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An official website of the United States Government.

Open Government Blog

Posted 2:41 PM by

If you have a question about our policies or services, try our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). There you’ll see a list of the top 10 questions. You’ll also be able to browse by topics such as insurance, retirement, or personnel documentation. Or you can search by keyword.

We encourage you to use the FAQs to their fullest to get answers to your questions, and we welcome your comments on our open government efforts here.

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Ken Vaughn
9/2/2011 at 3:39 PM
Back in the 80's a bill was passed that all veterans had to pay back their military time for social security purposes before they retired. I went out on a disability. Will they still hold out some from my retirement check because of this and how much? I have heard 2% for each year I was in the military. Thanks!
Ken Vaughn
9/2/2011 at 3:40 PM
Back in the 80's a bill was passed that all veterans had to pay back their military time for social security purposes before they retired. I went out on a disability. Will they still hold out some from my retirement check because of this and how much? I have heard 2% for each year I was in the military. Thanks!
dani c
9/2/2011 at 4:26 PM
during a background check for a gov. job. will the civilian employer be told you applied for job so and so. To me that would put an X on your back.( was offered a job conditional as an alternate)
9/3/2011 at 5:00 PM
I got a job in Washington, DC and they required a Public trust clearance. My recruiter send me SF-85P Forms and they want me to fill the forms and hand over to my recruiter. I don't want any unauthorized person view my personal identify information, is there any way that I can send my information directly to OPM..?
9/3/2011 at 5:01 PM
I got a job in Washington, DC and they required a Public trust clearance. My recruiter send me SF-85P Forms and they want me to fill the forms and hand over to my recruiter. I don't want any unauthorized person view my personal identify information, is there any way that I can send my information directly to OPM..?
Cheryl M. Walker
9/5/2011 at 6:53 PM
I am trying to get a position in Health and Human Services. I was a Medicaid Examiner for 11 years in the District of Columbia Government. In 2006, I had a stroke while teaching school with DC Public Schools. I am trying to get myself together to join the workforce again. I am 58 years old and need to work. Can I apply in the SCSEP program and I am disabled.
edwin dutra
9/6/2011 at 8:06 AM
I could not find an answer to my question isn FAOs. Unscheduled telework was given as an option for Federal Employees the day after Hurricane Irene came through the DC area. What was the reason for unscheduled telework on that day? If power was out I presume computers would not work or at least not for long (lap tops) and if children were home one cannot work at home without a childcare arrangement in place ahead of time. Just wondering as I have been asked and could not provide an answer. Thanks.
edwin dutra
9/6/2011 at 8:07 AM
I could not find an answer to my question isn FAOs. Unscheduled telework was given as an option for Federal Employees the day after Hurricane Irene came through the DC area. What was the reason for unscheduled telework on that day? If power was out I presume computers would not work or at least not for long (lap tops) and if children were home one cannot work at home without a childcare arrangement in place ahead of time. Just wondering as I have been asked and could not provide an answer. Thanks.
Stephen Bowker
9/6/2011 at 9:49 AM
I would like to know what the opm's definition of full time is. Does this definition of full time apply to the usps? I thought I read somewhere that full time according to the opm is 40 hrs for all federal employees.
Stephen Bowker
9/6/2011 at 9:55 AM
Iwould like to know what the opm's definition of full time is. Does this definition apply to the usps? I thought I read somewhere that fulltime, according to the opm is 40 hrs for all federal employees.
9/6/2011 at 10:32 AM
Where can I find a WG pay schedule with locality pay for DC. I can find GS but cannot find WG anywhere.
Philip Nowak
9/6/2011 at 3:09 PM
I am interested in getting the "latest and greatest" on the President's Quality Award Program (PQA). When I reached OPM's PQA site the latest entry appeared to be 2008. Does the PQA still exist? Is OPM still the lead for the PQA?
Philip Nowak
9/6/2011 at 3:10 PM
I am interested in getting the "latest and greatest" on the President's Quality Award Program (PQA). When I reached OPM's PQA site the latest entry appeared to be 2008. Does the PQA still exist? Is OPM still the lead for the PQA?
Ivonne Hart
9/7/2011 at 11:40 AM
I'm a current career-status employee with the Department of Veterans Affairs. I am Bilingual Spanish-English employee and in my currect position as a Financial Accounting Technician I provide cusotomer support in Spanish, however, I am not compensated for my use of my bilingual skills. Is there a regulation available that would provide compensation details for federal employees using Bilingual skills as a daily part of the work day? Any assistance with this matter would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Regards, Ivonne Hart
Randy Nielson
9/8/2011 at 12:54 AM
I am a WG/WL/WS employee at Tobyhanna Army Depot. I was wondering how I could get visibility to keep up with what is being done to correct the payscale disparity here? This has been going on for too many years, was supposed to be corrected and we would like an answer. Thank you.
9/8/2011 at 1:59 PM
I have a question reguarding maximum pay and scheduled overtime. In a pay period where I am required to work 80 hours of regular time, 100 hours of Scheduled overtime and have a payout of 100 hours of comp time earned a year ago, how will the maximum pay limits apply? GS-11 step9 exempt flsa/covered by bargaining unit agrement? I am having troublefinding anything that references scheduled overtime limits.
9/8/2011 at 2:01 PM
I have a question reguarding maximum pay and scheduled overtime. In a pay period where I am required to work 80 hours of regular time, 100 hours of Scheduled overtime and have a payout of 100 hours of comp time earned a year ago, how will the maximum pay limits apply? GS-11 step9 exempt flsa/covered by bargaining unit agrement? I am having troublefinding anything that references scheduled overtime limits.
9/8/2011 at 2:40 PM
Are there any initiatives to mandate organizations us certs once they advertise announcements, have people apply and then because they don't see who they may be looking for the opt to return the cert with no selection and then repost the announcement. This has always been the unofficial way to side step Veterans and muddy the waters of hiring. I've notice this seems to be practiced a lot with DHS USCIS. Many of their announcements are cancelled or selecting official decides not to use cert. Many reappear within days with shorter open periods.... Hiring officials aand agencies should be forced to use certificates issued or not allowed to readvertise or fill that position for at least 1 year. You have staffing personnel doing lots of work to produce the certificate, lots of people taking time to apply. If they don't understand the process of overstepping folks they don't believe are qualified, this needs to be explained by their staffing office. But something needs to be done to put a stop to this practice.
9/9/2011 at 7:33 AM
[url=]vBulletin Community Forum[/url]
Concerned Fed Employee
9/9/2011 at 10:27 AM
In the past 6 months, I have applied to 15 jobs. 8 out of the 15 have been cancelled. That is 53%! What is the reason for this? This is very frustrating to applicants who took the time to complete (sometimes lengthy) applications.
Concerned Fed Employee
9/9/2011 at 10:27 AM
In the past 6 months, I have applied to 15 jobs. 8 out of the 15 have been cancelled. That is 53%! What is the reason for this? This is very frustrating to applicants who took the time to complete (sometimes lengthy) applications.
PCUnsure of next move
9/11/2011 at 9:29 PM
I was a GS15 for 2 years at an agency that was closing. I left the agency 5 mos ago and accepted a GS14 at another agency (no pay decrease). The new agency now has some GS15 positions open that I am interested in. I have been told that people who are already 15s don't have to compete for the positions but can be laterally moved into them. My question: is there anyway that I can be laterally moved into a 15 position since I was so recently one or did I give that possibility up when I accepted the 14 and will now have to compete for the position? Thank you
9/12/2011 at 12:01 PM
Electronic Personnel File.. I have recently began employment with DOD an all of my administrative personnel files from decades are not available within the EOPF. How do I go about having this history linked?
9/12/2011 at 12:02 PM
Electronic Personnel File.. I have recently began employment with DOD an all of my administrative personnel files from decades are not available within the EOPF. How do I go about having this history linked?
Rose Mary Kealohi Chong
9/12/2011 at 7:46 PM
I am a Civilian employee working for the Navy and Marines, MAL-S 24, NSD, SMD, at KMCB (Kaneohe Marine Corps Base) Hawaii. I have read that, as a permanent cvilian civil servant, I am supposed to get an SF-50 every year, to update my status of employment. I have not received such an update for 2010 and nothing yet for 2011. Please send me a copy of my SF-50 Employment update to my email address.
Rose Mary Kealohi Chong
9/12/2011 at 7:47 PM
I am a Civilian employee working for the Navy and Marines, MAL-S 24, NSD, SMD, at KMCB (Kaneohe Marine Corps Base) Hawaii. I have read that, as a permanent cvilian civil servant, I am supposed to get an SF-50 every year, to update my status of employment. I have not received such an update for 2010 and nothing yet for 2011. Please send me a copy of my SF-50 Employment update to my email address.
Diane Knight
9/13/2011 at 11:58 AM
What authority decided to offer incentives in lieu of involuntary separation to the specific job series' 0301 and 0855 at Patrick Air Force Base, FL? In other words, why were 0301's and 0855's targeted and not others?
Diane Knight
9/13/2011 at 12:00 PM
What authority decided to offer incentives in lieu of involuntary separation to the specific job series' 0301 and 0855 at Patrick Air Force Base, FL? In other words, why were 0301's and 0855's targeted and not others?
Tracy Lombardi
9/14/2011 at 12:50 PM
I am an employee with the Transportation Security Administration, having transferred from the USPS. TSA's HR is handled through HR Access, contracted by Lockheed Martin. Recently, an audit of my leave was conducted, and HR Access determined they found a 40.5 hour encoding error, from 2006/2007, and deducted 40.5 hours from my annual leave balance. When I was employed for the USPS, any discrepancy found, the employee was notified, and given options for corrections (provide us your documentation) and or payments. Does TSA's HR Access have the authority to alter employee’s payroll records, without first contacting the employee and the employee's local HR, who may have additional information and/or documentation?
Tracy Lombardi
9/14/2011 at 12:51 PM
I am an employee with the Transportation Security Administration, having transferred from the USPS. TSA's HR is handled through HR Access, contracted by Lockheed Martin. Recently, an audit of my leave was conducted, and HR Access determined they found a 40.5 hour encoding error, from 2006/2007, and deducted 40.5 hours from my annual leave balance. When I was employed for the USPS, any discrepancy found, the employee was notified, and given options for corrections (provide us your documentation) and or payments. Does TSA's HR Access have the authority to alter employee’s payroll records, without first contacting the employee and the employee's local HR, who may have additional information and/or documentation?
Steve Carlson
9/14/2011 at 7:56 PM
I retired from the US Postal Service as of june 1, 2011. I need to access my OPF. Do I need to get the information from OMP or the Postal Service? Thank you
Steve Carlson
9/14/2011 at 7:56 PM
I retired from the US Postal Service as of june 1, 2011. I need to access my OPF. Do I need to get the information from OMP or the Postal Service? Thank you
9/15/2011 at 11:02 AM
Under a RIF if a employee is offered a position 3 grades lower (GS-12 to GS-9 retention pay/grade)and expects the position that is in the commuting area, is it the gaining activity's responsibilty to find the employee a GS-12 position within the two year window or is it the employee's responsibilty. M.W.
9/15/2011 at 11:03 AM
Under a RIF if a employee is offered a position 3 grades lower (GS-12 to GS-9 retention pay/grade)and expects the position that is in the commuting area, is it the gaining activity's responsibilty to find the employee a GS-12 position within the two year window or is it the employee's responsibilty. M.W.
Keith M. Sutyak
9/19/2011 at 1:12 PM
Dear Sir/Ma'am, I am currently working on input for a contract to hire test & evaluation support for my Navy command, Commander, Operational Test & Evaluation. I am interested in getting access to the Knowledge, Skills and Abilities data base for various professional and administrative positions, so that I can provide detailed guidance in the contract solicitation for potential solititors. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Very Respecctfully, Keith M. Sutyak (LCDR, USN(ret)
Keith M. Sutyak
9/19/2011 at 1:15 PM
Dear Sir/Ma'am, I am currently working on input for a contract to hire test & evaluation support for my Navy command, Commander, Operational Test & Evaluation. I am interested in getting access to the Knowledge, Skills and Abilities data base for various professional and administrative positions, so that I can provide detailed guidance in the contract solicitation for potential solititors. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Very Respecctfully, Keith M. Sutyak (LCDR, USN(ret)
Cathie Flanagan
9/19/2011 at 2:48 PM
I am trying to access my personnel file online and I am unable to use the link on the document I pulled up. I am trying: Any suggestions? Thank you, Cathie Flanagan
9/19/2011 at 2:59 PM
If a GS-11 seeking a different career field is interested in a GS-9 target GS-13 position and applies for the GS-9, 11 & 12, but is only determined to be qualified at the GS-9 level, can mandatory pay retention be applied?
anna m lemaster
9/20/2011 at 1:01 PM
I am a veteran's widow,collecting from his annuity each month, but this requires me to pay more income tax than he (H&R Block) deems necessary.However, this may leave me with insufficient funds for daily living expenses. Who might I contact to talk to about this situation?
Joel Najera
9/20/2011 at 1:54 PM
Military personnel - Civilian Substitution: What are different factors tied up in calculating wages, salaries, benefits with regards to subtituting military billets to civilian personnel. We are looking on replacing somce of our military billets with civilians and would like to know more about this, where to start. I appreciate all the support and assistance you can offer.
Mark Epstein
9/21/2011 at 10:50 AM
Is it permissible for management to (1) maintain an 80-hour pay period comprised of a 0730-1630 work day, Monday thru Friday when an employee is not performing TDY and then (2) in order to avoid paying overtime, maintain half the pay period at the 0730-1630 work day while changing it the second week (the week of performing TDY) to Monday: travel and 8 hours of scheduled work; Tuesday: 12 hours of scheduled work; Wednesday: 8 hours of scheduled work; Thursday: 12 hours of scheduled work, and Friday: no scheduled hours of work and the employee travels back to home station on a day off, earning only travel compensatory time? And, yes, upon the next pay period where the employee is NOT performing TDY, the pay period reverts to the normal 0730-1630 work schedule for the entire pay period.
Mark Epstein
9/21/2011 at 10:50 AM
Is it permissible for management to (1) maintain an 80-hour pay period comprised of a 0730-1630 work day, Monday thru Friday when an employee is not performing TDY and then (2) in order to avoid paying overtime, maintain half the pay period at the 0730-1630 work day while changing it the second week (the week of performing TDY) to Monday: travel and 8 hours of scheduled work; Tuesday: 12 hours of scheduled work; Wednesday: 8 hours of scheduled work; Thursday: 12 hours of scheduled work, and Friday: no scheduled hours of work and the employee travels back to home station on a day off, earning only travel compensatory time? And, yes, upon the next pay period where the employee is NOT performing TDY, the pay period reverts to the normal 0730-1630 work schedule for the entire pay period.
Wanda J. Fields, MHA, MHRM
9/21/2011 at 11:53 AM
Today is Sep 21, 11. Can you tell me when applications for the Executive Career Field (ECF) program will be accepted? Neither my HRMS nor Education Office could answer this question. Thank you
Edward Warren
9/21/2011 at 2:36 PM
To whom it may concern I turned in a Form 306 during my first day of Federal employment on March 28, 2011. I am wondering how much longer will it take before I receive the credit for my active military service? Thank you for your time.
Stephen Bulger
9/22/2011 at 11:00 AM
Can you please explain why HRSC East does not accept Standard Forms (SF) or even Office of Personnel Management (OPM) forms for Military Service Deposits? I just left my local HRO with a Civilian Benefits Center form (CBC 12830-49) to be completed because they "don't use" the fillable SF-3108/3108A forms available on the OPM website. I was under the impression that ANY government agency was required to accept Standard Forms.
Stephen Bulger
9/22/2011 at 11:05 AM
Can you please explain why HRSC East does not accept Standard Forms (SF) or even Office of Personnel Management (OPM) forms for Military Service Deposits? I just left my local HRO with a Civilian Benefits Center form (CBC 12830-49) to be completed because they "don't use" the fillable SF-3108/3108A forms available on the OPM website. I was under the impression that ANY government agency was required to accept Standard Forms.
vittoria Webster
9/22/2011 at 12:27 PM
Why was I let go from my position at NAL for not able to climb ladder? I am disable and have an A certification letter. Can someone answer my question? EEO is just a big laugh they dont do anything is just a big cover up for nothing. I need explanation and dont know how to get an honest one. Vittoria Webster 9524 48th ave College park, md 20740
vittoria Webster
9/22/2011 at 12:28 PM
Why was I let go from my position at NAL for not able to climb ladder? I am disable and have an A certification letter. Can someone answer my question? EEO is just a big laugh they dont do anything is just a big cover up for nothing. I need explanation and dont know how to get an honest one. Vittoria Webster 9524 48th ave College park, md 20740
vittoria Webster
9/22/2011 at 12:28 PM
Why was I let go from my position at NAL for not able to climb ladder? I am disable and have an A certification letter. Can someone answer my question? EEO is just a big laugh they dont do anything is just a big cover up for nothing. I need explanation and dont know how to get an honest one. Vittoria Webster 9524 48th ave College park, md 20740
vittoria Webster
9/22/2011 at 12:28 PM
Why was I let go from my position at NAL for not able to climb ladder? I am disable and have an A certification letter. Can someone answer my question? EEO is just a big laugh they dont do anything is just a big cover up for nothing. I need explanation and dont know how to get an honest one. Vittoria Webster 9524 48th ave College park, md 20740
Pat Price
9/22/2011 at 3:00 PM
I am interested to know if OPM assists current government employees in finding new positions in the situation where the current office relocates and the employee is not able or chooses not to follow? If OPM does not assist, is there another Office that does?
Lori Summers
9/23/2011 at 2:21 PM
My question is regarding the FEHB plans available to federal employees and their dependents. Has there been any consideration to offering tiered coverage? For example, coverage for "Single and Child" or "Single and Spouse" should be less costly than a premium for "Family Coverage" that can include a spouse and several children. These options are often offered to employees in the private sector. It seems that a single parent with one child is subsidizing the cost of coverage for larger families.
Sherrill J. Howard
9/23/2011 at 6:06 PM
My question is regarding my clearances still being good after retirement. I retired 31 Dec 2010. I was told by my former employer that my TS/SCI clearances would be good for two years (31 Dec 2012). Yet when I applied for a security clearance position, I was told by the recruiter for that company that the security officer said that my clearances showed up inactive in the system. I called the security officer from my former job. He explained the system is going to show that my clearances are inactive because I am retired and no longer working. But that there should not be a problem with me getting a clearance position. Because my clearances are still good for two years. I explained this to the recruiter. Is there any kind of document to present to the recruiter to show that my clearances are still good? Thank you for your consideration of my question.
Sherrill J. Howard
9/23/2011 at 6:07 PM
My question is regarding my clearances still being good after retirement. I retired 31 Dec 2010. I was told by my former employer that my TS/SCI clearances would be good for two years (31 Dec 2012). Yet when I applied for a security clearance position, I was told by the recruiter for that company that the security officer said that my clearances showed up inactive in the system. I called the security officer from my former job. He explained the system is going to show that my clearances are inactive because I am retired and no longer working. But that there should not be a problem with me getting a clearance position. Because my clearances are still good for two years. I explained this to the recruiter. Is there any kind of document to present to the recruiter to show that my clearances are still good? Thank you for your consideration of my question.
9/24/2011 at 1:04 AM
I was given a "tenative" offer letter for a position that states once I complete all the requirements the job would be mine. This was 2009, I was waiting for the person currently in the position to be hired into another agency. She also received an offer, my letter does not have a date of expiration or any comments as such. This person was finally hired early 2011. I was made to reapply for the position, told my offer expired in 6 months. I submitted my resume and was again in the top 3...however the position was given to someone else. No more qualifications other than "buddies" with the hiring official. My question: Is there somewhere it is written that the offer expires within a six month period? I could not find anything in the hiring manual.
9/24/2011 at 1:04 AM
I was given a "tenative" offer letter for a position that states once I complete all the requirements the job would be mine. This was 2009, I was waiting for the person currently in the position to be hired into another agency. She also received an offer, my letter does not have a date of expiration or any comments as such. This person was finally hired early 2011. I was made to reapply for the position, told my offer expired in 6 months. I submitted my resume and was again in the top 3...however the position was given to someone else. No more qualifications other than "buddies" with the hiring official. My question: Is there somewhere it is written that the offer expires within a six month period? I could not find anything in the hiring manual.
9/24/2011 at 1:51 AM
I want to retire and hold off on the monthly annuity benefits. At the time I will have 3 months short of 20 years of federal service and be 57 years of age. When I do decide to collect, and should an early out be offered, if I then meet eligiblity requirements 20 years and 57 years old, could I apply for that package even though I have already separated?
9/24/2011 at 11:49 AM
Recently, there was an internet article relating to payment to deceased government retiress long after their death. The amount of money was staggering. When my ex-husband died, the hospital and funeral director immediately notified Social Security Administration and all benefits ceased immediately. How was this initiated and why not the same procedure be used for government retirees. Next question, why wouldn't the Department of OPM run a computer check against city and or state records to verify or match names on city or state records with current retiree recipients. Another question, wouldn't retiree beneficiaries try to collect life insurance. Maybe this would be much less than collecting years of pension. Are there legal actions against these people who falsely accessed the deceased retirees accounts.
9/24/2011 at 11:50 AM
Recently, there was an internet article relating to payment to deceased government retiress long after their death. The amount of money was staggering. When my ex-husband died, the hospital and funeral director immediately notified Social Security Administration and all benefits ceased immediately. How was this initiated and why not the same procedure be used for government retirees. Next question, why wouldn't the Department of OPM run a computer check against city and or state records to verify or match names on city or state records with current retiree recipients. Another question, wouldn't retiree beneficiaries try to collect life insurance. Maybe this would be much less than collecting years of pension. Are there legal actions against these people who falsely accessed the deceased retirees accounts.
