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U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

Youth at Work

3. Jorge, a Honduran citizen living in the United States, accepted a summer job with a landscaping company. On his first day, Jorge broke a lawn mower, prompting the customer to yell at him. The customer called Jorge “stupid” and complained that foreign kids like Jorge were stealing jobs from hard-working Americans. Jorge did not see the customer again during the rest of the summer. Did the customer illegally harass Jorge?

  1. No. Because the customer does not work for the landscaping company, the company cannot be held legally responsible for the customer’s conduct.
  2. No. Although the customer’s conduct was offensive and was directed at Jorge because of his national origin, it was not sufficiently severe (very serious) or pervasive (frequent) to establish illegal harassment.
  3. No. Because Jorge is not an American citizen, he is not protected by U.S. employment discrimination laws.
  4. Yes. It is illegal to harass someone at work for any reason.