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U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

Youth at Work
3 bagels

Several teenage girls, aged 16 to 18, worked for a bagel shop in Northern California. The young women, along with several older women, reported that the store manager sexually harassed them. The women claimed that the harassment continued for months even though they complained to management. Two of the women felt that they had to quit because of the manager's behavior.

The women eventually sought help from the EEOC. After investigating the women's claims, EEOC filed a lawsuit on their behalf. Although the store manager was ultimately terminated because of the harassment, the EEOC claimed that the bagel shop had failed to take prompt and appropriate action to end the sexual harassment.

In March 2003, the EEOC and the company agreed to settle the lawsuit. The terms of the settlement included:

One of the girls commented: "I spoke out about my work situation because no girl should have to endure the sexual harassment that I went through. I came forward because the truth is important and with support from my family and the EEOC, I can now safely put this behind me."

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