9/24/2011 at 12:07 PM
I have been employed with the NIH for over ten years and a couple years ago they issued new badges and along with that comes a background investigation performed in part by contractors. I was required to submit a variety if forms which I felt very uncomfortable with since 1.) I have no idea who the contractor is processing these documents, and what type of clearance they have enabling them to handle such personal documents. 2.) I also would like to know what the classification of my position is for example non-sensitive or Public Trust. I asked a couple people at the Division of Personnel Security at the NIH and was never given an adequate explanation. Would someone be able to help direct me to the correct person who may have this information? Thank you.
9/24/2011 at 12:10 PM
I have been employed with the NIH for over ten years and a couple years ago they issued new badges and along with that comes a background investigation performed in part by contractors. I was required to submit a variety if forms which I felt very uncomfortable with since 1.) I have no idea who the contractor is processing these documents, and what type of clearance they have enabling them to handle such personal documents. 2.) I also would like to know what the classification of my position is for example non-sensitive or Public Trust. I asked a couple people at the Division of Personnel Security at the NIH and was never given an adequate explanation. Would someone be able to help direct me to the correct person who may have this information? Thank you.
9/24/2011 at 3:25 PM
BarbE 9/24/2011 at 3:16 PMWhere on the Online Services do I go to update my password. I sent for a temp one and need to change it online? Also I did not pay SS it went to retirement. Was told when I was hired I would get that money if I quit, got fired or retired. Why is it put into my retirement over the next 20 yrs? I wont live 20 more years. Where does my money go. I was on OWCP for over 22 years and was told when I retired it was not a disability retirement. I was disabled and could not work all those years with post office. I was hurt in 1986, went out on OWCP in 87 and started retirement in 2011. Why am I not disabled anymore?? BarbE 9/24/2011 at 3:21 PMdo I need to file income tax for my retirement money I receive? Why cant an employee of the post office that was injured on the job receive a settlement for a loss that is life long. I dont get much retirement because I got hurt after working 9 yrs, so my salary was not real high. I lost so much money and the injury is with me from now on.
9/25/2011 at 4:12 PM
I am a Grade 14 equivalent manager for IRS (IR-0340-04) who manages 4 Grade 14 Program Analysts, 5 Grade 13 analysts, 1 grade 9 analyst, 3 grade 7 Tax examiners and 1 grade 5 clerk (total 14). Shouldn't my position be a Grade 15 equivalent?
Michael Baker
9/26/2011 at 11:42 AM
There is a possibility of a VSIP being offered. It says you cannot work in any capacity for the federal government for five years after accepting a VSIP. My question: can you work as a FCIC crop adjuster for a company selling crop insurance to the farmer? Thank you for your thoughts.
Randy Nielson
9/26/2011 at 11:23 PM
It finally occurred to me this is NOT a forum for questions! The lack of an answer was my first hint. So in line with what this forum is requesting, I AM NOT impressed with OPM's Open Government Initiative! I and my coworkers have been waiting for years for a resolution to our pay disparity. FPRAC "FINALLY" approves a resolution and it is promptly STALLED! With no visibility or clarity on why, or what is being done to bring it to resolution. Not that I can find anyway.
james manning
9/27/2011 at 12:25 PM
WHY IS MEDCO HOLDING RXs OF MINE FOR 10 DAYS BEFORE SHIPPING. My guess is it put it into Oct, meaning 90 days for reorder will be next year, HIGHER RATES. Someone should look into this.
james manning
9/27/2011 at 12:27 PM
WHY IS MEDCO HOLDING RXs OF MINE FOR 10 DAYS BEFORE SHIPPING. My guess is it put it into Oct, meaning 90 days for reorder will be next year, HIGHER RATES. Someone should look into this.
Deborah McPherson
9/27/2011 at 5:08 PM
My mother died June 4, 2011. I immediately reported her death and completed the paperwork for her retirement benefits and life insurance. It is almost October and we have received nothing. I started contacting OPM the first of September because I had heard nothing. I found out the employee handling my mother's case had been out for two months. When I call and ask the status I get nothing and employees do not return phone calls. I need information to complete an inventory for the probate court. I have never been so frustrated in dealing with a federal agency. Employees should return phone calls. There is no excuse for this total disregard of federal employees and their family members. I just hope that the employees involved one day are faced with the same frustration that I have experienced in dealing with OPM.
9/28/2011 at 12:35 PM
When a person decides to retire, should HR do the paperwork but HR should leave it up to the employee when they will tell their supervisor. Locally HR does it this way but now that the VISN is taking over, they say I HAVE to tell my supervisor before they will even start to process. The say an SF52 HAS to be submitted first. A retirement has nothing to do with putting in the 52 until the employee is definitely leaving at their discretion. VISN refuses to keep my request confidential! Is this legal and appropriate?
9/28/2011 at 12:38 PM
When a person decides to retire, should HR do the paperwork but HR should leave it up to the employee when they will tell their supervisor. Locally HR does it this way but now that the VISN is taking over, they say I HAVE to tell my supervisor before they will even start to process. The say an SF52 HAS to be submitted first. A retirement has nothing to do with putting in the 52 until the employee is definitely leaving at their discretion. VISN refuses to keep my request confidential! Is this legal and appropriate?
9/29/2011 at 8:58 AM
If you are interested in a mission support position other than an administrative officer with the air marshals – don’t. There is no promotion unless the A/O position opens but that doesn’t guarantee you an interview or the job. Most program assistants are at the of their pay band F (TSA does not follow GS schedule) – for the past four years we’ve have bought the issue to the advisory council and director’s office to reclassify positions to administrative or program specialist for G/H band equivalent to GS10/11. It’s been politely said by HQ staff – apply for a position in DC for a promotion or look on And they wonder why there is a high turnover.
9/29/2011 at 9:00 AM
If you are interested in a mission support position other than an administrative officer with the air marshals – don’t. There is no promotion unless the A/O position opens but that doesn’t guarantee you an interview or the job. Most program assistants are at the of their pay band F (TSA does not follow GS schedule) – for the past four years we’ve have bought the issue to the advisory council and director’s office to reclassify positions to administrative or program specialist for G/H band equivalent to GS10/11. It’s been politely said by HQ staff – apply for a position in DC for a promotion or look on And they wonder why there is a high turnover.
9/29/2011 at 11:02 AM
We always have to come in on holidays and were wondering how this works. Labor Day a co-worker worked 4.5 hours and it is a normal work day of 8 hours as it is during the week. How do you calculate this pay. She makes $16.00 an hour or there about. She feels she was cheated out of her holiday pay and we want to make sure it is figured right. Thank you Dawn
9/29/2011 at 1:58 PM
how can OPM and BCBS possibly justify a 25% increase in Blue Care Network of MI premiums for 2012. More specifically, how can OPM, in good conscience, issue a press release touting only an across the board 3.5% increase in health insurance premiums when you know darn well that the most popular plans (namely the HMO) were hit with increases similar to the 25% increase of Blue Care Network of MI. At least be honest about it! The federal government, as such a large employee should be able to negotiate better premiums than those I have seen since becoming a federal employee over 7 years ago. Seriously, I think a chimp could do better.
Earl Jeter
9/30/2011 at 1:30 PM
I wasn't paid today 30-Sept. I'm use to being paid on Friday if we are suppose to be paid on Saturday and if on Sunday paid on Monday, but didn't get paid today (Friday) when I'm suppose to be paid tomorrow on Saturday the 1st of Oct. 1. I called the bank first and they said no retirees where paid today but my brother-in-law was (retired military) there was no funds transferred. 2. I called OPM and they said the funds are there it is up to the bank when they disperse the funds to the accounts sense we are suppose to be paid on the 1st tomorrow (Saturday). 3. I recalled the bank and they say the funds are not there and won't be dispursed either today or tomorrow. NOW WHO THE F*** is lying where the hell is OUR money........ I'm like the last comment "I think a chimp could do better" You mess with peoples livelyhood you piss them off....
Earl Jeter
9/30/2011 at 1:31 PM
I wasn't paid today 30-Sept. I'm use to being paid on Friday if we are suppose to be paid on Saturday and if on Sunday paid on Monday, but didn't get paid today (Friday) when I'm suppose to be paid tomorrow on Saturday the 1st of Oct. 1. I called the bank first and they said no retirees where paid today but my brother-in-law was (retired military) there was no funds transferred. 2. I called OPM and they said the funds are there it is up to the bank when they disperse the funds to the accounts sense we are suppose to be paid on the 1st tomorrow (Saturday). 3. I recalled the bank and they say the funds are not there and won't be dispursed either today or tomorrow. NOW WHO THE F*** is lying where the hell is OUR money........ I'm like the last comment "I think a chimp could do better" You mess with peoples livelyhood you piss them off....
Lars M. Nielson Jr
10/1/2011 at 6:07 PM
Why is this site regarding Federal Dental Insurance still carrying information from 2008/2009? The site it was extracted from references Open Season for 2006 ( Federal Employees Dental and Vision Insurance Program (FEDVIP) ). " For information on each plan's specific premiums, visit ." The last time I asked OPM a simple question it took 6 months to get an answer.
chris mulligan
10/3/2011 at 12:53 AM
I paid back FERS retirement from a previous employment time with interest which was calculated by OPM a year ago but did not receive any notice that it had been received; should I have received acknowlegdment of repayment?
Joe Bishop
10/5/2011 at 5:25 PM
How do I find out what a fellow employee is making for doing the same job?
10/6/2011 at 2:19 AM
Could you please check the forms link for the OPM 71. It appears to be a small file based on the size you have posted for it but it takes forever to download. Given that it is a frequently used form, it would be nice to be able to download it. Thank you.
10/6/2011 at 2:20 AM
Could you please check the forms link for the OPM 71. It appears to be a small file based on the size you have posted for it but it takes forever to download. Given that it is a frequently used form, it would be nice to be able to download it. Thank you.
10/6/2011 at 3:43 PM
I am going through yet another clearance investigation, the 3rd one since 2006. I'm being asked by the investigator about an item on my credit record that was "resolved" in both prior investigations; yet the investigator is insisting on not taking my word that the problem has long-since been resolved (as state in E-QIP). They want to inquire with the IRS that the incident was, in fact resolved. Why is this necessary? It was addressed in both prior investigations. Why does the investigator have to take the time, and slow down th investigation, to settle an issue that was already settled in prior investigations? Or has OPM lost those investigation records????
Dee G.
10/10/2011 at 9:44 PM
With the implementation of "Hiring Reform", how does the US Government expect to recruit, hire, and retain a world-class workforce with the current time-in-grade restrictions you impose on current employees? Regardless of grade or length or service, OPM's mission should be to ensure that the best qualified candidate is hired nationwide. We should work smarter to ensure a smarter, world-class workforce. Many of the ideas presented thus far are a bit antiquated.
Louis L. Gamache
10/11/2011 at 4:50 AM
I receive FEHB,annuity and Social Security disability. I can not pay the co-payments for cataract surgery, and stent angioplasty under this insurance. Which combination of FEHB, Medicare and Medicare supplement insurance should I choose to make deductibles and co-payments more affordable?
Louis L. Gamache
10/11/2011 at 4:52 AM
I receive FEHB,annuity and Social Security disability. I can not pay the co-payments for cataract surgery, and stent angioplasty under this insurance. Which combination of FEHB, Medicare and Medicare supplement insurance should I choose to make deductibles and co-payments more affordable?
R. Arredondo
10/11/2011 at 6:27 AM
Im a GS, stateside hire, working in Japan. I provide training, assessment and inspection to ships supply section. Though 95% of my work is done while the US ships docked (in port), recently I was requested to go underway (at sea) with the Navy ship. My last inspection while at sea was 3 days. I understand travel to and from site outside my normal working hours/days can be compensated under TRAVEL COMP-TIME. Do I earn COMP-TIME for time spent on the ship outside of my 8 hour workday? Normally when inspecting at a location away from my home port/office (traveling), I dont rate COMPTIME when I am free to leave the hotel room/office when I am done inspecting a ship or shore location (after my 8 hours of work). But what about when I am on a ship, at sea, and unable to leave the vessel as I am in the middle of the Pacific ocean. My working hours are 8 hours a day, but since Im not free to leave the ship, am I do receive compensation for being "stuck aboard" the ship? Thank you for your time and consideration to my question.
10/11/2011 at 12:43 PM
Not addressed in FAQs. Same sex domestic partners. When will opposite sex domestic partners get the same benefits that same sex do? Health care, LWOP, considered family member or relative. This is discriminating against us that have opposite sex domestic partners.
Matt Convis
10/11/2011 at 4:04 PM
I have 8 years of military service when you combine my Marine Corps time, and Army National Guard time, which included a year on "Title 10" in Iraq. I also have twelve years of time working for the Fed as a DOD civilian employee. Should I, or can I combine this time somehow for future retirement? I work in the privet sector now, and have for 15 years.
Matt Convis
10/11/2011 at 4:05 PM
I have 8 years of military service when you combine my Marine Corps time, and Army National Guard time, which included a year on "Title 10" in Iraq. I also have twelve years of time working for the Fed as a DOD civilian employee. Should I, or can I combine this time somehow for future retirement? I work in the privet sector now, and have for 15 years.
Angie Smith
10/12/2011 at 2:19 PM
Relocation Incentives Can you offer relocation incentives to a current employee via a reassignment action?
Angie Smith
10/12/2011 at 2:20 PM
Relocation Incentives Can you offer relocation incentives to a current employee via a reassignment action?
Peter Billings
10/12/2011 at 3:17 PM
Will there be a COLA for FERS this year?
Peter Billings
10/12/2011 at 3:17 PM
Will there be a COLA for FERS this year?
10/12/2011 at 4:01 PM
Lisa Barous
10/12/2011 at 6:26 PM
Upset and confused. My dad died on August 28th. On Sept 9th we called and requested to file a claim on his life insurance. I called today to get a update. I still have not recieved the packet /paperwork I am to fill out. I called Metlife they said I filled out what they needed correctly. But, they had nothing from OPM yet. The woman at OPM was rather short and rude with me. It is hard enough to deal with my dad's passing. I am trying to keep my dad's estate as well as my own a float on my income alone. Why does it take so long to get the needed forms. Is there somewhere I can print the forms out to give to my attorney to make sure there filled out correctly. This whole governemnt thing has been so disheartnening. My dad retired in Nov and got his first retiremnt check 2 weeks before he passed. And on top of it all his ex wife who remarried got part of it. I am so disheartned to this whole govetment program. Will anyone help me or is it best to let my attorney handle this also. om behalf of Allen Sidlik
Lisa Barous
10/12/2011 at 6:27 PM
Upset and confused. My dad died on August 28th. On Sept 9th we called and requested to file a claim on his life insurance. I called today to get a update. I still have not recieved the packet /paperwork I am to fill out. I called Metlife they said I filled out what they needed correctly. But, they had nothing from OPM yet. The woman at OPM was rather short and rude with me. It is hard enough to deal with my dad's passing. I am trying to keep my dad's estate as well as my own a float on my income alone. Why does it take so long to get the needed forms. Is there somewhere I can print the forms out to give to my attorney to make sure there filled out correctly. This whole governemnt thing has been so disheartnening. My dad retired in Nov and got his first retiremnt check 2 weeks before he passed. And on top of it all his ex wife who remarried got part of it. I am so disheartned to this whole govetment program. Will anyone help me or is it best to let my attorney handle this also. om behalf of Allen Sidlik
LaShonte Smith
10/16/2011 at 12:14 PM
Hey I had a security clearance interview for the army and I was wondering how do I check on the status of it or when will I know anything.
10/17/2011 at 2:44 PM
Hello, I was wondering. My wife has arthritis in both knees. She suffers a great deal this time of year with cold weather upon us. I've been trying to relocate to a drier climate (Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, etc)to avoid any more harm to her. I've been unsuccessful in the last couple years to land another Federal position. Is their a Federal Clause somewhere that can help us?
10/17/2011 at 7:43 PM
I have been unable to get an answer to the following question from my HR Dept: My service comp date is 7/1993, I took a break in service from 7/2006 to 1/2010. At the time of my break I was a GS-9/6. I was reinstated as a GS-8/7. Since I took the break as a GS-9/6, I'm under the impression that I should be a GS-8/10. Can anyone advise?
10/17/2011 at 7:44 PM
I have been unable to get an answer to the following question from my HR Dept: My service comp date is 7/1993, I took a break in service from 7/2006 to 1/2010. At the time of my break I was a GS-9/6. I was reinstated as a GS-8/7. Since I took the break as a GS-9/6, I'm under the impression that I should be a GS-8/10. Can anyone advise?
Greg Allen
10/18/2011 at 8:38 AM
If you have a position where the employee has been performing duties at a much higher level than outlined in their PD for over three years and leadership request a desk top audit on the position, what happens to the employee that is currently occupying the position? Does the position have to be advertised and competed? Can the employee be displaced or end up without a job?
Greg Allen
10/18/2011 at 8:41 AM
If you have a position where the employee has been performing duties at a much higher level than outlined in their PD for over three years and leadership request a desk top audit on the position, what happens to the employee that is currently occupying the position? Does the position have to be advertised and competed? Can the employee be displaced or end up without a job?
Greg Allen
10/18/2011 at 8:44 AM
If you have a position where the employee has been performing duties at a much higher level than outlined in their PD for over three years and leadership request a desk top audit on the position, what happens to the employee that is currently occupying the position? Does the position have to be advertised and competed? Can the employee be displaced or end up without a job?
James Burgett
10/18/2011 at 10:22 AM
I am a WG-8. I am a small engine mechanic supervisor. I teach and instruct Federal Inmates at the base that I am employed at how to maintain, repair and rebuild all types of small engines that are used on base. I was first hired full time permint posistion. Just before I left Michigan and had quit my civilan job, Randolf emailed me and said it was changed to a term not to exceed 4 years. I am the only small engine mechanic on base. Now because of the budget cutts I was told that I will not be rehired. My records have always been outstanding. I am a veteran with service connected disablities the President Obama stated that we must keep us employed!!! Why am I loosing my job?!!!!
James Burgett
10/18/2011 at 10:59 AM
I am a WG-8. I am a small engine mechanic supervisor. I teach and instruct Federal Inmates at the base that I am employed at how to maintain, repair and rebuild all types of small engines that are used on base. I was first hired full time permint posistion. Just before I left Michigan and had quit my civilan job, Randolf emailed me and said it was changed to a term not to exceed 4 years. I am the only small engine mechanic on base. Now because of the budget cutts I was told that I will not be rehired. My records have always been outstanding. I am a veteran with service connected disablities the President Obama stated that we must keep us employed!!! Why am I loosing my job?!!!!
Diane K Saunders Zeigler
10/18/2011 at 5:39 PM
I am receiving suvivor benefits. My late husband was a government employee for more than 30 years. I called OPM to change my name, since I have recently remarried. The person I spoke with was short with me, curt and generally treated me as if I were an idiot.It was a most unpleasant experience. Please try to hire or train folks to be a bit more sensitive. Thank you.
Diane K Saunders Zeigler
10/19/2011 at 12:18 AM
I am receiving suvivor benefits. My late husband was a government employee for more than 30 years. I called OPM to change my name, since I have recently remarried. The person I spoke with was short with me, curt and generally treated me as if I were an idiot.It was a most unpleasant experience. Please try to hire or train folks to be a bit more sensitive. Thank you.
10/19/2011 at 12:36 PM
I am looking for information on how to find the results of my Immigration Service Officer test. I took the test on August 22nd, 2011 in Lincoln,Ne.
10/19/2011 at 12:37 PM
I am looking for information on how to find the results of my Immigration Service Officer test. I took the test on August 22nd, 2011 in Lincoln,Ne.
10/19/2011 at 12:38 PM
I am looking for information on how to find the results of my Immigration Service Officer test. I took the test on August 22nd, 2011 in Lincoln,Ne.
10/19/2011 at 1:58 PM
I am retired. Am I getting a cola on my retirement like social security
10/19/2011 at 2:10 PM
If an career employee leaves federal service for a period of 17 months, is it required upon return to another career position, that the employee servce another "probational period"? If so under what conditions?
John Doe
10/19/2011 at 3:58 PM
Hello, I recently interviewed with the Census Bureau in Suitland, Maryland earlier this year. Before my interview, when I requested reimbursement for my expenses, I was boldly told by a certain employee before my interview that I would not get hired. Also, I noticed an all female panel during my interview and one of the interviewers was particularly rude and cut me off. It seemed as if the decision to hire was already made. Could something be done about these procedures?
Voluntary Separation Incentive Payments (VSIP)
10/20/2011 at 2:17 PM
This year we received a form for Voluntary Separation Incentive Payments (VSIP). I filled out the form, but never heard back since then. I work for the Marine Corps Base, Camp Pendleton, CA and I am a GS employee. How can I get a concrete answer on the decision of this initiative?
Voluntary Separation Incentive Payments (VSIP)
10/20/2011 at 2:22 PM
This year we received a form for Voluntary Separation Incentive Payments (VSIP). I filled out the form, but never heard back since then. I work for the Marine Corps Base, Camp Pendleton, CA and I am a GS employee. How can I get a concrete answer on the decision of this initiative?
