NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery Since 1974

Remote Setup

Please register for the free event if you plan to attend remotely. We may not be able to accommodate those who have not registered.

WebEx Setup

Training events are broadcast as a webinar using WebEx technology. All you need to participate is a modern computer and web browser.

If you are registered, you will receive an email invitation with instructions for connecting.  From the web page for the event, you will also find a link in the left-hand navigation menu with connection details. HOWEVER, you must be logged into the web site to see the link. If you need assistance connecting, please email,, or call 1-800-66-NERSC, menu option 3 and request connection instructions.

You will be able to view the presenter slides in real time and be able to hear the audio through your computer if it supports audio output. If you have a microphone connected to your computer, you can use that to ask questions during the event (This has not always worked reliably, please use the dial-in number if you want to verbally ask questions or else type questions using the WebEx chat function). There will be an additional teleconference line for those who prefer using a phone. 

You can set up and test your computer and browser ahead of time at Chose "Set Up -> Event Manager from the left-hand menu.


You have two options for audio: A dial in teleconference number or audio streaming to your computer through WebEx. The dail in number is 1-866-740-1260. The passcode will be sent to registered parlcipants. NERSC users can also get the passcode from the "Web Meeting Information" page for each event on this web site. Please mute your phone unless you are asking a question. Audio streaming through WebEx is one-way: you cannot verbally ask questions, but you can type questions into the WebEx chat windows. Please direct your questions to the "Host" rather than the "Presenter."

Hands-on Sessions

If the event has hands-on materials, they can be found in the NERSC global file system at


Please copy files from this directory to your own $HOME or $SCRATCH directory before trying any excercises.

X Windows

Many of the tools are X-Windows based. The X protocol generally works very poorly over wide area networks because it is very "chatty" and network latencies can make X applications almost unusable.

A free software package named "NX" runs in a client/server mode to package small individual X messages into larger packages, drastically improving performance over a WAN.

NERSC has installed NX servers on Euclid, Franklin, and Carver. You can download the NX client, connect with it to Euclid (recommended platform), then SSH from within the NX GUI to other NERSC systems.