Ryan We here at Foreign Trade(FTD) receive a lot of questions from people in the trade community regarding our online data products and services. The Commodity Analysis Branch receives requests to verify specific numbers in the published data. The … Continue reading

Posted in Foreign Trade Data | 1 Comment

Make sure your AESDirect company account information is up to date!

By Rosanna There are many reasons that you may need to update your AESDirect account. For example: the registered Account Administrator might have left the company, the e-mail address on the profile might have changed, or your company simply might … Continue reading

Posted in Export Filing | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

January Trade Data Released

The Nation’s international trade deficit decreased to $37.3 billion in January from $39.9 billion (revised) in December, as imports decreased more than exports.
If you read our Press Highlights, you may have noticed that the low quantity of crude oil imports keeps popping up:
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Stories from the Real Export Emergencies: Episode 1

By Cindy Stories from the Real Export Emergencies: Episode 1 “Please…save my shipment!” Scene: A very concerned filer walks into the doctor’s office distraught about his very ill shipment. The Filers eyes are filed with tears as he says to … Continue reading

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Eliminating the use of your Social Security Number (SSN) in the Automated Export System (AES)

 By: Justin Since the publication of the SSN Final Rule, many have asked, “Why am I no longer able to use my SSN to register or file through the AES?” Since the SSN  is no longer accepted in the AES, … Continue reading

Posted in Foreign Trade Regulations | 1 Comment