Abul Siddiqui
10/21/2011 at 1:12 AM
My account file have almost every documents more than twice uploaded. This is created a problem to select document for attachment with application. Now I want to delet some of them to make easy for attachments. Now how I can do so? Let me know. Abul
Abul Siddiqui
10/21/2011 at 1:14 AM
My account file have almost every documents more than twice uploaded. This is created a problem to select document for attachment with application. Now I want to delet some of them to make easy for attachments. Now how I can do so? Let me know. Abul
Henry Goff
10/22/2011 at 3:55 PM
What's the point of having a program to hire Veterans, individuals who have a proven record of moral and ethical behavior, and you turn them down for ridiculous reasons? I had a Navy contractor security job in 2009. I was fired due to illness and no recourse to appeal their decision. Had a divorce at the same time, couldn't afford a lawyer and got shafted. Now my credit is bad, defaulted on student loans, and I owe back taxes. How am I supposed to get a government job and fix these issues if I'm considered a risk and not an ideal candidate? And if I used my rights as US Citizen and file bankruptcy (EVEN CHAPTER 13 REORGANIZATION), I'm still a risk!! These are things beyond my control! I served honorably twice in the Navy and Marines. Marine Good Conduct Medal, Expeditionary Medal, no criminal record, no drug or alcohol abuse - yet you hire people who lose issued weapons, smuggle drugs and illegals, accept bribes, let illegal weapons go to Mexico and kill Border Patrol agents - it makes no sense!! Quit focusing on a candidates repairable problems and focus on their honorable service and loyalty to their jobs and country. Hire people who have morals, a sense of work ethic, and won't let you down.
10/24/2011 at 11:03 AM
RE: Guidance and non-discrimination of transgender. My Question is why are they being discriminated in the Healt Insurance policies for 2012. If there is to be a fair playing field, and smokers get coverage, obeses get coverage. Then As a Vet I can get coverage for screenings, and Hormones, but not Surgery, yet the 2012 FEHB is Discriminatory in care for my needs.
10/24/2011 at 11:05 AM
RE: Guidance and non-discrimination of transgender. My Question is why are they being discriminated in the Healt Insurance policies for 2012. If there is to be a fair playing field, and smokers get coverage, obeses get coverage. Then As a Vet I can get coverage for screenings, and Hormones, but not Surgery, yet the 2012 FEHB is Discriminatory in care for my needs.
10/24/2011 at 3:53 PM
I am a U.S. CITIZEN! I have served the US Government @ USAID for 22 years as a contractor. I see offices making others become direct hires (DH) with the gov., some between 5 - 1 years and it is SO unfair to see/live with all the things I see going on, during those years. No one does anything to ensure that I can be a DH. Why can’t the US government send out laws to grandfather in people who have serviced the U.S. government--faithfully, after a certain amount of years (people between 20 - 25 yrs.) by now? I over these years, I see people who are GS6 and move up to GS14 and because I am NOT a DH they REFUSED to put me in the positions which they brought in people to do who had NO EXPERIENCE and I have to keep teaching/mentoring them in their GS Jobs, and I have to sit every day and take that? What do people think I am? What is the government doing about people like us--who the entire office can say I do an outstanding job, every day of my LIFE!
10/24/2011 at 10:28 PM
I am a highly skilled audio engineer with a background in forensic audio repair among other specialties. My question is how do I find out how to market my skills or services to the various bureaus of the federal government who might need my skill set? One specific agency I can think of is the FBI. How do I go about letting them know I exist and send them my resume so that they can let me know if they need someone with my skill set?
10/24/2011 at 10:30 PM
I am a highly skilled audio engineer with a background in forensic audio repair among other specialties. My question is how do I find out how to market my skills or services to the various bureaus of the federal government who might need my skill set? One specific agency I can think of is the FBI. How do I go about letting them know I exist and send them my resume so that they can let me know if they need someone with my skill set?
major smith
10/26/2011 at 7:45 AM
I have been asked by the usajobs site to comment on the site, the service, etc. Are the comments I've submitted utilized? The search aspect of the site is still deteriorating as of 10/26 11. Is the usajobs energy being used to improve the applicants experience? Will our service improve soon? Please answer these topics specifically and in detail. It is very frustating to receive nothing in return. thanks major
Joan Duca
10/26/2011 at 10:06 AM
I have worked for the Veterans Administration for 21 years under the FERS system. I am 57 years old and not eligible to retire until I am 60 years old without penalities. Other Federal Agencies are offering an Early Retirement with no penalities. Does OPM know if the Veterans Administration will be offered the Early Retirement for their employees?
10/26/2011 at 1:16 PM
This is all well and it looks good on paper and I guess the President has all the good intentions. The problem is that with direct hiring the agencies continue to hire who they want. I have applied for over 50 positions and they all comeback with one of the three same statements. Then I check on the agency and they hire somebody internally. How do you justify that kind of nonsense?
10/26/2011 at 1:16 PM
This is all well and it looks good on paper and I guess the President has all the good intentions. The problem is that with direct hiring the agencies continue to hire who they want. I have applied for over 50 positions and they all comeback with one of the three same statements. Then I check on the agency and they hire somebody internally. How do you justify that kind of nonsense?
Geoffrey Neyhart
10/26/2011 at 3:26 PM
An unresolved question for you: I was appointed "Acting Director" for my division upon the Director's departure from Federal Service for the private sector. The appointment was verbal and then sent via e-mail to alcon, however an SF-50 was never completed. I have now been serving in that capacity for 5 months 10 days. Am I entitled to any compensation above my GS-13 Step XX ? I have heard that had an SF-50 been completed upon assignment to the position, after 120 days in an acting capacity, the individual assumes that level on a permanent basis. Any truth to that? The position has still not been posted, to my knowledge. Thanks.
10/27/2011 at 1:16 PM
Please, please, please unscrew the new USAJOBS!
10/27/2011 at 1:18 PM
Please, please, please unscrew the new USAJOBS!
Rick Simmons
10/27/2011 at 3:25 PM
Is there a way for an employee to donate annual leave in lieu of actual currency to the Combined Federal campaign?
Rick Simmons
10/27/2011 at 3:26 PM
Is there a way for an employee to donate annual leave in lieu of actual currency to the Combined Federal campaign?
james martin
10/27/2011 at 5:21 PM
My names is James Martin and what do i have to do to work for the border patrol? What website do i have to go on?
10/27/2011 at 5:28 PM
I am writing to you because I do not know where to turn for the following problems. I work for the VA in VISN 22 at the MCCF Support Center in Las Vegas. As you are probably aware the VA is opening a Consolidated Patient Accounting Center (CPAC) here. There have been many issues of employees being hired from outside of Las Vegas, outside the VA, and even the general public when priority hiring was to be from inside the MCCF departments themselves beginning with those in Las Vegas and then VISN 22. I wish to share something that happened to me personally. I submitted an application to USA Staffing. I received notification I was not qualified based on I neglected to select an answer to the last question on the Occupational Questionaire. This was inaccurate as my entire application was complete as I retained a complete copy. I called the HRMS in Topeka and was told to email USA Staffing who 1 day later said to contact HRMS in Topeka. After 2 days I reached the person I needed to talk to (Gordon, Ilana, CBO). She had me scan and email her my documents showing that no questions were left incomplete. I stated that the interviews were starting that day for the position of Supervisory Financial Administrative Specialist (Collections). She stated if I was qualified I would be referred and did not need to worry about not receiving an opportunity to be considered for this position. After waiting 2 weeks I contacted Ilana and she said she was sending me my qualification letter that day. I was qualified at the Target Grade GS-11. She said 1 person was selected and I would be considered for the second postion. The next day I received an email stating I was not selected because the selectees were on a different cert list. So from my standpoint I was denied an equal opportunity for consideration due to the failure of the individuals involved and/or the current system in place. I will be displaced soon as the CPAC has opened and as a GS-9 no same grade or merit promotion opportunities are forthcoming to my knowledge. Do I have any recourse? Should I receive any special consideration for future openings? If nothing else can the system be improved? Thanks for your time.
Philip Silverstein
10/28/2011 at 9:23 AM
I received form RI 74-4, Important Annuitant Federal Benefits , Open Season Information Inside the form is a request to share your email address, by using one of two websites. I tried both and was overwhelmed in trying to figure out how to provide my email address to OPM. Instead of playing games with the retiree, why not provide a simple, clear instruction. There is enough room on the form to do so.As is, the instruction is thoughtless and only provides aggravation.
10/29/2011 at 8:23 AM
just need advise.... when you are hired for a certain position, and you take that job, travelling at your own expense, how ethically is it correct to arbitrarily reassign you into a different.. non existent position? Just thought I would ask
10/29/2011 at 8:27 AM
just need advise.... when you are hired for a certain position, and you take that job, travelling at your own expense, how ethically is it correct to arbitrarily reassign you into a different.. non existent position? Just thought I would ask
10/29/2011 at 1:45 PM
Does OPM respond to questions on this Blog? Well my comment really isn't a question. I started employment with the Federal Government December 2010, and have been looking for another job since I started for a myriad of reasons. Most recently, I was informed aboutthe PHHRS pilot program. I am a aprat of pay banding and have to write my own accomplishment report. I think the system needs an overhaul because the supervisorshould know what their staff is accomplishing, or not accomplishing, in writing my own accomplishment report I was approached by severalpeople and my office hired a consultant- they paid this person- to teach us to write our own accomplishment reports, which means there is a whole group of people that are getting paid for an activity a supervisor could and should be doing, I also met several very skilled employees who did not have the writing skills to preparea strong accomplishement report, so that talent willnot be recognized, and what about people with disaabilities who perform but can write? I just don't get this. Why isn't OPM looking at the cost that this pilot program is incurring? I can think of at least three various ways to implement a Pay for performance system that does not creat these side issues.
Mark C. Frederic
10/31/2011 at 11:32 AM
Where can i get a *.pdf copy of the current collective bargaining agreements at Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, Norfold Naval Shipyard, Pugent Sound (Bremerton), and Pearl Harbor? I have been to the LAIRS repository, but all those are old CBAs. I am looking for the most recent. Thanks. Mark C. Frederic Labor Relations Specialist Ingalls Shipbuilding Pascagoula, Mississippi
11/1/2011 at 9:34 AM
I have a concern, I was told that an agency announce in a meeting on a Monday that they were downsizing the staff by 8% and that eight people in that office would be laid off. They told the staff that they could not ask any question and by Wednesday Homeland protection officers escorted them out of the building and they were terminated. Is this they why the Federal Government now operates? Are you entitled to be told at least 30 days in advance if you are being released from your Federal Government position?
11/1/2011 at 9:35 AM
I have a concern, I was told that an agency announce in a meeting on a Monday that they were downsizing the staff by 8% and that eight people in that office would be laid off. They told the staff that they could not ask any question and by Wednesday Homeland protection officers escorted them out of the building and they were terminated. Is this they why the Federal Government now operates? Are you entitled to be told at least 30 days in advance if you are being released from your Federal Government position?
Robert Marx
11/1/2011 at 11:52 AM
I am a 23 Police Officer who has worked Canine Police Service Dogs for 22 tears .Over the years I have applied for numorous postion as a trainer and handler with the federal system . I have recivied many letter that I have been sent the the hiring pannel,only to be rejected because a veteran has more points than me. It get to the point I feel as if I am being punished because I am not a veteran. My experince on the the street working canines far exceeds any two or four year canine handler who has served.
11/1/2011 at 3:35 PM
I am trying to find out if I can be selected for a higher graded position in which I applied for prior to taking my current position. Prior to accepting my current job, I had applied for a GS-13 position in July 2011 after retiring from the military. However, the agency was slow in conducting interviews until October! I am currently in a GS-12 position but again I applied for the GS-13 prior to taking this job. I have been told I can take this job and am trying to find out the ground truth. My CPAC/POC does not seem to understand my question and keep referring to something I already know which is you can't apply for a higher position until you meet time in grade in your current position. Any assistance greatly appreciated!
p.jean kincaid
11/1/2011 at 5:58 PM
I clicked on register/sign-in and nothing happens! How can one access open season on line when one cannot sign in or get access?
p.jean kincaid
11/1/2011 at 6:08 PM
How can I look at open season choices on-line, if I cannot find any way to register/sign-in. I clicked on it, but nothing happens, so cannot get in. This is most annoying when I prefer to do it on line rather than receiving all that paper!
11/2/2011 at 9:45 PM
If i have a high 3 of 90,000.00 and 21 yrs of service. How much $ i will recive monthly .??
11/2/2011 at 9:45 PM
If i have a high 3 of 90,000.00 and 21 yrs of service. How much $ i will recive monthly .??
11/2/2011 at 9:45 PM
If i have a high 3 of 90,000.00 and 21 yrs of service. How much $ i will recive monthly .??
Gary Nix
11/3/2011 at 2:45 PM
I am reviewing a job announcement for a GS-15 position in FEMA. Within the application requirements it states, " The narrative portion for the Executive Core Qualifications MUST NOT EXCEED 10 PAGES. For guidance in preparing a narrative statement addressing the ECQs, applicants can access OPM’s website at Going to this site leads to a message that reads Oops, Document Not Found. Where can I locate this guidance?
Tony Smith
11/3/2011 at 3:30 PM
What is the OPM source document and policy on counting service academy time in the calculation of the SCD-Leave Date? In my case, that time was used to create my original SCD Leave date when I started government service in 1999. I paid back the required Military Service Deposit for that period by 2002. In Jan 2009, that time period was deducted from my SCD Leave date by OPM, and a new one calculated. Now, based on a 9 Mar 11 FEDweek article, I read that that time period is again countable for the SCD leave date, as long as I am not recieving active duty retirement pay, which as a retired Reservist I do not.Please provide the appropriate source document so I can again try to get this personnel matter resolved.
Matthew DeWitt
11/3/2011 at 4:44 PM
I am currently enrolled in college and I am in my last year and a half toward a Liberal Arts Degree. I am looking for a Student Job with a Goven. entity. How do I find out more information about how to do this? Where do I go and how do I apply?
Michael Herrera
11/3/2011 at 7:10 PM
I was diagnosed with Frontal Temporal Dementia last year. I submitted my disability application to the California Service in December. The application was lost by the Service Center. I was told to submit a second application which was also lost. The third application was submitted and forward to OPM in October. I'm being penalized for submitting the application in October and not December. This is causing my application to be processed in two years which is not fair. I have six years to live. I stopped taking my medications because I have no income resulting that my life spam will be less than six years without my medication. I feel that I'm being penalized because the Service Center lost my application and delayed in submitting it to OPM. I also feel that I'm being discriminated because of my sexual orientation for being gay. I have written to Congressman Norm Dick with no results. I have also written to Senator Maria from Washington. I believe this should be a supervisor or ACD call to adjudicate the packet because of the Service Center delayed process.
11/3/2011 at 7:57 PM
I am a formal federal worker.I received a SF-50,but not sure of mine status for future employment.I spoke to a Human Resource Specialist that states my eligibilty.However,I have been applying for other jobs since 2004. Could you refer me to where the SF-50 codes violation is explained?
11/3/2011 at 7:58 PM
I am a formal federal worker.I received a SF-50,but not sure of mine status for future employment.I spoke to a Human Resource Specialist that states my eligibilty.However,I have been applying for other jobs since 2004. Could you refer me to where the SF-50 codes violation is explained?
Darrell R Moore
11/4/2011 at 10:37 AM
Trying to retieve an electronic copy of the Std Fm 1199A used to initiate direct deposit, and I can't find it on any of your web sites,...please comment.
Darrell R Moore
11/4/2011 at 10:37 AM
Trying to retieve an electronic copy of the Std Fm 1199A used to initiate direct deposit, and I can't find it on any of your web sites,...please comment.
Patrick Kaye
11/4/2011 at 12:45 PM
The definition of a Sign Painter in your files is woefully out of date. It was written in 1974...that is 37 yrs ago! Sign Painting back then was all brush work with a bit of spraying. Today, those skills are mostly non-existent. What we do now is fully computer driven and the skill set is leaps and bounds above that required by the "old school" sign painters. In our shop alone, we run a myriad of software packages including Gerber Omega, CorelDraw, Adobe Illustrator, enRoute, etc. We use these programs to drive CNC Router/Engravers, wide format digital imaging printers, laser engraving, wide format laminators, silk screening, raster dot braille engraving, etc. We also need to have the skills of many trades to design & fabricate sign structures, make and repair street and traffic signs, etc. We are required to design & print banners, street signs, trail signage, large format maps, stickers, dye sublimation, and so forth. The Sign Painter in the OPM definition, while highly skilled at their trade, is usually lost in our world and most of them have been left behind by not adapting. I think it is high time that OPM updated to position description for "Sign Painter" or better yet, make a new description for persons working with modern technologies and call us "Sign Technicians". Also, as such, the Wage Grade Rate should be at least a WG-10 due to the technical requirement of our jobs.
paula messer
11/4/2011 at 1:50 PM
I have been trying to call the contact number for USPS retirement questions all I get is a busy signal been trying to call for 2 days what is the problem? Has the number been changed?
paula messer
11/4/2011 at 1:53 PM
I have been trying to call the contact number for USPS retirement questions all I get is a busy signal been trying to call for 2 days what is the problem? Has the number been changed?
Adele Leddy
11/4/2011 at 11:57 PM
is not open season yet i want 2 things that seem impossible to do ahead of time so please send me the info via eamail. i want to know what the exact coverabes, deductilbles and copays are on my current plan. 2. i want to be able to come into the site and compare what i have with the same thing for next year. and then compare what we can choose from with what i have now and how that plan will compare to the others available for next year. so simple - why can't i find how to do that. the details of my full coverage with bc/bs should be readily availabel with my name on my profile. when i see my bame after loggin in we should be able to a glance know exactly what the plan we have covers and for how much. further finding this email which is not an email is insane will you even read this? why have all these sites gone so bizarre, become so combersome and time consuming to use and at the end spend more time looking for a way to get your quesiton's insanity
Adele Leddy
11/4/2011 at 11:59 PM
is not open season yet i want 2 things that seem impossible to do ahead of time so please send me the info via eamail. i want to know what the exact coverabes, deductilbles and copays are on my current plan. 2. i want to be able to come into the site and compare what i have with the same thing for next year. and then compare what we can choose from with what i have now and how that plan will compare to the others available for next year. so simple - why can't i find how to do that. the details of my full coverage with bc/bs should be readily availabel with my name on my profile. when i see my bame after loggin in we should be able to a glance know exactly what the plan we have covers and for how much. further finding this email which is not an email is insane will you even read this? why have all these sites gone so bizarre, become so combersome and time consuming to use and at the end spend more time looking for a way to get your quesiton's insanity
Adele Leddy
11/4/2011 at 11:59 PM
is not open season yet i want 2 things that seem impossible to do ahead of time so please send me the info via eamail. i want to know what the exact coverabes, deductilbles and copays are on my current plan. 2. i want to be able to come into the site and compare what i have with the same thing for next year. and then compare what we can choose from with what i have now and how that plan will compare to the others available for next year. so simple - why can't i find how to do that. the details of my full coverage with bc/bs should be readily availabel with my name on my profile. when i see my bame after loggin in we should be able to a glance know exactly what the plan we have covers and for how much. further finding this email which is not an email is insane will you even read this? why have all these sites gone so bizarre, become so combersome and time consuming to use and at the end spend more time looking for a way to get your quesiton's insanity
11/5/2011 at 11:49 AM
I am acting as a go between for a 90 year lady that says she particapated in a "family support program" for IRS employees that were sent overseas. She says the program put money aside for children in case the employee's death. This lady left federal service in 1988. Does OPM know of such a program?
11/5/2011 at 11:51 AM
I am acting as a go between for a 90 year lady that says she particapated in a "family support program" for IRS employees that were sent overseas. She says the program put money aside for children in case the employee's death. This lady left federal service in 1988. Does OPM know of such a program?
Steve Neal
11/5/2011 at 12:01 PM
Yeah, I got a question... How do I open a new BLOG question? I wish to open a discussion about the proposed "Snowstorm Early Release Policy" I read about today... I have served our nation for 30 years and our managers rarely let common sense enter into the equation when severe weather threatens us. The time has come for that to change... Local conditions vary and local office managers are far more know knowlegeable about their individual personnel (how they travel to and from work) and the their mission (customer impact). The OPM should NOT ATTEMPT to initiate any policy other than to allow every individual office manager to make these critical safety decisions. This would serve to clear-up both main problems we have right now; the decision to release comes way too late to allow personnel to "beat the storm", and the secondary issue of "massive gridlock" as eveyone getting released from work at the same time. Understand? I mean, as each office manager assesses and individually releases his most impacted personnel first, then others who live closer or walk to work later on, all affected offices in the area will not experience a massive flood of commuters at any particular time and the overall effect will expedite everyone's safe retun home. The flip-side to this (over 30 years of watching this happen...) is that local commanders, directors, managers are afraid to "make the call" at 04:00 to initiate a "safety stand-down" based on current or forecast weather hazards. They need to weigh mission imact vs. safety across a broader area, and this is what slows or stops their decision process. Solution: Make these decisions in advance, based on a hazard/impact matrix they can hone over time. I mean, the same exact weather conditions are gonna come up every year, so why haven't we fixed this yet? Bottom line solution: Let common sense exist! Each individual can make their own safety decisions. Yes, that's right! Each individual can weigh their capability to get to work, perform their job, and return home safely no matter what the weather throws at them. This also will solve the two primary issue we have with the current OPM policy... (Late Release Decisions and Massive Simultaneous Release Gridlock)
Steve Neal
11/5/2011 at 12:15 PM
Oh yeah, I forgot to add... "Common Sense is only COMMON if you "issue it" to EVERYONE!" Meaning, there will be those who are not equipped to assess and make a decision and there will be others who might abuse this freedom to make their own weather-related early release decisions. Managers at all levels will have to look at each individual's case separately if abuse is supected. I'm willing to discuss this and other "common sense" management ideas, as I have led personnel some of the worlds most adverse environmental conditions.
susan bavlish
11/6/2011 at 9:28 PM
Why are our health premiums in Northern California so much more than the health premiums for Southern California. In some instances, we are paying 3 times more than the South. Also, we are paying way more than other states...We get dropped by the health insurance companies constantly by being here in Northern California. Who can help us and what can you do.
susan bavlish
11/6/2011 at 9:28 PM
Why are our health premiums in Northern California so much more than the health premiums for Southern California. In some instances, we are paying 3 times more than the South. Also, we are paying way more than other states...We get dropped by the health insurance companies constantly by being here in Northern California. Who can help us and what can you do.
susan bavlish
11/6/2011 at 9:28 PM
Why are our health premiums in Northern California so much more than the health premiums for Southern California. In some instances, we are paying 3 times more than the South. Also, we are paying way more than other states...We get dropped by the health insurance companies constantly by being here in Northern California. Who can help us and what can you do.
George Burgess
11/7/2011 at 11:50 AM
Why do some federal employees get paid on Tuesdays, others on Thursdays, and others on Fridays?
George Burgess
11/7/2011 at 11:50 AM
Why do some federal employees get paid on Tuesdays, others on Thursdays, and others on Fridays?
Maurice Coe
11/7/2011 at 12:23 PM
I took a break in service as a GS-9/6 in 7/2006, and was reinstated in 1/2010 at a lower grade(GS-8/7). Am I entitled to the maximum grade (GS-8/10)since I left at the GS-9/6 grade?
Douglas E. Hughey
11/7/2011 at 2:45 PM
I can no longer access usps lite blue. Can you tell me (or refer me to another address) when and how the USPS retirement incemtive payment for November will be received? I retired on 5/31/2011. Thank you very much!
Douglas E. Hughey
11/7/2011 at 2:46 PM
I can no longer access usps lite blue. Can you tell me (or refer me to another address) when and how the USPS retirement incemtive payment for November will be received? I retired on 5/31/2011. Thank you very much!
Joe M. Woolery
11/8/2011 at 1:14 AM
While Employed by the gov my first wife and I were divorced. She received 28.5% of my retirement but no survivor annuity. I have remarried and upon my death will my current wife's annuity be figured on the whole retirement amount or will it be calculated on my present retirement I receive? Also, if my ex dies before me will the amount she has been receiving revert to me?
Joe M. Woolery
11/8/2011 at 1:18 AM
While Employed by the gov my first wife and I were divorced. She received 28.5% of my retirement but no survivor annuity. I have remarried and upon my death will my current wife's annuity be figured on the whole retirement amount or will it be calculated on my present retirement I receive? Also, if my ex dies before me will the amount she has been receiving revert to me?
Patricia Currier
11/8/2011 at 12:27 PM
It is benefit enrollment season. Premiums are going up, copays are up, and service will undoubtedly decline. At the same time, Federal agencies are being told to "go electronic," "reduce paper and printing," "reduce shipping costs," and the like. However, at the NASA open benefits fair today, each vendor had shipped in NUMEROUS PALLETS of informational print materials. Multiply this by all NASA facilities, then by other agencies, and you have vendors printing, shipping, and assuming A LOT of money for marketing materials and information that could have been online (or already is). Suggest OPM and other cross-cutting Federal organizations tell MOST vendors, not just benefits, that they are NOT to provide paper, etc, but to make all information electronically. (better yet, do business only on those terms). Fairs and interactive sites could enable discussion and Q&A and be the primary communication tool. The vendors will save money on marketing/promotion/shipping/material costs, rates COULD go down, waste will be reduced, etc.
11/8/2011 at 2:27 PM
In terms of a step raise, does prior time at the same step with a prior agency count towards your step increase? I was a 13-4 when i left my agency and took a mandatory step down to a 12-8 (minor pay decrease). I got back to a 13-4 within month of being hired. I was told that i had to wait the full 2 years from my most recent increase and that my past time at a 13-4 did not count. But interestingly, they are deducting LWOP time that i took on my maternity leave. Please help.
11/8/2011 at 2:28 PM
In terms of a step raise, does prior time at the same step with a prior agency count towards your step increase? I was a 13-4 when i left my agency and took a mandatory step down to a 12-8 (minor pay decrease). I got back to a 13-4 within month of being hired. I was told that i had to wait the full 2 years from my most recent increase and that my past time at a 13-4 did not count. But interestingly, they are deducting LWOP time that i took on my maternity leave. Please help.
Excepted Employee
11/8/2011 at 10:23 PM
A colleague of mine in the excepted service of DCIPS was recently moved from a supervisory position to a non-supervisory position due to a [false] complaint; ironically it was the position the complainer vacated after giving a two-week notice and moved to Florida the next month (due to spouse PCS). Even more, my colleague now hears whispers that his old position will be reannounced and an E6 who's soon to [mandatory] retire will probably be selected. Many of us within the community who knows the lad don't believe this is fair and wonder what could be done, if anything.
Excepted Employee
11/8/2011 at 10:24 PM
A colleague of mine in the excepted service of DCIPS was recently moved from a supervisory position to a non-supervisory position due to a [false] complaint; ironically it was the position the complainer vacated after giving a two-week notice and moved to Florida the next month (due to spouse PCS). Even more, my colleague now hears whispers that his old position will be reannounced and an E6 who's soon to [mandatory] retire will probably be selected. Many of us within the community who knows the lad don't believe this is fair and wonder what could be done, if anything.
Donna G
11/9/2011 at 7:42 AM
I just wanted to let someone that handles the medical insurance open house that Coventry Health Care of Delaware is not a good outfit to do business with. They cancelled a very needed surgery of mine at the last minute as "out of network", and that other dr's do that same kind of surgery. But when I called them to identify exactly who - they could not. Are you kidding me?
Donna G
11/9/2011 at 7:42 AM
I just wanted to let someone that handles the medical insurance open house that Coventry Health Care of Delaware is not a good outfit to do business with. They cancelled a very needed surgery of mine at the last minute as "out of network", and that other dr's do that same kind of surgery. But when I called them to identify exactly who - they could not. Are you kidding me?
Patricia Currier
11/9/2011 at 10:07 AM
Can someone please tell me, does OPM read and respond to suggestions/issues posted here? What is the process? What is the timeline? If they do not review/respond/react, I will have to find another venue for suggesting ways to reduce waste. Thanks
Dennis J
11/10/2011 at 9:55 AM
When I retired under FERS in Jan. 2011, I decided to have a monthly check sent from my TSP. Is the money which I receive from Thrift concidered Salary/Wages? I realize I must pay taxes on the distribution,but my concern is will that distribution effect the earnings test for my Annuity Supplement? My understanding is that it is not used in determining the earnings test because it is not from employement in 2011. Can you please clairfy this for me. Dennis
Dennis J
11/10/2011 at 9:56 AM
When I retired under FERS in Jan. 2011, I decided to have a monthly check sent from my TSP. Is the money which I receive from Thrift concidered Salary/Wages? I realize I must pay taxes on the distribution,but my concern is will that distribution effect the earnings test for my Annuity Supplement? My understanding is that it is not used in determining the earnings test because it is not from employement in 2011. Can you please clairfy this for me. Dennis
11/13/2011 at 10:47 AM
Has anyone heard of a scheduled or projected open season on FEGLI? I missed making a change when I got married and really need to do so.
11/13/2011 at 10:48 AM
Has anyone heard of a scheduled or projected open season on FEGLI? I missed making a change when I got married and really need to do so.
John Coon
11/14/2011 at 7:22 PM
If I elected not to take life insurance at retirement, can I later change my mind and take out life insurance on myself?
John C
11/14/2011 at 7:25 PM
If I elected not to take life insurance at retirement, can I later change my mind and take out life insurance on myself?
John C
11/14/2011 at 7:28 PM
If I elected not to take life insurance at retirement, can I later change my mind and take out life insurance on myself?
tony lozada
11/15/2011 at 5:33 AM
If i get relocated to a non LEO positio to a position with enhnce retirement vrs 6C . No Personnel action completed could Iloose my retirement . I am elligible in 2.5 years to retire. Please advise.
tony lozada
11/15/2011 at 5:37 AM
If i get relocated to a non LEO positio to a position with enhnce retirement vrs 6C . No Personnel action completed could Iloose my retirement . I am elligible in 2.5 years to retire. Please advise.
major smith
11/15/2011 at 8:13 AM
is there a tentative date as to when the usajobs search and apply aspects of job openings will be practical and available to prospective employees? until usajobs is functional, is there an alternative? thanks major smith
11/15/2011 at 10:38 AM
Are there guidlines/regulations that state that a crediting plan may not use number of years of experience as a determining factor? For example: Ability to communicate in writing Candidate has 5 or more years experience writing reports. Candidate has 3 years experience writing reports. Thanks!
11/15/2011 at 5:12 PM
My question to OPM. Why are you allowing federal agency to not score all application. They are stating on USA job side: Eligible - Application Not Referred to Selecting Official.However when you check the status of your application this message given:There were a significant number of qualified veterans with documented preference who applied for this position who fall within the top Category, and at this time only those candidates will be within reach for referral to management for selection consideration. As a result your application was not reviewed for a qualifications determination. We appreciate your interest in this position and we wish you success in your future career endeavors. However I contact the HR person and ask for my score and found that I score 96.31 on application with education and experience why are verteran being consider highly qualified with only scoring 80 with education & experience then add 10 point + 90 and they deemed highly qualified then me with a score of 96.31. I have contact my representative and group of are sending petetion to president. This is not right. ...
11/15/2011 at 5:12 PM
My question to OPM. Why are you allowing federal agency to not score all application. They are stating on USA job side: Eligible - Application Not Referred to Selecting Official.However when you check the status of your application this message given:There were a significant number of qualified veterans with documented preference who applied for this position who fall within the top Category, and at this time only those candidates will be within reach for referral to management for selection consideration. As a result your application was not reviewed for a qualifications determination. We appreciate your interest in this position and we wish you success in your future career endeavors. However I contact the HR person and ask for my score and found that I score 96.31 on application with education and experience why are verteran being consider highly qualified with only scoring 80 with education & experience then add 10 point + 90 and they deemed highly qualified then me with a score of 96.31. I have contact my representative and group of are sending petetion to president. This is not right. ...
Federal Employee
11/16/2011 at 8:44 AM
I am a long-time federal employee in the competitve service. Recently, I was selected for a position, which states it is a full-time, competitive, permanent position. However, the agency is stating that the position will be a federal career intern position (FCIP) in the excepted service. I don't understand how it can be listed as competitive but then be asked to sign something stating it is an FCIP position for a 3-year intern program, which I can be terminated from. Also, I thought the FCIP program was revoked on March 1, 2011 and the executive order disallowed any new appointments made under this program. So how can the agency hire under this program and make the internship a 3-year program instead of the 2-year program originally under the FCIP program. Another question is if I accept the position how would it affect my competitive status and my leave accrual and transfer since I already have more than 15 years of federal service? Please advise as I have too much time invested already to work a position for 2 or 3 years that will not count towards my retirement/time worked.
fed employee
11/16/2011 at 6:58 PM
If a person is hired as a GS-7 but is qualified for a GS-9 because of a graduate degree at the time of hire, and the hiring agency is also hiring up to the GS-9 level, is the agency required to hire all at the higher level if it is offered to some? Is there a procedure to formally request or appeal for a grade increase based on the education level?
fed employee
11/16/2011 at 6:59 PM
If a person is hired as a GS-7 but is qualified for a GS-9 because of a graduate degree at the time of hire, and the hiring agency is also hiring up to the GS-9 level, is the agency required to hire all at the higher level if it is offered to some? Is there a procedure to formally request or appeal for a grade increase based on the education level?
Richard Thompson
11/17/2011 at 10:17 AM
I received a notice "Important Annuitant Federal Benefits Open Season Information" in the mail and whenever I enter all the information requested I get a message "no match found." I don't know what this is all about but certainly would like some information.
11/17/2011 at 11:28 AM
Are all federal government workers supposed to be US Citizens. I work for a federal agency and there is one person who is not a citizen. Also, if there are workers who are not US citizens, how long do they have to get their citizenship before they are terminated?
11/17/2011 at 12:19 PM
interesting dilema - to hire someone working in our government who is not a citizen
11/18/2011 at 9:13 PM
I have been acting supervistor for my unit for the last 10 months i supervise 1 government employee and three contract empolyee in the day to day operantions of the unit keeping time sheets makeing sure the jobs are gettinh done. my supervistor has been out for the last 10 months,and i feel i should get supervisor pay for the work i have been doing
11/18/2011 at 9:15 PM
I have been acting supervistor for my unit for the last 10 months i supervise 1 government employee and three contract empolyee in the day to day operantions of the unit keeping time sheets makeing sure the jobs are gettinh done. my supervistor has been out for the last 10 months,and i feel i should get supervisor pay for the work i have been doing
11/18/2011 at 9:18 PM
I have been acting supervistor for my unit for the last 10 months i supervise 1 government employee and three contract empolyee in the day to day operantions of the unit keeping time sheets makeing sure the jobs are gettinh done. my supervistor has been out for the last 10 months,and i feel i should get supervisor pay for the work i have been doing
11/21/2011 at 4:34 PM
For obvious reasons many people were very excited when Obama passed a law which included removing the word "retarded" from all government text/documents. When I do use OPM search option and type in: Schedule A and look at documents for job seekers with disabilities you will see the word retarded in the document verses cognitive disability. Oh a mistake with only one document maybe? I repeatedly see this reference in announcements on USA Jobs. Please review documents this is offensive Sorry, I don't know where else to post/email to have this corrected. Thank you
11/21/2011 at 4:50 PM
For obvious reasons many people were very excited when Obama passed a law which included removing the word "retarded" from all government text/documents. When I do use OPM search option and type in: Schedule A and look at documents for job seekers with disabilities you will see the word retarded in the document verses cognitive disability. Oh a mistake with only one document maybe? I repeatedly see this reference in announcements on USA Jobs. Please review documents this is offensive Sorry, I don't know where else to post/email to have this corrected. Thank you
11/22/2011 at 4:27 PM
Can a non-federal employeer receiving federal funds from BIA/IHS, HUD, etc. set up personnel policies that offer flex-time and/or comp time to some of it's employees and not others? Or, does policy need to be offered to all employees?
11/22/2011 at 6:09 PM
I had to resign due to my husband's job transferred him to Jacksonville, FL. No he not military. However, I have 10 years with the Dept of Navy and 10 years as a contractor before that. Now, I'm back to contractor again. DD214 knock me out every time. I'm glad that DD214 get the points however, what about past Fed employees?
11/22/2011 at 6:09 PM
I had to resign due to my husband's job transferred him to Jacksonville, FL. No he not military. However, I have 10 years with the Dept of Navy and 10 years as a contractor before that. Now, I'm back to contractor again. DD214 knock me out every time. I'm glad that DD214 get the points however, what about past Fed employees?
11/23/2011 at 2:15 PM
What makes this year different than all previous years when it comes to letting Govt employees leave AT LEAST 2 hours early on today, the day before Thanksgiving?? This is ridiculous sitting around here waiting for OPM to release the usual msg permitting this! THANKS FOR NOTHING OBAMA on down!
11/23/2011 at 3:41 PM
The link for California health care benefits is not working today. Tried to find a way to send a direct message to IT about this but only found the Blog
11/23/2011 at 3:42 PM
The link for California health care benefits is not working today. Tried to find a way to send a direct message to IT about this but only found the Blog
Russ Rose
11/28/2011 at 9:30 PM
How do I get a copy of my annuity notice.The one that shows all your deductions
Alan A. Beltz
11/29/2011 at 6:35 AM
I recently went on Medicare, Parts A and B. I have the Michigan BCBS Standard option and wanted to switch to BCBS Basic. When I checked to see if my Doctor was a PPO in the Basic plan his name was listed. When I called the BCBS I was told he was not a PPO under the Basic BCBS. He is a PPO for the Medicare Advantage. The Website should have that information next to the Doctors name. If someone sees a doctor listed on the Participating Physian search it seems that he would be a PPO. Please advise
Alan A. Beltz
11/29/2011 at 6:45 AM
Russ, You usually get the annuity statement the end of december or first of January.
11/29/2011 at 6:03 PM
I would like to know if there is a posting of a job on USA Jobs, does this mean that it has been through OPM and had to rating put on it? I am in a job that my facility will not give me what I see posted from other facility. They all start higher than I am but our Human Rescouce department will not give me the higher rating. The series is the same and the job title is the same. Thank you for your help. What can I do about this?
11/30/2011 at 2:14 PM
My Mother passed away last month. She was a DLA employee at Anniston Army Depot but had been on compensation of several years. I have to have two forms from her personnel file: SF2823 SF2821 and/or SF54 to file the insurance claim: and I cannot locate her personnel file!! I have called the Depot, DLA, OPM, Compensation, etc. at least 12 numbers who all give me other numbers or the same ones I have called. I simply need to get a copy of these two forms which are in her personnel file!
11/30/2011 at 9:18 PM
I have 17 years of federal service. I left that employment in 1996. Is there a site where I can review how to get reinstated to my original position or similar one?
12/2/2011 at 1:50 PM
what authority does an agency have to hire or convert contract employees to federal employees from within without advertising the positions? Also, by passing eligible veterans.
Francis D. Warner Jr.
12/2/2011 at 3:24 PM
I was overcharged for my health plan for 18 months. How can I request a refund ?
12/2/2011 at 3:34 PM
The CFTC is considering a RIF for about 60 federal employees due to Congress shorting their budget. The executive management of the CFTC has decided to NOT cut contracts/contractors and instead plan to teminate federal employees. Can they do this, when there is clearly a significant amount of money that can be saved for salaries if hundreds of contracts/contractors duplicating the federal staffs jobs were to be eliminated? And, if the CFTC is going to plan a RIF do they have to work closely with OPM to do this?
12/4/2011 at 8:20 AM
I started working for the Bureau of Prisons on 4/2011. I was hired as a GS-5, but with my 8 years of service with the Marine Corps, I'm being told I shouldv'e been hired as a GS-6. Can someone please help me with this? Thanks
12/4/2011 at 8:39 AM
I started working for the Bureau of Prisons on 4/2011. I was hired as a GS-5, but with my 8 years of service with the Marine Corps, I'm being told I shouldv'e been hired as a GS-6. Can someone please help me with this? Thanks
Paul Balaguy
12/6/2011 at 5:18 PM
cannot access my account because password expired, my emails are sent back undelive3red and phone call is recorded and says to email. Help me all I need is a password to change my check> I am desperate been 3 weeks trying to get ahold of you people
12/7/2011 at 9:00 AM
I am looking for a link to sign up for dental insurance because I am an annuitant. Does anyone know where this is before time runs out? Thanks
12/7/2011 at 9:01 AM
I am looking for a link to sign up for dental insurance because I am an annuitant. Does anyone know where this is before time runs out? Thanks
12/7/2011 at 10:21 AM
I filled out a form 3106 2 months ago and I have not heard anything. I emailed this same question last week and got no response. Does anybody read these?
Teresa Gray
12/9/2011 at 11:05 AM
I am trying to find out the least number of days that a vacancy annnouncement can be open for a 13 position. My agency recently had one that was only open 6 days! Thanks!
Teresa Gray
12/9/2011 at 11:09 AM
I am trying to find out the least number of days that a vacancy annnouncement can be open for a 13 position. My agency recently had one that was only open 6 days! Thanks!
12/12/2011 at 11:29 AM
If OPM declares "Federal Government Closed within the DC Metro Area" due to weather issues, can an Agency on Ft Belvoir decide to not follow OPM and to follow the Ft Belvoir commandant instead? Who decides what the "DC metro area" is? I thought OPM was the overarching agency and trumpted each individual agency.
Beverly J Weber
12/12/2011 at 11:31 AM
I can't get through to office and want to cancel my health insurance. Can you help me?
Terri H.
12/12/2011 at 3:09 PM
Are annuitants going to receive a cola raise in 2012?
s urbatsch
12/12/2011 at 5:47 PM
want to cancel my health insurance as of Jan. 1, 2012. Blue Cross said needed to go through you.
Susan Ally
12/13/2011 at 10:43 AM
I submitted an application for much needed deferred retirement benefits, and have recieved no response whatsoever. This is after requesting a benefit amount and receiving nothing but excuses for this office's inability to provide the information. I have been blackballed from federal service. Will this affect my retirement benefits???
Susan Ally
12/13/2011 at 10:45 AM
I submitted an application for much needed deferred retirement benefits, and have recieved no response whatsoever. This is after requesting a benefit amount and receiving nothing but excuses for this office's inability to provide the information. I have been blackballed from federal service. Will this affect my retirement benefits???
12/13/2011 at 12:36 PM
I read your articals on putting Vets to work. This all sounds fine and dandy but I will tell you that I have been a vet since Dec of 97. I have had my resume out on the Charts site and the USA Jobs site since then. The problem is I have had 2 interviews in those years. How do you get into the system. I sure would like to know since you arer always telling the world how you help the Vet. Some advise would help. David Wismer USN Retired.
12/13/2011 at 3:37 PM
Recently I applied for positions with Homeland Security and the Dept of the Navy I was not selected, which I understand but I contacted them and per the Vet Guide published by OPM, I have requested in writing the reason for passing over a preference eligible vet. From both agencies and the hiring officials. I literally cut and pasted a small section directly from the guide on my request to Homeland Security and the Navy but I am being hold by their HR departments that this doesn’t apply to me or my situation. Please see the section I emailed with my request: "Your first line of redress is at the agency level. Any preference-eligible veteran who is passed over on a list of eligible's is entitled, upon written request, to a copy of the agency's reasons for the pass over and the examining officer's response. If you are a 30 percent or more disabled veteran, the agency must notify you and OPM of the proposed pass over. You then have 15 days from the date of notification to respond to OPM. OPM will decide whether to approve the pass over based on all the facts available, and will then notify the agency and you of its decision. " I realize there are multiple hiring authorities they can use but if requested am I not entitled to ask for this information? So I have made an official request to HR at Homeland Security and Dept of the Navy for this information.” HR has stated to me that they are not directly involved in the hiring process but since the only email or phone number listed on the add belongs to HR I don’t know where else to send my request? I read through the guide and could not find any reference to this applying only to special hiring authorities or for particular positions. Since I was referred as a highly qualified candidate I would like to know what the selection criteria was for these 2 positions. Both agencies contacted me almost immediately after I had sent the request telling me that this didn’t apply so I am not anticipating that I will be getting this information. So my reason for contacting OPM is where would I go next if I can’t get the information that was requested and what would be an appropriate time to wait for this information before requesting assistance?
12/13/2011 at 3:38 PM
Recently I applied for positions with Homeland Security and the Dept of the Navy I was not selected, which I understand but I contacted them and per the Vet Guide published by OPM, I have requested in writing the reason for passing over a preference eligible vet. From both agencies and the hiring officials. I literally cut and pasted a small section directly from the guide on my request to Homeland Security and the Navy but I am being hold by their HR departments that this doesn’t apply to me or my situation. Please see the section I emailed with my request: "Your first line of redress is at the agency level. Any preference-eligible veteran who is passed over on a list of eligible's is entitled, upon written request, to a copy of the agency's reasons for the pass over and the examining officer's response. If you are a 30 percent or more disabled veteran, the agency must notify you and OPM of the proposed pass over. You then have 15 days from the date of notification to respond to OPM. OPM will decide whether to approve the pass over based on all the facts available, and will then notify the agency and you of its decision. " I realize there are multiple hiring authorities they can use but if requested am I not entitled to ask for this information? So I have made an official request to HR at Homeland Security and Dept of the Navy for this information.” HR has stated to me that they are not directly involved in the hiring process but since the only email or phone number listed on the add belongs to HR I don’t know where else to send my request? I read through the guide and could not find any reference to this applying only to special hiring authorities or for particular positions. Since I was referred as a highly qualified candidate I would like to know what the selection criteria was for these 2 positions. Both agencies contacted me almost immediately after I had sent the request telling me that this didn’t apply so I am not anticipating that I will be getting this information. So my reason for contacting OPM is where would I go next if I can’t get the information that was requested and what would be an appropriate time to wait for this information before requesting assistance?
12/14/2011 at 2:45 PM
12/14/2011 at 2:45 PM
Freddie K
12/15/2011 at 8:44 PM
I would like to know if it would be possible if the post office offers a $25,000.00 buy-out that the money they offer could pay for my military buy-back. I have eight years active military time and owe about $19,000.00. Could that money be used to pay it off? Thank you for your time, information and effort
Jacquelyn Hering
12/16/2011 at 7:12 AM
I have been a government employee for almost 18 years. Most of my time was working with the postal service. I currently work at DOI National Parks System. I need to know what my wg or gs would be compared to the higest grade of EAS-13 I held in the postal service. Any informations I can get on this would be appreciated.
Jacquelyn Hering
12/16/2011 at 7:13 AM
I have been a government employee for almost 18 years. Most of my time was working with the postal service. I currently work at DOI National Parks System. I need to know what my wg or gs would be compared to the higest grade of EAS-13 I held in the postal service. Any informations I can get on this would be appreciated.
Sue Procell
12/16/2011 at 7:34 AM
Does the President's Quality Award (PQM) still exist? If so, where can I find information about criteria for applying?
Barbara West
12/16/2011 at 10:34 AM
I have been searching for information that will show what the codes on my SF-50 denote. I found a report entitled,Lost Oppurtunities that has all of the information I need, but it is outdated...1997. I need up to date information that speaks to Reg.315.401, Reg. 335.103, as they apply to NAIC codes and admin codes,140, KQM. I am trying to assertain if 140, KQM still apply to public notice requirements.
Barbara West
12/16/2011 at 10:34 AM
I have been searching for information that will show what the codes on my SF-50 denote. I found a report entitled,Lost Oppurtunities that has all of the information I need, but it is outdated...1997. I need up to date information that speaks to Reg.315.401, Reg. 335.103, as they apply to NAIC codes and admin codes,140, KQM. I am trying to assertain if 140, KQM still apply to public notice requirements.
Paul Berry
12/18/2011 at 2:32 AM
So when is the next FEGLI Open Season? The last ones were in 1999 and 2004. Any chance of having one this decade?
Steve Balone
12/21/2011 at 10:42 AM
I have a been a Federal government employee for 19 years. Some time within the past 5 or more years, OPM (and others) started using the phrase "human capital" when referring to employees. My question is- what brain trust decided this was a good phrase? This phrase implies an equality among "human capital" and other types of "capital", such as equipment, funding, materials, etc., and as such is inherently denigrating to us humans. This is a no-brainer, which is why it baffles me that people/organizations that are supposed to be experts in human resources (not nearly as insulting) invenetd the term to begin with.
Yulana wade
12/22/2011 at 3:23 PM
My supervisor has me doing some research to find out if a permanent change of duty station can be offered to any government employee. My supervisor seems to think it can only be offered to GS-12's and above. Is this correct?
12/22/2011 at 3:24 PM
What are the first steps a Navy command takes in creating a civilian position at one of their stations. The position is currently filled by a military person. What steps does a command take to justify the creation of a new GS-7 position? Thank you.
Yulana wade
12/22/2011 at 3:25 PM
My supervisor has me doing some research to find out if a permanent change of duty station can be offered to any government employee. My supervisor seems to think it can only be offered to GS-12's and above. Is this correct?
Robert Jacobson
12/26/2011 at 9:55 PM
Subject Retirement Options Next year, I will have 20 good years of civil service. I am 51 years old and my retirement plan is undre FERS. I realize that I will need to wait until age 60 until I am eligible for a full retirement correct? Does that mean if I leave the government for a few years and come back to work for the Governmwnt before I retire, I will still be eligible for retirement? Thank you. Robert Jacobson
Carmala Freeman
12/27/2011 at 2:08 PM
Can a retire make a post retirement survivor election, i.e. go from a full survivor annuity to a partial survivor annuity "with spousal consent"?
Carmala Freeman
12/27/2011 at 2:09 PM
Can a retire make a post retirement survivor election, i.e. go from a full survivor annuity to a partial survivor annuity "with spousal consent"?
Carlos Batlle
12/29/2011 at 4:25 PM
I have been trying reach you on the phone for several days but it's always busy. I am on FERS disability and I need to know when how I should be taxed. This is needed by 01/20/12 and concerns a congressional inquiry. PLEASE e-mail me as soon as you can! Thanks
12/29/2011 at 4:58 PM
I accepted a job seven months ago and was told the duties listed and the job I applied for were not what my job was going to entail-my duties were "other duties as assigned". Basically I was tricked into accepting a job by my employer advertizing it as something it wasn't. Is this legal? What can be done?
Steven Williams
12/29/2011 at 11:52 PM
I was a former civilian employee with the Army and left to teach college overseas for a while. I recently went to work for the Air Force in the same area of work and at the same pay grade. HR, however, says my prior civil service does not count toward within-grade (step) increases. No one can show me the regulation that states this. Is it true? If not, what can I do to rectify this?
Randy Kohlman
12/30/2011 at 10:26 AM
Does a civilian employee that accepts a Title 32 AGR position entitled to military leave each year, and if so, for how many years?
Randy Kohlman
12/30/2011 at 10:28 AM
Does a civilian employee that accepts a Title 32 AGR position entitled to military leave each year, and if so, for how many years?
Terry H. Mikel
12/30/2011 at 10:55 AM
I am retired . . When are the 1099 tax forms mailed out? . . Happy New Year . . Terry H. Mikel
12/30/2011 at 2:07 PM
When will the 2012 "in lieu of" holiday schedule come out for employees on CWS?
12/30/2011 at 2:46 PM
12/30/2011 at 3:08 PM
ronald takacs
12/31/2011 at 11:46 AM
I would like to increase my state with holding taxes could you send the forms ronald takacs 5 east rd palmetto fl 34221
steve terwilliger
12/31/2011 at 4:05 PM
Why doesn't the VA accept my retirement point summary for active duty credit? I served for thirty one years in the Naval Reserve and the Air National Guard,and am credited with three years, seven months and four days of active duty. Much of this time was for less than ninety days so a DD214 was not generated. The VA says that in order to get credit I have to submit DD214s for each period of active duty. the Retirement Point Summary is an official document and my military retirement pay is based on it but the VA won't accept this document and I would like to know why.
Kimberly Stalnaker
1/2/2012 at 10:16 AM
Does Title 5 of the US Code Of Federal Regulations Chapter 1, Subchapter B: Part 610: Subpart B: 610.202 apply to GS employed nurses on a compressed work schedule who are given title 38 pay? My employer's finance section calls us title 38 employees and state that there are different rules regarding holiday pay, premium and time off in lieu of holiday that apply to us. Is this correct as I thought Title 5 CFR applied to all federal employees? Additionally, can my division officer or business manager determine whether or not we get time off in lieu of holiday when the holiday falls on our regularly scheduled day off? I am a 0610 GS 11 nurse who receives title 38 pay on a set compressed work schedule.
Kimberly Stalnaker
1/2/2012 at 10:18 AM
Does Title 5 of the US Code Of Federal Regulations Chapter 1, Subchapter B: Part 610: Subpart B: 610.202 apply to GS employed nurses on a compressed work schedule who are given title 38 pay? My employer's finance section calls us title 38 employees and state that there are different rules regarding holiday pay, premium and time off in lieu of holiday that apply to us. Is this correct as I thought Title 5 CFR applied to all federal employees? Additionally, can my division officer or business manager determine whether or not we get time off in lieu of holiday when the holiday falls on our regularly scheduled day off? I am a 0610 GS 11 nurse who receives title 38 pay on a set compressed work schedule.
Kimberly Stalnaker
1/2/2012 at 10:21 AM
Does Title 5 of the US Code Of Federal Regulations Chapter 1, Subchapter B: Part 610: Subpart B: 610.202 apply to GS employed nurses on a compressed work schedule who are given title 38 pay? My employer's finance section calls us title 38 employees and state that there are different rules regarding holiday pay, premium and time off in lieu of holiday that apply to us. Is this correct as I thought Title 5 CFR applied to all federal employees? Additionally, can my division officer or business manager determine whether or not we get time off in lieu of holiday when the holiday falls on our regularly scheduled day off? I am a 0610 GS 11 nurse who receives title 38 pay on a set compressed work schedule.
Brandy P
1/3/2012 at 10:17 AM
@ Steven Williams Here is the Regulation for your WIGI Question;sid=cf4c3b7d571014d3e8f5af7b172b56dc;rgn=div8;view=text;node=5%3A1.;idno=5;cc=ecfr
Brandy Perez
1/3/2012 at 10:18 AM
@ Steven Williams Here is the Regulation for your WIGI Question;sid=cf4c3b7d571014d3e8f5af7b172b56dc;rgn=div8;view=text;node=5%3A1.;idno=5;cc=ecfr
Martha A. Squires
1/3/2012 at 10:19 AM
Financial Quality Rochelle Bayard Associate Chief Financial Officer Reference: Service Compensation Date. As of July 15, 2011 I was completing my ninth year of DOD full time, honorable, career tenure, until Walter Reed's closure in 2011. My service compensation date has been recalculated to be 02/26/2003 as a new hire, which means the seven months of dedicated service in 2011 doesn't count and I need to complete the ninth year all over again. My question is this doesn't seem correct, please let me know, my cell phone is 607-343-4507 and my desk phone as a RHIT is 910-907-7903. Thank you so much and Happy Holidays and a New Year in 2012. Ms. Martha A. Squires, RHIT If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call.
Brandy Perez
1/3/2012 at 10:49 AM
Good Day! I really don't have a comment. I am a Federal employee with 10 years of Service in both Excepted and Competitive appointments. I like working for the government but after working for 3 different agencies, I feel that the Government can be a better workplace with better leadership and more standardized systems/ regulations. I want to be the difference; I want to offer my services to your team, especially to the survey team. I find that the Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey needs more questions in the Leadership field as well as a new section of work environment. The government has a high turnover rate, and I think that with education and counseling on this, the turnover will be less. Again, I am more than available to be of service and help the Government be a better workplace.
Shannon Caskey
1/3/2012 at 3:23 PM
I was a civil service employee at RRAD in Texas from 1981 - 1997 when I was caught in a RIF due to BRAC. I was placed on the PPP and relocated to the USAFA in Colorado, where I was employeed for approx. one year. At which time I requested and was granted a one year leave of absence. I was informed that RRAD was rehiring but was for temporary employment only. I accepted the position and worked for one year. My problem now is that I cannot get reinstated to RRAD due to the length of absense and the apparent loss of my records which I believe were transferred from RRAD to Ft. Riley to somewhere else. I requested a SF 50 from Valmeyer IL. but am being informed that it is not the correct form needed for reinstatement. What do I need? Thank you
1/3/2012 at 3:59 PM
How does a Federal employee go about reqeusting a desk audit from OPM to have his/her position classified at the proper grade?
1/3/2012 at 4:00 PM
How does a Federal employee go about reqeusting a desk audit from OPM to have his/her position classified at the proper grade?
John Garner
1/3/2012 at 6:02 PM
When will the GS scale's locality pay be updated? The DC area, including Montgomery and Howard Counties, for example, is one of the most expensive areas in the Country. However, several cheaper regions are very close in pay.
Tyrone Brown
1/4/2012 at 12:49 PM
Hey, I have a question. Whats the perpose of you guys giving out this number (1-888-767-6738). Its always busy. If you do not belive my , try dialing yourself. Goodluck with that.
Tyrone Brown
1/4/2012 at 12:50 PM
Hey, I have a question. Whats the perpose of you guys giving out this number (1-888-767-6738). Its always busy. If you do not belive my , try dialing yourself. Goodluck with that.
Karsha MomentRoberts
1/4/2012 at 2:41 PM
I am a graduate student with 27 credits and currently have two more semesters before completing my master's in human resources management. I applied for a HR Specialist position at the VA hospital in El Paso Tx last month and could qualify based on education. I was told that I "my application did not provide evidence of training or experience of sufficient scope and quality to meet the required level of knowledge, skills, and abilities..." In May of this year, I will have completed all 36 credit requirements to complete this degree, but it will have taken me only 16 months to complete. So, because it has not taken me 2 years of progressive study to complete this degree, I do not qualify for this position inwhich my education is directly related to. I find this a serious oversight and this policy should be revised to reflect the fact that it is no longer taking individuals two years to complete a master's degree. Or, the requirement should be curbed when the education is directly related to the position being applied for. And, I'm a veteran!
Dr. Scott
1/5/2012 at 2:30 AM This is some great information about this site. I agree and will let others know so that they can post as well. Love it, will be back and see what others have to say as well.
Lynn Green
1/5/2012 at 9:18 AM
I have been trying to get an answer regarding veterans preference and am getting nowhere. Could you either answer my question or tell me where to go to get my question answered please? As a government employee, how do you get your VA rating into the system? If your information is not on file, how do you get it reflected in your file? It wasn't done when the individual(s) were hired. I have been told that it has to be done through OPM. Please advise. Thank you, Lynn Green
Dorothy mcCoy
1/5/2012 at 3:39 PM
Can a employee that has a negative sick leave balance use their annual leave that they would earned each pay period towards that negative sick leave balance?
Dorothy mcCoy
1/5/2012 at 3:40 PM
Can a employee that has a negative sick leave balance use their annual leave that they would earned each pay period towards that negative sick leave balance?
Lisa Helman
1/6/2012 at 2:21 PM
Question is concerning LWOP for military duty and drill weekends. I am a Reservist, and as times have changed, we are now constantly asked to perform more than the "old" 2 weeks a year and 1 weekend a month. I have an extensive drill period that requires me to do more. I have been utilizing not only my militart leave hours along with LWOP. I have just been informed that when I utilize 80 hours of LWOP, I will not gain any leave druing that pay period for that FY, and the same for each 80 hours after that. In addition to that, we also have our retirement and pay increases pushed back due to our military service that is required of us. Can anyone point me in the right direction to correct or change this matter. All Reservists are now mandated to do more training and drill longer periods that what the "older" military has done. In our ever so changing times, the pay schedules and benifits need to be adjusted also. Reservists should never be penalized for doing our duty. There should be some sort of arrangements for us that exempts us from these penalties. Also, the military leave hours are never enough for those of us who utilize alternate work schedules. I work an average of 36 hours on the weekends, as I am on 12 hour days. If I call off for drill, I am using military leave quickly, and then have no choice to use LWOP or annual leave. Then if I use annual leave, I can't take vacations. Please advise me of who I need to contact to discuss this matter. Thank you
Lisa Helman
1/6/2012 at 2:23 PM
Question is concerning LWOP for military duty and drill weekends. I am a Reservist, and as times have changed, we are now constantly asked to perform more than the "old" 2 weeks a year and 1 weekend a month. I have an extensive drill period that requires me to do more. I have been utilizing not only my militart leave hours along with LWOP. I have just been informed that when I utilize 80 hours of LWOP, I will not gain any leave druing that pay period for that FY, and the same for each 80 hours after that. In addition to that, we also have our retirement and pay increases pushed back due to our military service that is required of us. Can anyone point me in the right direction to correct or change this matter. All Reservists are now mandated to do more training and drill longer periods that what the "older" military has done. In our ever so changing times, the pay schedules and benifits need to be adjusted also. Reservists should never be penalized for doing our duty. There should be some sort of arrangements for us that exempts us from these penalties. Also, the military leave hours are never enough for those of us who utilize alternate work schedules. I work an average of 36 hours on the weekends, as I am on 12 hour days. If I call off for drill, I am using military leave quickly, and then have no choice to use LWOP or annual leave. Then if I use annual leave, I can't take vacations. Please advise me of who I need to contact to discuss this matter. Thank you
Tammie Washington
1/10/2012 at 8:27 AM
I am a widow of a non retired veteran. Am I able to inherit his 5 point for veteran status when applying for government jobs?
Tammie Washington
1/10/2012 at 8:29 AM
I am a widow of a non retired veteran. Am I able to inherit his 5 point for veteran status when applying for government jobs?
Carolyn Howard
1/10/2012 at 9:13 AM
I am a current federal employee working as a Medical Support Assistant at an Army hospital. I completed my Masters Degree in Information Systems in Jun 2011. I have applied for several positions and have been rejected because they said I was not qualified for the position. I am currently applying for a Human Resource Assistant (OA), which I have done in previous jobs. My question is how do OPM qualify you for a position when you have done some of the jobs in the position and have crediable education too? I am finding it very difficult to get a straight answer at Ft Jackson, SC CPAC. All the jobs seem to be held for selected people. What options do I have to file a complaint if I qualify for a position and do not get the opportunity to even get an interview?
Carolyn Howard
1/10/2012 at 9:14 AM
I am a current federal employee working as a Medical Support Assistant at an Army hospital. I completed my Masters Degree in Information Systems in Jun 2011. I have applied for several positions and have been rejected because they said I was not qualified for the position. I am currently applying for a Human Resource Assistant (OA), which I have done in previous jobs. My question is how do OPM qualify you for a position when you have done some of the jobs in the position and have crediable education too? I am finding it very difficult to get a straight answer at Ft Jackson, SC CPAC. All the jobs seem to be held for selected people. What options do I have to file a complaint if I qualify for a position and do not get the opportunity to even get an interview?
1/10/2012 at 9:42 AM
In regards to this statement "Sunday Work An employee is entitled to holiday premium pay and Sunday premium pay if he or she is required to work during holiday hours on Sunday and Sunday work is part of the employee's regularly scheduled basic workweek (or basic work requirement). If an employee does not work during the holiday hours on Sunday, the employee receives basic pay for the holiday hours, but is not entitled to Sunday premium pay. This is because Sunday premium pay cannot be paid unless an employee actually performs work on Sunday. (See section 624 of the Treasury and General Government Appropriations Act, 1999; 5 U.S.C. 5546(a) and 6128(c); and 5 CFR 550.172.) I was informed at my job that I would not be able to get my new years holiday Sunday premium that I would only get my holiday premium pay. Is that considered double dipping?
Angela Bethea-Spearman
1/11/2012 at 8:03 AM
I have been trying for several months now to be relocated closer to an agency closer to home because the commute from Baltimore to Montgomery County is to much for me now after 11 years of this travel. I have applied, been found qulified, and reffered to agencies for countless jobs, and in many instances I've applied and there have been no status update to my application whatsoever, the status remains application recieved. Can someone in personnel explain to me what seems to be the problem? Why is this happening? It doesn't seem it should be this difficult to obtain a position closer to home especially when the agencicies are hiring so many new personnel. Please advise!
A. Bethea-Spearman
1/11/2012 at 8:54 AM
Dear Office of Personnel Management: Is it possible for someone in personnel to review my resume and guide me which agency and suggest what positions I should be applying? Thank you
US Mil Vet
1/12/2012 at 7:32 AM
I was in the Dallas OPM office to inquire about veteran opportunities. Everyone was quite helpful, but I saw one gentleman there who was wearing extremely inappropriate attire for a government office building. His clothing would be completely acceptable in a club scene where the goal was to display as much of your anatomy as possible while still wearing clothes. When I asked about it, I was told he was the manager of the office. How can OPM be the human resources vanguard of the government if your managers are so out of tune with proper behavior themselves?
US Mil Vet
1/12/2012 at 7:33 AM
I was in the Dallas OPM office to inquire about veteran opportunities. Everyone was quite helpful, but I saw one gentleman there who was wearing extremely inappropriate attire for a government office building. His clothing would be completely acceptable in a club scene where the goal was to display as much of your anatomy as possible while still wearing clothes. When I asked about it, I was told he was the manager of the office. How can OPM be the human resources vanguard of the government if your managers are so out of tune with proper behavior themselves?
1/12/2012 at 4:00 PM
Where can i go to get copies of my WS Form to print out ???
1/12/2012 at 4:01 PM
Where can i go to get copies of my WS Form to print out ???
Herb Wilson
1/12/2012 at 8:55 PM
94 weeks to process a death claim. What are we doing in Boyers????
Jack R. Duke
1/13/2012 at 11:13 AM
For over a week now, I have been trying to call 1-888-7676738, which I understand is the number to call with retiree questions. I get nothing but a busy signal any time of day . What is the problem? I need to speak with an actual human being. Thanks
Jack R. Duke
1/13/2012 at 11:15 AM
For over a week now, I have been trying to call 1-888-7676738, which I understand is the number to call with retiree questions. I get nothing but a busy signal any time of day . What is the problem? I need to speak with an actual human being. Thanks
1/15/2012 at 11:03 AM
My wife has been trying for almost 1.5 years to get someone from this agency to contact her and to tell her why she has not received her court ordered ( from divorce) retirment benefits from her ex husband who has been receing his ( and her portion) since at least March of 2011. Shwe has sent over 7 + letters with all the required information but no responses and an unbelieveable amount of phone calls which are never returned. I am ready to hire a lawyer and go to the newspapers with this unfair treatment of a tax payer. I pay my taxes and she has a legal court order that says she gets a certain % of his retirement when he retires. Please have someone who is ready to settle this issue call me at 254-716-2084 -- Jeff ( frustrated and very angry)
1/15/2012 at 11:04 AM
My wife has been trying for almost 1.5 years to get someone from this agency to contact her and to tell her why she has not received her court ordered ( from divorce) retirment benefits from her ex husband who has been receing his ( and her portion) since at least March of 2011. Shwe has sent over 7 + letters with all the required information but no responses and an unbelieveable amount of phone calls which are never returned. I am ready to hire a lawyer and go to the newspapers with this unfair treatment of a tax payer. I pay my taxes and she has a legal court order that says she gets a certain % of his retirement when he retires. Please have someone who is ready to settle this issue call me at 254-716-2084 -- Jeff ( frustrated and very angry)
Jeff Allen
1/15/2012 at 6:29 PM
About 3 years ago I posted a suggestion for the postal service under the user name "bustaraven". I recently heard they are doing a trial implementation of exactly what i suggested which may go nation wide. Is there any way to find out if its my suggestion they are working on? My cell phone number is (810) 824-0848. thanks
Keith Williams
1/17/2012 at 10:56 AM
How to buy back COLAs to count as Locality Pay for 2010 and 2011,Federal Employees in Alaska, Hawaii and the U.S. Territories.There is a provision in section 7 of the Non-Foreign Area Retirement Equity Assurance Act of 2009 that allows you to buy back COLA and have it count towards your Federal Retirement as if it were Locality Pay... but only if you file an election and retire before 12/31/2012.
Keith Williams
1/17/2012 at 10:58 AM
How to buy back COLAs to count as Locality Pay for 2010 and 2011,Federal Employees in Alaska, Hawaii and the U.S. Territories.There is a provision in section 7 of the Non-Foreign Area Retirement Equity Assurance Act of 2009 that allows you to buy back COLA and have it count towards your Federal Retirement as if it were Locality Pay... but only if you file an election and retire before 12/31/2012.
Keith Williams
1/17/2012 at 11:06 AM
Can someone please reply to the How to buy back COLAs to count as Locality Pay for 2010 and 2011,Federal Employees in Alaska, Hawaii and the U.S. Territories, need instructions on what the process is for an employee that is concidering buying back. Keith K Williams, HR Specialist
1/17/2012 at 12:34 PM
1/17/2012 at 12:35 PM
1/17/2012 at 1:17 PM
Why doesn't OPM delve into managers’ federal, negative backgrounds, an extremely important issue which includes managers' having previous EEO complaints or law suits made against them? These managers are already outrageously-paid (the highest paid federal employees) who simply spent their most recent, previous years sitting in their offices, looking at inappropriate things on the internet (and talking about these things) working on their SES applications and resumes and causing chaos for the employees under their purview through their non-involvement. Shouldn't these managers be scrutinized as to their former, recent federal backgrounds? I would even say that by asking throughout their current organizations (and previous ones) such thing as what this person is like...did this person cause chaos for the employees under his/her purview? Is this person worthy of an SES position? (Develop a questionnaire that would work to fact-find; request Private Information (via the Freedom of Information Act) from the EEO and the Courts so that the truth can be learned about these individuals. We hold the public's trust and pocketbooks by our salaries and OPM should stop, look and listen prior to the making of a SESer. OPM should not stand solely on well-written SES resumes and then pass-through managers to these highest ranking federal positions. However, OPM should be the ones to stop, to put their foot down on the practice of "For those who can't or won't work, give them easy promotions to move them out of the way" -- when they've been the cause of so many problems to their rank and file, or others due to overflow of pride, uninvolvement and lack to "back" their employees within their organizations to inhibit chaos caused by individual managers’ lack of ethical, human skills and standards. OPM needs to preserve the distinction of service for this, one of the highest privileges that is conveyed upon each new SESer. Thank you for the opportunity to ask.
stephen.r stilwwelll
1/18/2012 at 11:47 AM
been try to get a case worker for my medical retirement followin two brain surgeries that haven,t help much as for as my physicl conditions, could someone at OPM lookinto this and let me know if i have acase worker tryin to to help THANKS
stephen.r stilwwelll
1/18/2012 at 11:53 AM
been try to get a case worker for my medical retirement followin two brain surgeries that haven,t help much as for as my physicl conditions, could someone at OPM lookinto this and let me know if i have acase worker tryin to to help THANKS
1/18/2012 at 12:01 PM
bee tryin to get thnme of my case worker for my medical retirement, following two brain surgeries that havennt went well ould some ione at OPM CHECK ON THIS FOR ME
Darla Nearing
1/18/2012 at 1:32 PM
How do I get information changed on your Federal Leadership Development Programs website? The mail link to is not working and rejects undeliverable. Phone routes me around, I did leave a voice mail but thought this might be a faster way of getting an answer.
Al Kartchner
1/19/2012 at 8:50 AM
I have worked at many Federal organizations and was in the US Army, for two years. I understand that I can contribute 10% of my total earnings as a voluntary contribution to TSP, but I don't know the total amount that I have earned on record. How can I find out how much I have in federal earning to date?
Chris J.
1/19/2012 at 9:48 PM
TRANSFERRED FROM USPS TO VA: At USPS, I was a letter carrier, grade 1, step D. Annual salary is approx. $51,000. I worked in Boston area. We get NO locality pay. Pay scale is determined by union contract. So, no matter where I would work in the country, I would make the same $51,000 whether it was Boston or New York or Toledo or wherever. When I came to the VA, they translated my USPS pay onto the GS scale for Boston, which includes a 24% locality pay. Thus, they said my old USPS position was translated as a GS-8. However, had I worked in Toledo or Florida, it would've been translated as a GS-7 (no locality pay for them) and in New York, they would've translated the same $51,000 as a GS-9. My argument has been that 1. the intent of the law was not to make $51,000 fall in 3 DIFFERENT places on the GS scale (GS 7, 8, 9) when letter carriers get 0% locality pay nationwide. 2. Since we get no locality pay with USPS, I would argue we should be compared to the GS scale with no locality pay (thus falling in a GS 9 / GS 10). The reason this matters is because of job bidding for posted positions. Could someone tell me if the VA mistranslated my USPS time? Did the CFR's intend to make one flat pay rate nationwide for USPS into 3 pay rates on the GS scale? Or should USPS be converted to the GS scale NOT using locality rates? Please advise. No one seems to know the answer, and I can't be the only postal employee to ever change agencies. Thank you.
Charles D. West
1/20/2012 at 10:34 AM
I have been retired for over a year now.Why am I stil in interim status? I also put Blue Cross in suspension back in Oct. of last year, and you are still taking out payments for them.
Mark Focken
1/21/2012 at 11:09 AM
I was hired at a GS-12 level - probation for a year a few months ago. I was looking for a 13 or 14 position but unfortunetely, at the time, the opportunities were not available. I'm retired Military with 30 years. My question is: Can I still apply for a 13 or 14 position or do certain rules still apply (i.e. 1 year experience at the lower level). Thanks for you time.
Mark Focken
1/21/2012 at 11:10 AM
I was hired at a GS-12 level - probation for a year a few months ago. I was looking for a 13 or 14 position but unfortunetely, at the time, the opportunities were not available. I'm retired Military with 30 years. My question is: Can I still apply for a 13 or 14 position or do certain rules still apply (i.e. 1 year experience at the lower level). Thanks for you time.
Michael Lo
1/23/2012 at 7:05 PM
Washington D.C. had a DELAYED ARRIVAL today and employees had the OPTION FOR UNSCHEDULED LEAVE OR UNSCHEDULED TELEWORK. I noticed we can follow OPM on twitter and facebook, but is there any development for an ALERT system that delivers important emergency alerts, notifications, and updates on my E-mail account (work, personal, other), Cell phone,Pager,Smartphone/PDA (BlackBerry, Treo & other handhelds)? I think it would come in handy during emergency situations.
Joseph Yarberry
1/24/2012 at 7:08 AM
I contacted TSP about fees and they told me there is no fees charged. What is with this flat fees stayed the same remark the have sent out to the world? Very interesting the flat fees and saying there is no fees charged telling me that.
Joseph Yarberry
1/24/2012 at 7:08 AM
I contacted TSP about fees and they told me there is no fees charged. What is with this flat fees stayed the same remark the have sent out to the world? Very interesting the flat fees and saying there is no fees charged telling me that.
Cecilia Haldane
1/24/2012 at 4:31 PM
Hi, the HR at the Veterans Healthcare system in Albuquerque NM is not giving me credit for time served when I worked for the VA in Seattle and the Kansas City MEPS nor will they restore my pay that I earned as a government employee. I would like credit for 13 years and the highest pay at which I left. When I was hired, they did not give me any option for negotiate my pay or even talk to me for almost six months after I tried to make initial contact with them. It has been over a year the the HR still has not given me credit even though I turned in my SF 50 indicating that I have a career tenure status and they have all of my records. Is there a way to get them to take care of this? Please let me know as soon as possible. Thanks
Melissa Smith
1/25/2012 at 1:12 PM
I am trying to get a job with the IRS, but cannot because I'm not already a government employee. I've run in to this problem a lot. What do I need to do to become one?
Melissa Smith
1/25/2012 at 1:14 PM
I'm currently trying to apply for a job with the IRS, but cannot because I'm not a current government employee. I run into this quite often when I apply for government jobs. What do I need to do to get listed a a federal employee?
Luis Moreno
1/25/2012 at 1:31 PM
Is there a way to send a TEXT message to cell phones when operating status changes to anything other than OPEN ??? The phone lines are all tied up during major events like recent earthquake, etc.
Bonnie McKean
1/25/2012 at 9:08 PM
I received an email from a company associated with BCBS called Blue365. It was a commerical advertizement and I was not happy to find my email address shared with associates of my health insurance plan, for any reason. Is this something that you are aware of? I unsubscribed, of course, but it makes me mad that I had to do that. How did they get my information? I hope you can help me track this down, I'm sure I am not the only one confused about this.
Bonnie McKean
1/25/2012 at 9:09 PM
I received an email from a company associated with BCBS called Blue365. It was a commerical advertizement and I was not happy to find my email address shared with associates of my health insurance plan, for any reason. Is this something that you are aware of? I unsubscribed, of course, but it makes me mad that I had to do that. How did they get my information? I hope you can help me track this down, I'm sure I am not the only one confused about this.
Marcus Tikotsky
1/26/2012 at 12:22 AM
I am a retired annuitant (CSRS), as of October 2008, I retired at GS13 – step 5. I was rehired by GSA (California) at the same grade and only worked there two months (June and July 2010). FEMA (California) is in the process of hiring me, the position is a two year term, GS14 (1102). My question is am I entitled to a two step promotion which would be a 14 step 2, since I have had a 10 month break in service and am currently not employed (retired)?
Marcus Tikotsky
1/26/2012 at 12:23 AM
I am a retired annuitant (CSRS), as of October 2008, I retired at GS13 – step 5. I was rehired by GSA (California) at the same grade and only worked there two months (June and July 2010). FEMA (California) is in the process of hiring me, the position is a two year term, GS14 (1102). My question is am I entitled to a two step promotion which would be a 14 step 2, since I have had a 10 month break in service and am currently not employed (retired)?
Marcus Tikotsky
1/26/2012 at 12:24 AM
I am a retired annuitant (CSRS), as of October 2008, I retired at GS13 – step 5. I was rehired by GSA (California) at the same grade and only worked there two months (June and July 2010). FEMA (California) is in the process of hiring me, the position is a two year term, GS14 (1102). My question is am I entitled to a two step promotion which would be a 14 step 2, since I have had a 10 month break in service and am currently not employed (retired)?
Marcus Tikotsky
1/26/2012 at 12:28 AM
I am a retired annuitant (CSRS), as of October 2008, I retired at GS13 – step 5. I was rehired by GSA (California) at the same grade and only worked there two months (June and July 2010). FEMA (California) is in the process of hiring me, the position is a two year term, GS14 (1102). My question is am I entitled to a two step promotion which would be a 14 step 2, since I have had a 10 month break in service and am currently not employed (retired)?
Ken Stager
1/26/2012 at 3:09 PM
My question is simple. How come when you freeze our pay you don't freeze the cost of insurance. The raises never cover the increase any way. But you would think that if our pay freezes that someone might think about freezing the already horrible premiums for health care.
Priscilla Ledoux
1/27/2012 at 11:43 AM
I have not received my 2011 Tax Information. I have been watching for it but I am getting nervous. Please advise. F2677984W I have been trying to call the 1 888767-6738 about 25 times, but it is constantly busy.
Priscilla Ledoux
1/27/2012 at 11:51 AM
I have not received my 2011 Tax Information. I have been watching for it but I am getting nervous. Please advise. F2677984W I have been trying to call the 1 888767-6738 about 25 times, but it is constantly busy.
Rod Cote
1/27/2012 at 11:53 AM
I hae a two part question concerning approved Comp Time. I am an exempt employee and understand the granting of comp time rules however the agency has not provided me with policy of accumulated comp time usage. 1) Can an agency required employee to take approved comp time prior to approving leave. 2) Can an agency force employees to use accumulated comp time prior to 26th pay period or a specified week.
Alonzo Fountain
1/29/2012 at 12:55 PM
I work at the National Gallery of Art which closes on Christmas and New Year's. NGA (or someone decided that those two Sundays when it was closed would be our holidays, not the Mondays which are designated holidays. This means there was no holiday pay on those Mondays only "other" pay for the Sundays. Is this correct? Can a federal agency designate its own holidays?
Gregory Arpin
1/30/2012 at 10:38 AM
I am retired. I have been trying to reach someone at OPM for the past 3 days by calling 1-888-767-6738 and all I have been getting since last Thursday is a busy signal. I am trying to find out my claim number so I can request a new username and password for the on line services. PLEASE tell me there is more than one number to call OPM for this.
Gregory Arpin
1/30/2012 at 10:39 AM
I am retired. I have been trying to reach someone at OPM for the past 3 days by calling 1-888-767-6738 and all I have been getting since last Thursday is a busy signal. I am trying to find out my claim number so I can request a new username and password for the on line services. PLEASE tell me there is more than one number to call OPM for this.
Gregory Arpin
1/30/2012 at 10:42 AM
I am retired. I have been trying to reach someone at OPM for the past 3 days by calling 1-888-767-6738 and all I have been getting since last Thursday is a busy signal. I am trying to find out my claim number so I can request a new username and password for the on line services. PLEASE tell me there is more than one number to call OPM for this.
Joseph Allen
1/30/2012 at 4:39 PM
Your system is not working do you have the phone off I think someone should be remove from their job up date your phone system put Messege on the phone line that that w2 will be late you are doing a poor job
Penny Jube
1/31/2012 at 2:52 PM
I have been trying to get through to your telephone line for 2 days and can only get a busy signal. My question is this... My father retired from the post office and paid into a survivor annuity for my mother. She received this for several years after his death but now she is gone. I received the Tax statement for her and see that there is some of the annuity money that my dad paid in left and want to know if I am entitled to collect that money as the only heir to their estates? I have looked on line but am unable to determine the answer to my question. I would really like to speak to someone regarding this issue but can't seem to get through.
Nancy Cablay
1/31/2012 at 3:48 PM
I am sending this on 1/31/12. I have not received my 1099R form from the OPM office. Is that routine or should I file for new ones. It was my understanding the lastest they would arrive would be today. I have 4 other from different things but none from you. If I need to req a dupe can you point me in the right direction
Nancy Cablay
1/31/2012 at 3:51 PM
I am sending this on 1/31/12. I have not received my 1099R form from the OPM office. Is that routine or should I file for new ones. It was my understanding the lastest they would arrive would be today. I have 4 other from different things but none from you. If I need to req a dupe can you point me in the right direction
Robert Dukeshire
2/1/2012 at 8:58 AM
I'm a GS stationed Overseas in Italy. The DSSR (272.3)states that I can choose which school I want to send my kids to as long as it is not more than the cost of a DODDS school. The DODDS education allowance is $25500 per child per year, I send my kids to the NATO school for $5000 per child. The local HR will not re-emburse me for the education allowance of 10K per year. Although I'm trying to save the Gov't and tax payers $40k a year. Can you provide guidance on this. Thank You
Fred Graeter
2/2/2012 at 11:44 AM
I want to know why I haven't got my W2 forms yet
ron bates
2/2/2012 at 3:41 PM
I am a retired postal worker and applying for part B medicare.Social security wants OPM to certify that I am currently enrolled in a FEHB program. What department in OPM does this? OPM phones are always busy and their E mails are hopeless. They say wait 15 or 20 days and then they never get back to me with an answer.
ron bates
2/2/2012 at 3:42 PM
I am a retired postal worker and applying for part B medicare.Social security wants OPM to certify that I am currently enrolled in a FEHB program. What department in OPM does this? OPM phones are always busy and their E mails are hopeless. They say wait 15 or 20 days and then they never get back to me with an answer.
ron bates
2/2/2012 at 3:45 PM
I am a retired postal worker and applying for part B medicare.Social security wants OPM to certify that I am currently enrolled in a FEHB program. What department in OPM does this? OPM phones are always busy and their E mails are hopeless. They say wait 15 or 20 days and then they never get back to me with an answer.
Daniel Derwey
2/2/2012 at 4:19 PM
I was hired by DOT in 1998. As a retired service member I was assigned veterans preference code 2 (5 points). Recently, I was awarded a VA Disability rating that qualifies my veterans preference code as 6 (10 point/compensable/30%. I provided my agency with all required documentation and they have acknowledged I have provided everything required (VA documentation and SF-15). When the agency changed my veterans preference they used the date 01/01/12, however, the effective date should be 11/01/11. The agency agrees the effective date of 11/01/11 is correct but states there is no code for block 5-A on the SF50 for changing veterans preference. Additionally, the agency says the use of code 883 in block 5-A is not authorized as that code is reserved for change of veterans preference for RIF. That since this is not a RIF that code cannot be used. Lastly, the agency says that since there is no code for veterans preference change that the veterans preference change must be done in association with another personal action for which a code exists. The most recent personal action is for a reassignment which has an effective date of 01/01/12 then the date of change for my new veterans preference must also be 01/01/12. Is that correct, the system does not permit a veteran from having an accurate effective date for a change in their veterans status? Please advise. FYI, the reassignment SF-50 is completely wrong as well, it implies I was transferred to two different locations.
Daniel Derwey
2/2/2012 at 4:22 PM
I was hired by DOT in 1998. As a retired service member I was assigned veterans preference code 2 (5 points). Recently, I was awarded a VA Disability rating that qualifies my veterans preference code as 6 (10 point/compensable/30%. I provided my agency with all required documentation and they have acknowledged I have provided everything required (VA documentation and SF-15). When the agency changed my veterans preference they used the date 01/01/12, however, the effective date should be 11/01/11. The agency agrees the effective date of 11/01/11 is correct but states there is no code for block 5-A on the SF50 for changing veterans preference. Additionally, the agency says the use of code 883 in block 5-A is not authorized as that code is reserved for change of veterans preference for RIF. That since this is not a RIF that code cannot be used. Lastly, the agency says that since there is no code for veterans preference change that the veterans preference change must be done in association with another personal action for which a code exists. The most recent personal action is for a reassignment which has an effective date of 01/01/12 then the date of change for my new veterans preference must also be 01/01/12. Is that correct, the system does not permit a veteran from having an accurate effective date for a change in their veterans status? Please advise. FYI, the reassignment SF-50 is completely wrong as well, it implies I was transferred to two different locations.
2/2/2012 at 5:04 PM
there a change in my bank account the correct account number is: XXXXXXX- checking Please make the necesary corrections so I can receive my monthly amount for my beneffits my ss# is XXXXXXXXX.
2/3/2012 at 1:48 PM
Why is it that Veteran's Preference seems to only be "used" to get into a federal agency? First, most veterans have to take entry-level jobs, despite their military experience and education, at a federal agency just to get their foot in the door. Then, once in there, they struggle to get selected for a postion within the same agency, due to any number of reasons (most notably, nepotism). So, each agency gets to pick and chose when they want to adhere to the veteran's preference guidance. Working for the US Government as a veteran is an absolute joke.
2/3/2012 at 2:53 PM
What are the rules if any on taking sick leave, to work a second job outside the federal government. Do managers have the right to investigate?
2/3/2012 at 4:19 PM
PEACE CORPS BUY BACK: What forms get submitted and where do they get submitted and what are the rules or guidelines? I've heard answers from the "Peace Corps" that they are submitted through OPM-at retirement time, I've heard that it goes through the HR office, I've heard alot of open ended answers and knowone has any concrete direct answers nor any knowledge of how to do this action. Only thing they know is, "Yes you can buy it back". Well ok... how. Knowone knows how. I need answers. I even called the OPM office and they said do it at retirement. Well I happen to know it can and should be done BEFORE retirement because after retirement there is a small window of opportunity to get the "Buy Backs" done and if it's not done within that window of opportunity, everything fails and the veteran or person retiring loses that chance.
2/3/2012 at 4:20 PM
PEACE CORPS BUY BACK: What forms get submitted and where do they get submitted and what are the rules or guidelines? I've heard answers from the "Peace Corps" that they are submitted through OPM-at retirement time, I've heard that it goes through the HR office, I've heard alot of open ended answers and knowone has any concrete direct answers nor any knowledge of how to do this action. Only thing they know is, "Yes you can buy it back". Well ok... how. Knowone knows how. I need answers. I even called the OPM office and they said do it at retirement. Well I happen to know it can and should be done BEFORE retirement because after retirement there is a small window of opportunity to get the "Buy Backs" done and if it's not done within that window of opportunity, everything fails and the veteran or person retiring loses that chance.
2/3/2012 at 4:21 PM
PEACE CORPS BUY BACK: What forms get submitted and where do they get submitted and what are the rules or guidelines? I've heard answers from the "Peace Corps" that they are submitted through OPM-at retirement time, I've heard that it goes through the HR office, I've heard alot of open ended answers and knowone has any concrete direct answers nor any knowledge of how to do this action. Only thing they know is, "Yes you can buy it back". Well ok... how. Knowone knows how. I need answers. I even called the OPM office and they said do it at retirement. Well I happen to know it can and should be done BEFORE retirement because after retirement there is a small window of opportunity to get the "Buy Backs" done and if it's not done within that window of opportunity, everything fails and the veteran or person retiring loses that chance.
2/4/2012 at 1:13 PM
2/5/2012 at 1:23 AM
I retired 1/2/08 with Veterans Affairs can I re-enter federal employment at another federal agency? Can I get rehired with former agency?
2/5/2012 at 1:24 AM
I retired 1/2/08 with Veterans Affairs can I re-enter federal employment at another federal agency? Can I get rehired with former agency?
2/5/2012 at 1:25 AM
I retired 1/2/08 with Veterans Affairs can I re-enter federal employment at another federal agency? Can I get rehired with former agency?
2/5/2012 at 1:26 AM
I retired 1/2/08 with Veterans Affairs can I re-enter federal employment at another federal agency? Can I get rehired with former agency?
2/7/2012 at 2:15 AM
Can a boss just decide to make someone a supervisor (a current none supervisory position) without changing the job description in the GS system?
Joe Fortune
2/7/2012 at 2:50 PM
I retired in 31 Dec 2011. I have received a package from DON saying all my info was sent to OPM. I received a Retirement service Claim number from OPM. I went to the website to find out why no pay for jan 2012 and the site said cant identify me and to call 888 767 6738. Every time i call it goes busy right away and hangs up. I sent an e-mail to '' and got back this jewel "You will receive a response to your specific questions within the next 15 to 20 business days". So im to go 2 months (at least) without resolution or retirement pay? This is a totaly unsat way to handle a persons retirement.
Joe Fortune
2/7/2012 at 2:51 PM
I retired in 31 Dec 2011. I have received a package from DON saying all my info was sent to OPM. I received a Retirement service Claim number from OPM. I went to the website to find out why no pay for jan 2012 and the site said cant identify me and to call 888 767 6738. Every time i call it goes busy right away and hangs up. I sent an e-mail to '' and got back this jewel "You will receive a response to your specific questions within the next 15 to 20 business days". So im to go 2 months (at least) without resolution or retirement pay? This is a totaly unsat way to handle a persons retirement.
Joe Fortune
2/7/2012 at 2:52 PM
I retired in 31 Dec 2011. I have received a package from DON saying all my info was sent to OPM. I received a Retirement service Claim number from OPM. I went to the website to find out why no pay for jan 2012 and the site said cant identify me and to call 888 767 6738. Every time i call it goes busy right away and hangs up. I sent an e-mail to '' and got back this jewel "You will receive a response to your specific questions within the next 15 to 20 business days". So im to go 2 months (at least) without resolution or retirement pay? This is a totaly unsat way to handle a persons retirement.
W McCall
2/9/2012 at 8:50 AM
My questions is: how can I request a FOIA of the applicants qualifications that were submitted for a job announcement that I also applied for. I have seen less qualified individual obtain at least an interview for a position. I have applied for various announcements but never can get a least an interview. The last position I was very qualified to apply but again not chosen for an interview. What is the process to at least obtain an interview, since OPM now has the authority to choose who is qualified and who is not qualified to get an interview.
W McCall
2/9/2012 at 8:51 AM
My questions is: how can I request a FOIA of the applicants qualifications that were submitted for a job announcement that I also applied for. I have seen less qualified individual obtain at least an interview for a position. I have applied for various announcements but never can get a least an interview. The last position I was very qualified to apply but again not chosen for an interview. What is the process to at least obtain an interview, since OPM now has the authority to choose who is qualified and who is not qualified to get an interview.
2/9/2012 at 1:24 PM
I applied for a position and was informed that I qualified for it and my application was sent to the manager. When I called the listed HR Rep, and asked what my score was, they told me they could not access it. I do not understand why I cannot get this information, so I can understand what my chances for getting an interview are: the job number is OBO-2011-0278.
2/9/2012 at 1:26 PM
I applied for a position and was informed that I qualified for it and my application was sent to the manager. When I called the listed HR Rep, and asked what my score was, they told me they could not access it. I do not understand why I cannot get this information, so I can understand what my chances for getting an interview are: the job number is OBO-2011-0278.
Earl Stambush
2/9/2012 at 4:10 PM
I'm trying to contact anyone who can tell me how I can have my w2 form re sent to a new address.I haven't received my w2 and fear that it may be lost.I am living in the Philippines but I have an address where any mail addressed to me from OPM should be sent.It's my sisters house in Evansville Indiana,her address is 1273 Sheffield Dr. 47710.Please send me a reply via my email listed above
Earl Stambush
2/9/2012 at 4:12 PM
I'm trying to contact anyone who can tell me how I can have my w2 form re sent to a new address.I haven't received my w2 and fear that it may be lost.I am living in the Philippines but I have an address where any mail addressed to me from OPM should be sent.It's my sisters house in Evansville Indiana,her address is 1273 Sheffield Dr. 47710.Please send me a reply via my email listed above
2/10/2012 at 11:41 AM
My issue is with hiring practices. I work in the federal government as a secretary. Where do you file a complaint for unfair hiring practices? Can someone be detailed into a position and they really don't meet the quailifications?
Danny Pilgreen
2/10/2012 at 4:37 PM
My Mother-in-Law, who lives with us received a form OBM NO 3206-0197 requesting an URGENT reply to avoid interrruption of survivor retirement benefits. We are not sure this is a legitimate request, because it ask for verification of current address, which is ok, but in goes on requesting applicant to provide SS#. Which we don't like to do. Does anyone know if this actually came from OPM?
Danny Pilgreen
2/10/2012 at 4:38 PM
My Mother-in-Law, who lives with us received a form OBM NO 3206-0197 requesting an URGENT reply to avoid interrruption of survivor retirement benefits. We are not sure this is a legitimate request, because it ask for verification of current address, which is ok, but in goes on requesting applicant to provide SS#. Which we don't like to do. Does anyone know if this actually came from OPM?
Danny Pilgreen
2/10/2012 at 4:39 PM
My Mother-in-Law, who lives with us received a form OBM NO 3206-0197 requesting an URGENT reply to avoid interrruption of survivor retirement benefits. We are not sure this is a legitimate request, because it ask for verification of current address, which is ok, but in goes on requesting applicant to provide SS#. Which we don't like to do. Does anyone know if this actually came from OPM?
Danny Pilgreen
2/10/2012 at 4:40 PM
My Mother-in-Law, who lives with us received a form OBM NO 3206-0197 requesting an URGENT reply to avoid interrruption of survivor retirement benefits. We are not sure this is a legitimate request, because it ask for verification of current address, which is ok, but in goes on requesting applicant to provide SS#. Which we don't like to do. Does anyone know if this actually came from OPM?
Tom P
2/10/2012 at 10:01 PM
We had a life changing event (my wife was laid off and lost her and our kids life insurance coverage)It was in August of 2011, and we did not apply after the event,is there anything that we could do to get my family on (Option C)? If there is anything that we can do, it would be very appreciated. If not is there any date for open enrollment soon? Thank you.
2/11/2012 at 2:45 PM
What are the rules or regulations regarding transfer to another job series? I am an 1811 with DEA. At 50 years of age and 21+ years of service, I have reached elective retirement. I am interested in continuing to work for DEA as an intelligence analyst but without retiriing from federal service and keeping my 1811 6e time toward retirement at 62 or 63. This will allow me more time with my family and a better work schedule. Can you offer any advice?
2/11/2012 at 2:46 PM
What are the rules or regulations regarding transfer to another job series? I am an 1811 with DEA. At 50 years of age and 21+ years of service, I have reached elective retirement. I am interested in continuing to work for DEA as an intelligence analyst but without retiriing from federal service and keeping my 1811 6e time toward retirement at 62 or 63. This will allow me more time with my family and a better work schedule. Can you offer any advice?
Michael Alexander
2/13/2012 at 1:31 PM
Does anyone know where I can find a comparison chart for the qualification requirements on USAJobs? I am a recent GS13 and the job I wish to apply for states "must have one year at NB-V." The pay band is too broad to guess
Mike Alexander
2/13/2012 at 1:32 PM
Does anyone know where I can find a comparison chart for the qualification requirements on USAJobs? I am a recent GS13 and the job I wish to apply for states "must have one year at NB-V." The pay band is too broad to guess
2/13/2012 at 4:08 PM
I'm currently employed by DOJ as a 10/10. I've been at that grade/step going on two years. When should I expect a pay increase and what level will it go to? I can't seem to get a definitive answer.
2/13/2012 at 4:09 PM
I'm currently employed by DOJ as a 10/10. I've been at that grade/step going on two years. When should I expect a pay increase and what level will it go to? I can't seem to find a definitive answer.
2/14/2012 at 9:56 AM
I have severe arthritis. I just received my NSAID prescription with a child proof cap, which I can not open. The Caremark folks told me that they ONLY have child proof caps and that I should just not tighten the cap or leave it off. I will continue to reuse my MERKE MEDCO bottles and regular caps. It's another cost cutting ploy by the drug company!
2/14/2012 at 9:58 AM
I have severe arthritis. I just received my NSAID prescription with a child proof cap, which I can not open. The Caremark folks told me that they ONLY have child proof caps and that I should just not tighten the cap or leave it off. I will continue to reuse my MERKE MEDCO bottles and regular caps. It's another cost cutting ploy by the drug company!
2/14/2012 at 4:26 PM
Current House legeislation proposes freezing federal step increases for remainder of FY 2012. I thought step increses were a part of my employment agreement. What is OPM position on this topic?
2/14/2012 at 5:09 PM
Where are all the answers to the questions posted as FAQ?
Anthony Kinard
2/15/2012 at 7:41 AM
What I would like to know is if you are in a TDY status but you are not working on the weekend should you still receive compensatory time?
Anthony Kinard
2/15/2012 at 7:42 AM
What I would like to know is if you are in a TDY status but you are not working on the weekend should you still receive compensatory time?
Michael Bennington
2/15/2012 at 11:29 AM
I have sent 4 e-mails over the last 40 days to OPM/OPm Retirement asking for a copy of my 1099-R for tax year 2010. I have received no response. The 888 telephone number is always busy. Who can I contact (and how) to get this? I need to file my 2010 taxes!
Michael Bennington
2/15/2012 at 11:30 AM
I have sent 4 e-mails over the last 40 days to OPM/OPm Retirement asking for a copy of my 1099-R for tax year 2010. I have received no response. The 888 telephone number is always busy. Who can I contact (and how) to get this? I need to file my 2010 taxes!
Godthea Jackson
2/15/2012 at 4:15 PM
Login failed. Contact the agency that sponsored you if you need help. This is the message that I keep getting in e-QIP and cannot access the applicant site. What's going on, we've tried everything and nothing has succeeded.
Stacey Dunn
2/17/2012 at 2:06 PM
I have a friend who is interested in federal employment, but they recieved an OTH discharge over 20 years ago. No criminal charges were ever filed, and thier military service was less than 1 year. Would this affect thier eligibility in getting hired? Should they persue getting it changed prior to submitting thier resume? Would they even have to disclose this information since it was so long ago?
Stacey Dunn
2/17/2012 at 2:07 PM
I have a friend who is interested in federal employment, but they recieved an OTH discharge over 20 years ago. No criminal charges were ever filed, and thier military service was less than 1 year. Would this affect thier eligibility in getting hired? Should they persue getting it changed prior to submitting thier resume? Would they even have to disclose this information since it was so long ago?
Darren Gregory
2/17/2012 at 3:00 PM
A Preliminary Injunction to stop mandatory vaccinations has been issued in the United States District Court of New Jersey. This comes after a federal lawsuit opposing forced vaccines was filed in that court by Tim Vawter, pro se attorney, on July 31st with the federal government as defendant. The Court, having heard the Motion for Preliminary Injunction and read the papers in its support, states in the Preliminary Injunction that it appears the federal government has engaged in some amount of negligence with regards to failure to properly investigate the safety of the flu vaccines scheduled for use in late 2009-2010, and the evidence submitted does warrant a more thorough investigation into the safety of the flu vaccines.The Court ordered that the government shall be forbidden from forcing any person to be required to take any influenza vaccination against that person’s free will and free choice. The government will not allow any state or local government, or any party, to force any person to be required to take any influenza vaccination against that person’s free will and free choice. I am a 19 year federal employee who has had a medical waiver from (3) of my medical providers (Internal Medicine,Cardiologist,Endocrinologist)that were submitted to Naval Hospital Camp Pendleton, CA (parent hospital of Navy Branch Health Clinic located in Yuma, AZ were i work and live)to which they are claiming are not valid and now being told that immunization is going to be part of my employment. There was never any stipulation of immunization when I came on board October 17,2001 and Naval Hospital Camp Pendleton is now trying to enforce a policy due to H1N1 stating that it is a pandemic and that due to increased influenza activity in the region (I am assuming California, because there is no such report in Arizona)What legal rights/steps can I take? Should I hire an attorney
Darren Gregory
2/17/2012 at 3:00 PM
A Preliminary Injunction to stop mandatory vaccinations has been issued in the United States District Court of New Jersey. This comes after a federal lawsuit opposing forced vaccines was filed in that court by Tim Vawter, pro se attorney, on July 31st with the federal government as defendant. The Court, having heard the Motion for Preliminary Injunction and read the papers in its support, states in the Preliminary Injunction that it appears the federal government has engaged in some amount of negligence with regards to failure to properly investigate the safety of the flu vaccines scheduled for use in late 2009-2010, and the evidence submitted does warrant a more thorough investigation into the safety of the flu vaccines.The Court ordered that the government shall be forbidden from forcing any person to be required to take any influenza vaccination against that person’s free will and free choice. The government will not allow any state or local government, or any party, to force any person to be required to take any influenza vaccination against that person’s free will and free choice. I am a 19 year federal employee who has had a medical waiver from (3) of my medical providers (Internal Medicine,Cardiologist,Endocrinologist)that were submitted to Naval Hospital Camp Pendleton, CA (parent hospital of Navy Branch Health Clinic located in Yuma, AZ were i work and live)to which they are claiming are not valid and now being told that immunization is going to be part of my employment. There was never any stipulation of immunization when I came on board October 17,2001 and Naval Hospital Camp Pendleton is now trying to enforce a policy due to H1N1 stating that it is a pandemic and that due to increased influenza activity in the region (I am assuming California, because there is no such report in Arizona)What legal rights/steps can I take? Should I hire an attorney
2/22/2012 at 12:55 PM
Where can I find information relating to applying for and being hired into a permanent position and 18 months later, being told that the position is a over hire position? The reason I bring this up, I was a permanent employee at an installation that was under BRAC and applied for a permanent position well before the installation closed. No use of PPP, just applied, interviewed and hired. If I would have known it was an overhire position, I would not have applied!!! Are agencies required to advise that the position is a overhire position?
Robert Kerner
2/22/2012 at 3:22 PM
Can an employee on a 40-hour/5 day week work schedule work outside of his work schedule on a holiday and collect Overtime with out putting in 8 hours of work on that holiday. Does it matter what the employee's regular work schedule is when working on a holiday? (e.g. the employee comes in prior to the start of his/her shift and only works 3 hours on the holiday). Is this Holiday Premium or Over Time?
2/22/2012 at 7:20 PM
In doing some research, I found that time-in-grade restrictions do not apply to student positions but it applies to positions in the competitive service. This provides a back-door for students to receive higher pay than some employees in competitive service. For example, a student can start in the Student Career Experience Program and be non-competitively promoted into a career-conditional appointment. While there is no time-in-grade restriction, the student can then use master's degree education to apply for a GS-9 position. on the other hand, an employee, like myself, is bound by time-in-grade although I have the education that would qualify for a GS-9 position. Why can't education or a combination of education and experience be used to qualify someone who applies on a merit promotion announcement? In some cases, time-in-grade restriction does not allow someone to advance or feel a sense of accomplishment. In the private sector things seem to be different.
2/22/2012 at 7:26 PM
In doing some research, I found that time-in-grade restrictions do not apply to student positions but it applies to positions in the competitive service. This provides a back-door for students to receive higher pay than some employees in competitive service. For example, a student can start in the Student Career Experience Program and be non-competitively promoted into a career-conditional appointment. While there is no time-in-grade restriction, the student can then use master's degree education to apply for a GS-9 position. on the other hand, an employee, like myself, is bound by time-in-grade although I have the education that would qualify for a GS-9 position. Why can't education or a combination of education and experience be used to qualify someone who applies on a merit promotion announcement? In some cases, time-in-grade restriction does not allow someone to advance or feel a sense of accomplishment. In the private sector things seem to be different.
Fredrick W. Jones
2/23/2012 at 1:56 PM
I'm a retired employee for 20 years plus, and I have been trying to report my change of address, but, to no avail. Can you help me out or inform me as where to go, because , I don't have a web site to do it. I was a Federal employee for more than 35 years of service. I hope that you can help me out on this matter, I am an 80 years old man, and would appreciate your help. Fredrick W. Jones
Dennis Gonzales
2/23/2012 at 2:23 PM
today is the 23rd if Feburary 2012. I've been trying to contact you since Monday, Feburary the 20th, but the phone has been busy. I need a 1099R sent to my address.
Dennis Gonzales
2/23/2012 at 2:25 PM
today is the 23rd if Feburary 2012. I've been trying to contact you since Monday, Feburary the 20th, but the phone has been busy. I need a 1099R sent to my address.
Dennis Gonzales
2/23/2012 at 2:26 PM
today is the 23rd if Feburary 2012. I've been trying to contact you since Monday, Feburary the 20th, but the phone has been busy. I need a 1099R sent to my address.
2/23/2012 at 11:02 PM
To invest offshore with OPM
2/23/2012 at 11:03 PM
To invest offshore with OPM
2/23/2012 at 11:05 PM
To invest offshore with OPM
Phillip Morin
2/24/2012 at 11:24 AM
When will OPM post guidance on what the recent decision in the CA federal 9th district court (Golinski vs. OPM) will mean for same-sex spousal benefits of government employees? There is nothing on the web page, and the FAQ subject "Domestic partner benefits" is completely blank.
2/24/2012 at 12:56 PM
Why does OPM have a student loan repayment program policy for government agencies, but none of the agencies are required to fund the program? DIA has the policy posted internally but has never funded the program. Why spend money on creating something that has no follow through?
2/24/2012 at 12:57 PM
Why does OPM have a student loan repayment program policy for government agencies, but none of the agencies are required to f und the program? DIA has the policy posted internally but has never funded the program. Why spend money on creating something that has no follow through?
Matthew Colleran
2/27/2012 at 12:44 AM
I am interested in employment in the New England area as a contract investigator.I was formerly with the U.S. State Dept's Office of Diplomatic Security and am well-versed in conducting background investigations. I am also an attorney licensed to practice in both Ma and N.H.
Rene Patterson
2/27/2012 at 2:54 PM
I have a life changing situation coming up. My wife is going on medicare on the 1st of march. I am already on medicare, is there a way to reduce the amount for my fehb taken out of my pension?
Rene Patterson
2/27/2012 at 2:55 PM
I have a life changing situation coming up. My wife is going on medicare on the 1st of march. I am already on medicare, is there a way to reduce the amount for my fehb taken out of my pension?
2/28/2012 at 12:57 PM
How this 22 days are calculate and what agency is responsibly to calculate it. Additional 22 days of military leave under the provisions of 5 U.S.C. 6323(b). Reservists or National Guard members who perform military duty in support of civil authorities in the protection of life and property are eligible for an additional 22 workdays of military leave. In addition, effective November 24, 2003, employees who perform full-time military service as a result of a call or order to active duty in support of a contingency operation* as defined in section 101(a)(13) of title 10, United States Code, are entitled to 22 days of military leave under 5 U.S.C. 6323(b).
2/28/2012 at 12:58 PM
How this 22 days are calculate and what agency is responsibly to calculate it. Additional 22 days of military leave under the provisions of 5 U.S.C. 6323(b). Reservists or National Guard members who perform military duty in support of civil authorities in the protection of life and property are eligible for an additional 22 workdays of military leave. In addition, effective November 24, 2003, employees who perform full-time military service as a result of a call or order to active duty in support of a contingency operation* as defined in section 101(a)(13) of title 10, United States Code, are entitled to 22 days of military leave under 5 U.S.C. 6323(b).
2/29/2012 at 9:22 AM
We heard Surgical Technologists ( technicians)were approved in Congress to become Hybrid-38 (at least one year ago or more). Could you tell me when this will be approved through OPM? Will it be in the near future? Thank you. Cindy
2/29/2012 at 9:23 AM
We heard Surgical Technologists ( technicians)were approved in Congress to become Hybrid-38 (at least one year ago or more). Could you tell me when this will be approved through OPM? Will it be in the near future? Thank you. Cindy
Elizabeth A. Myers
3/1/2012 at 12:52 AM
I took disability retirement from the postal service as of 12-1-2011. I have yet to receive any retirement check. I have called the Office of Personnel Management 21 times and have yet to receive a call back to let me know what is happening even though their message says they will return the calls in the order they were received.I have been calling for 2 months. What do I need to do to get any type of information. Being polite all the way down to begging has gotten me no where. Please tell me who I can contact to get some answers. Thank You.
Jen Leister
3/1/2012 at 8:00 PM
Can you please direct me to the official government guideline on employee treatment of others? My friend works for the government and has a verbally abusive co-worker who does not treat her with dignity and respect. Unfortunately, the management personnel are unwilling to "deal" with the situation, choosing instead to brush it off because the abuser is one of the most tenured, expert employees in their office. Despite this individuals clear importance to the office, it does not make her behavior toward my friend (or other co-workers) acceptable. The situation has gone on for far too long, now over 6 years. I wish I could help direct her to someone or some policy that would help her management actually realize they are required, by law, to take action to protect my friend from this individual. Please help. Thank you.
Jen Leister
3/1/2012 at 8:01 PM
Can you please direct me to the official government guideline on employee treatment of others? My friend works for the government and has a verbally abusive co-worker who does not treat her with dignity and respect. Unfortunately, the management personnel are unwilling to "deal" with the situation, choosing instead to brush it off because the abuser is one of the most tenured, expert employees in their office. Despite this individuals clear importance to the office, it does not make her behavior toward my friend (or other co-workers) acceptable. The situation has gone on for far too long, now over 6 years. I wish I could help direct her to someone or some policy that would help her management actually realize they are required, by law, to take action to protect my friend from this individual. Please help. Thank you.
Wendy DJ
3/2/2012 at 8:58 AM
Could someone please tell me how this Open Government works? You provide points of contact for agencies, in this case, NASA. The point of contact will not even respond to an email. You tell us to use USAJOBs, not once have I received a call about my application. Many jobs including the most recent, I was more than qualified to fill. I worked as a contractor to NASA for more than 4 yrs and RIF'd because I am disabled. Are you all just making noise about helping the disabled or is it a legitimate effort.
Fred Shultz
3/4/2012 at 5:45 PM
You have provided a lot of good information about how STEP can provide summer jobs for high school students who are at least 16 years of age. But I have yet to learn how and where a student can search for STEP assignment opportunities. So far, everything I have seen on USAJobs appears to be for college students or graduates. Is there a listing of summer job opportunities for 17 year old rising high school seniors?
Sam Story
3/6/2012 at 7:15 PM
I will turn 65 on June 1, 2012. Will my FEHB Insurance with BCBS still be valid as log as I'm paying for it? My Spouse worries that we will get a termination notice and I'm getting tons of Medicare supplemental mail which is overwelming and confusing.
Jennifer Pressley
3/7/2012 at 1:06 AM
I am a graduate student pursuing a PHD in Public Health under the STEP program and have a question regarding operating practices. My assignment ends May 21, 2012 and I am currently on a part-time detail. The manager for the detail would like to transfer me over to his team and extend my STEP assignment. The transfer is within the same division and my salary is allotted through September 2012. However, I was informed that although there is allocation for my salary through September, the Management Officer will not extend my assignment passed May 21st. I do understand that I am a student with little to no rights but wanted to know if this is standard operating practice. I also realize there are budget challenges; however I do not fully understand how my appointment through September will impact the budget. I do know that President Obama encourages divisions to take advantage of the student programs and there are new provisions for recent graduates and students under the Pathways Program. This action appears contrast to OPM’s culture and President Obama’s Executive Order 13562 , “To recruit, hire, develop, and retain students and recent graduates.” Thank you for your time. Sincerely, Jennifer Pressley
Raymond Moss
3/7/2012 at 8:43 AM
I am retired Air Force, E-8. I've been a GS-06 for a year and a half. I have applied for a GS-09 position in a different job series. I was told I can't jump more than 2 pay grades at a time, but I've also been told that rule doesn't count when applying in a different job series. Could I get clarification on this? I would really like to change series from 0201 to 0101 and use my military experience in the new series.
George B Smith IV
3/8/2012 at 1:42 PM
My mother was recieveing payments for my fathers retirement account an past away last year. I have not recieved her W-2 for the payments she recieved, an can not file her final tax return till i have them. I am the executor of her will an estate. Who do I need to contact to obtain the W-2. It should have been sent to her last address, but I have not seen it yet. This is going to cause me to file her taxes late, which the IRS will penalize me.
George B Smith IV
3/8/2012 at 1:42 PM
My mother was recieveing payments for my fathers retirement account an past away last year. I have not recieved her W-2 for the payments she recieved, an can not file her final tax return till i have them. I am the executor of her will an estate. Who do I need to contact to obtain the W-2. It should have been sent to her last address, but I have not seen it yet. This is going to cause me to file her taxes late, which the IRS will penalize me.
Beverly Brown
3/8/2012 at 4:11 PM
On 4/20/2003 I received a step increase from GS07/07 to GS07/08. The agency went through a RIF so my position was eliminated 01/10/2004. To stay in the system I took a lower grade position (GS06). Last April (4/25/2011) moved into another position at a GS07 Step 8. Does my time start over at the step 8 level or will the previous time be counted toward the next step increase?
Alan H. Smith
3/10/2012 at 10:32 AM
I recently retired after 37+ years as a federal employee. In doing some "house cleaning" I fornd a Federal Employees Handbook from 1999. In the book there is an add for "FEDretirement" however, I cannot find any reference to it online. Does such a newsletter still exist? If so would you please forward information to me so that I can subscribe to it?
Yvette Bowen
3/13/2012 at 2:28 PM
I have prior government service, I am CSRS offset federal employee was employed with IRS but they in error put me under FERS,also error as career conditional, but I had completed my career status before 1982, have 16 years service. It is still taking IRS months to update my career status, I was a seasonal employee in 2011. They mistakenly put me under a probation they said they would update when OPFreceived but that was received in June 2011.
Yvette Bowen
3/13/2012 at 2:29 PM
I have prior government service, I am CSRS offset federal employee was employed with IRS but they in error put me under FERS,also error as career conditional, but I had completed my career status before 1982, have 16 years service. It is still taking IRS months to update my career status, I was a seasonal employee in 2011. They mistakenly put me under a probation they said they would update when OPFreceived but that was received in June 2011.
3/14/2012 at 6:52 PM
I recently searched FAQ for a FERS re-employment issue and then submitted a question to Employement...back came the rapid response this subject is covered under Retirement (in other words "..not my job"). Why doesn't OPM handle a valid question and route it appropriately so the FAQ user gets a response rather than another link in a chain of questions and non-reponses?
3/14/2012 at 6:54 PM
I recently searched FAQ for a FERS re-employment issue and then submitted a question to Employement...back came the rapid response this subject is covered under Retirement (in other words "..not my job"). Why doesn't OPM handle a valid question and route it appropriately so the FAQ user gets a response rather than another link in a chain of questions and non-reponses?
3/16/2012 at 3:35 PM
I have a question on fair compensation... I have been employed at my command as a Procurment Supervisor (APC) over the purchase card program. When reporting I was given the responsability of department supervisor. In my years I have acquired many new responsabilities and tasks and told to oversee these responsabilities as a supervisor. Recently I submitted a request for acretion of duties under a desk audit, and now my responsabilities are being taken away slowly without any explanation outside it's not in your PD. I had requested for my PD to be adjusted over the years but was told verious reasons as to why it wasn't. I would like to know my options on this issue....
3/16/2012 at 3:36 PM
I have a question on fair compensation... I have been employed at my command as a Procurment Supervisor (APC) over the purchase card program. When reporting I was given the responsability of department supervisor. In my years I have acquired many new responsabilities and tasks and told to oversee these responsabilities as a supervisor. Recently I submitted a request for acretion of duties under a desk audit, and now my responsabilities are being taken away slowly without any explanation outside it's not in your PD. I had requested for my PD to be adjusted over the years but was told verious reasons as to why it wasn't. I would like to know my options on this issue....
Y. Jainauth
3/20/2012 at 8:29 AM
I am an USPS employee and will be eligible to retire on 8/06/2013 (@MRA) with 22 years of Postal Service time and 10 years of military buyback time. That is 32 years of creditable service. At this time I’ll be 56 years old which makes me eligible to receive the Special Retirement Supplement (SRS); that is 56 years old with 32 years of service. Will my 10 years of military time be used to compute the service requirement for SRS?
Y. Jainauth
3/20/2012 at 8:31 AM
I am an USPS employee and will be eligible to retire on 8/06/2013 (@MRA) with 22 years of Postal Service time and 10 years of military buyback time. That is 32 years of creditable service. At this time I’ll be 56 years old which makes me eligible to receive the Special Retirement Supplement (SRS); that is 56 years old with 32 years of service. Will my 10 years of military time be used to compute the service requirement for SRS?
3/21/2012 at 9:55 AM
Hello, For quit some time I have been looking for what the ideal manning of an office. i.e. How many should report to a GS-15, what size office should have a GS-15 director. I am in an 18 member office with 2 GS-15s, I'm wanting to see if this is appropiat for an 18 member office?
b e smith and all others co the us supreme court and all others no comprede on users agreement aka disagreement
3/21/2012 at 1:54 PM
LEGAL AND EQUITABLE FEDERALS & INTERNATIONALS eDocuments according to the egovernment act of 2002 and all other internationals and nationals laws to be legally and equitably answered in writings in and by one months time. All edocuments all transferred in all ways to all Official & all International Forms On & In All Behalfs Of The Plantiffs Only-Thanks! opinions and observations !!!! fed5cv4457 and poc70464 inclusions.All legal and all equitable ease and typings all ways all transferred onto and in all Officials nationals and internationals and all other forms and documents –all ways all in and on all behalfs of the plantiffs only. Now revised and all added also.Please answer what is known and/or easily discovered-thanks! possibly easier to read,legally and equitably act upon these legal and equitable edocuments according to ALSO The egovernment Act of 2002 (all laws) from bottom to top. last legal date below:05 31 2012 -03 14 2012 After all usages please upload to federal pacer account id:so0789 if possible.Thanks! Also,all Process Receipt and return (please see attachments of the same also)all legal and equitable documents(all ways) all are legally and equitably retroactive (back in time) of all legal dates of all the plantiffs filings and all ways and all motions and all petitions to all us courts and all courts and all others to enforce all legal and equitable documents served and eserved all ways.All legal and equitable documents in any and all ways according to the eGovernment Act OF 2002 and all other nationals and internationals laws in any and all ways. Also revised and added to from the last legal efilings-all legally and equitably completed:OPINIONS AND OBSERVATIONS. THE PLANTIFFS ARE DEFINITELY NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY AND ALL MISINFORMATIONS!All legal and all equitable corrections and all legal additions in all legal and equitable united states courts dockets and all legal filings (all ways and in all locations): all legal ease in any and all ways all are legally and automatically transferred to all official federal forms/documents in any and allways. Now placed on top of this form/legal document also.Also,now revised and all retroactive if not completed (all ways) before all Motions and all Petitions to use all Flashdrive legal and equitable contents in any and all ways on all legal and equitable behalfs of the plantiffs only and all their contents as well as black books of all legal and equitable notes based on all research if correct also are legally and equitably entered with all their legal and equitable contents and all sending and all possible esending of all flashdrive contents in any and all ways. For legal and equitable examples also: pdfs-all names and all annual reports contents and all sec-all names contents and all other possible ways even all flashdrives with all legal and equitable contents mailed via and by us postal service mail also. Fed:5cv4457 and all others and poc#70464 and Borders group (all names) bankruptcy and Blockbuster (all names) and all other bankruptcies in the past that the plantiffs were past over by if correct are legally and equitably included and all other us courts dockets and all lehigh county pa and all entities all surronding and all within. Shortened official federal legal document (all ways). all legal ease (all ways) is automatically transferred to all Official federal subpoenas and summons forms-all legally and equitably completed. All opinions and observations. The plantiffs are not responsible for any/all misinformations. All recent united states mailings of all legal and equitable documents sent all ways and especially all official forms/legal documents all legally completed with all legal ease (all ways) also all official federal legal documents attached all herewithin and all throughout and all legal ease herewithin and all throughout also automatically transferred to all official federal legal and equitable documents.All websites contents especially and also as follows are legally and equitably included also: All legal and equitable questions all legally typed all herewithin and all surronding all legally and all equitably applies to all possible entities and all possible indivdiduals all eserved,served,contacted,legally efiled to (all and any ways) to be legally answered if known in all legal writings by one months time to the united states supreme court.All legally and equitably continued from all past legal efilings also: for legal and equitable examples of 08-28-2011 through 07-27-2011 also. All legal ease (all ways) is automatically transferred to all Official federal subpoenas and summons forms-all legally and equitably completed. All opinions and observations. The plantiffs are not responsible for any/all misinformations. All recent united states mailings of all legal and equitable documents sent all ways and especially all official forms/legal documents all legally completed with all legal ease (all ways) also all official federal legal documents attached all herewithin and all throughout and all legal ease herewithin and all throughout also automatically transferred to all official federal legal and equitable documents.All websites contents especially and also as follows are legally and equitably included also: All legal and equitable questions all legally typed all herewithin and all surronding all legally and all equitably applies to all possible entities and all possible indivdiduals all eserved,served,contacted,legally efiled to (all and any ways) to be legally answered if known in all legal writings by one months time to the united states supreme court.All legally and equitably continued from all past legal efilings also: for legal and equitable examples of 08-28-2011 through 07-27-2011 also. All legal and equitable ease in any and all ways and everywhere of the plantiffs legally and equitable stands corrected and added to with all websites insertions of all legal edocuments (in any and all ways-all legally and equitably completed) and all of the same legal edocuments and all US Courts and all others dockets of the plantiffs are all legally and equitably .../inquire-form.html#part-c,inserted on top is the virtual tours issues and all their legal and equitable ease and writings, !!!!Writs in all ways to the united states supreme court in all writings please,202-479-3000,,validate-,, all insertions all legal and equitable all herewithin all successfully submitted,,legally and equitable lists/states...Thank You for Your Submission!Within the next few minutes, you should receive an automated confirmation of your submittal at the e-mail address you provided. (;_ylt=AijXAhhzIQnxnCz7QacbL5CbvZx4?p=federal+employments+center+&toggle=1&cop=mss&ei=UTF-8&fr=yfp-t-701,,,as listed:... U.S. Office of Personnel Management 1900 E Street, NW, Washington, DC 20415 ... and and and, b e smith and all others co the us supreme court and all others no comprede on users agreement aka disagreement ,,
3/21/2012 at 9:05 PM
What is the logic of only opening positions to "Status applicants."? How are qualified applicants supposed to gain status if most jobs are not open to them?
3/21/2012 at 9:20 PM
Hopefully someone at OPM reads these "Comments" and realizes that what people actually want is a place where they can ask questions and see answers to other people's questions.
Shari Hodges
3/22/2012 at 9:01 AM
Can anybody tell me what the difference is between Federal employment and private employment in a few brief sentences? What's the big deal with Federal employment?
3/22/2012 at 3:04 PM
I just read parts od H.R.3630 and if i understand it correctly, the FERS supplementis going away if you do not retire at the end of 2012. I have 31 years and reached my MRA.
3/23/2012 at 1:47 PM
I retired 9 months ago. OPM has had my file for 8 months. As of this date, my final annuity has not been determined. During the last 7 months, I have contacted OPM in writing and via phone many times with questions regarding my annuity. To date, after recieving assurances that the appropriate person at OPM would contact me to answer my questions and discuss my case, no one at OPM has contacted me. My case is now with the escalation team. I have talked to them 3 times. Each time, they have told me that I would be contacted within 5 working days. Most recently, I was told that someone would be contacting me within 48 hours. As I stated earlier, to date, no one at OPM has ever called, or otherwise responded to my requests for assistance. My case is not complicated, but is sitting in limbo. I am floored, and extremely frustrated in OPM's inability to communicate with their clients. Even more frustrating is the repeated assurances from OPM that my calls will be returned. What's going on? Is there anyone at OPM that is responsive?
3/23/2012 at 1:48 PM
I retired 9 months ago. OPM has had my file for 8 months. As of this date, my final annuity has not been determined. During the last 7 months, I have contacted OPM in writing and via phone many times with questions regarding my annuity. To date, after recieving assurances that the appropriate person at OPM would contact me to answer my questions and discuss my case, no one at OPM has contacted me. My case is now with the escalation team. I have talked to them 3 times. Each time, they have told me that I would be contacted within 5 working days. Most recently, I was told that someone would be contacting me within 48 hours. As I stated earlier, to date, no one at OPM has ever called, or otherwise responded to my requests for assistance. My case is not complicated, but is sitting in limbo. I am floored, and extremely frustrated in OPM's inability to communicate with their clients. Even more frustrating is the repeated assurances from OPM that my calls will be returned. What's going on? Is there anyone at OPM that is responsive?
3/23/2012 at 5:09 PM
While trying to access E-Qip, I am asked for the city of birth. I was born in New York City. I've tried entering New York, New York City, and Manhattan. Nothing works. Please help.
Kenneth Fisher
3/28/2012 at 9:04 PM
I am currently a GS 7 and recently graduated with a Masters Degree in counseling. If you are a current federal permanent competitive service employee in a GS 7 grade is there a way to apply externally under VEOA for a GS 11 position.
Jon Cheville
3/29/2012 at 12:06 PM
I resigned from TSA in 2007 as a Supervisory Transportation Security Officer. I have applied for a part time position with TSA as a Transportation Security Officer. Would I be eligible for an SV 07 salary. Thank you in advance for your response.
3/31/2012 at 8:25 AM
I have worked as an ER RN for 3 years at the Veteran's Administration and as a contractor for the Navy for 7 years. I was recently terminated as the contractor due to the following policy: “H.5.1. Restrictions on the use of Government-affiliated personnel. Except in very limited cases, the federal criminal statutes at 18 USC 203 and 18 USC 205 bar Government personnel, both active duty and civil service, from working as a contractor employee in a Government workplace, including a medical treatment facility, either as a second job ("moonlighting") or while on terminal leave.” Three very qualified and succesful Registered Nurses have been terminated due to the above criminal statute. So are we hiring or are we firing qualified staff or just placing more complications?
3/31/2012 at 8:25 AM
I have worked as an ER RN for 3 years at the Veteran's Administration and as a contractor for the Navy for 7 years. I was recently terminated as the contractor due to the following policy: “H.5.1. Restrictions on the use of Government-affiliated personnel. Except in very limited cases, the federal criminal statutes at 18 USC 203 and 18 USC 205 bar Government personnel, both active duty and civil service, from working as a contractor employee in a Government workplace, including a medical treatment facility, either as a second job ("moonlighting") or while on terminal leave.” Three very qualified and succesful Registered Nurses have been terminated due to the above criminal statute. So are we hiring or are we firing qualified staff or just placing more complications?
4/2/2012 at 5:58 PM
I'll be retiring 30 April 2012. My next WGI is due on 6 May 2012. Will personnel take into account that I earned a 2 year, 11 month and was short 6 days for the the complete 3 years to get that WGI and allow me to calculate it into the high-3 for retirement purposes? In short can I be given some monetary credit for the "almost 3 years" to ge the WGI such as prorata credit?
olivia romero
4/3/2012 at 12:32 PM
Please send me the link so I may review the DESIGNATION OF BENEFICIARY FORM I have on file, in-case I die. thank you.
olivia romero
4/3/2012 at 12:33 PM
Please send me the link so I may review the DESIGNATION OF BENEFICIARY FORM I have on file, in-case I die. thank you.
olivia romero
4/3/2012 at 12:34 PM
Please send me the link so I may review the DESIGNATION OF BENEFICIARY FORM I have on file, in-case I die. thank you.
4/3/2012 at 1:16 PM
My wife needs medical care that I cannot get in my current area. If I quit, what happens to my annual and sick leave? Are there any other options available to me other than separating? I have 24 yrs and am 55 yrs old. Thanks.
4/3/2012 at 1:17 PM
My wife needs medical care that I cannot get in my current area. If I quit, what happens to my annual and sick leave? Are there any other options available to me other than separating? I have 24 yrs and am 55 yrs old. Thanks.
4/5/2012 at 11:25 AM
My current position is going to be re-classified to a different occupational specialty. When that happens what will happen to me? Will GOV place me on a priority placement list or will I be unemployed?
4/5/2012 at 11:25 AM
My current position is going to be re-classified to a different occupational specialty. When that happens what will happen to me? Will GOV place me on a priority placement list or will I be unemployed?
4/5/2012 at 11:26 AM
My current position is going to be re-classified to a different occupational specialty. When that happens what will happen to me? Will GOV place me on a priority placement list or will I be unemployed?
4/5/2012 at 11:27 AM
My current position is going to be re-classified to a different occupational specialty. When that happens what will happen to me? Will GOV place me on a priority placement list or will I be unemployed?
Joyce H. Bolin
4/9/2012 at 10:57 AM
I am recently divorced. I have been trying your toll free number with a constant busy signal. I want to change my BCBS health insurance coverage from self and family to self only. Please give me the information to accomplish this. Thanks.
4/11/2012 at 2:28 PM
I work on a military base in the DC area. Occasionally, a 'base wide exercise' will be conducted, significantly impacting employee access to the base. Impacts include employees having to wait anywhere from an additional 30 minutes to an additional 2 hours in line just waiting to get bagged through the gate. Following gate access, employees spend additional time on detour routes, and even more time searching for parking that has been reduced/relocated due to exercise restrictions. Are there any methods to compensate employees for time delays due to base wide exercises? There has been much office speculation as to ‘when the workday clock starts’ – when I log into my computer, when I enter the office building, when I pass through the base gate, while I’m waiting in line to pass through the base gate, etc… Any official regulation and/or guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
4/11/2012 at 2:35 PM
I work on a military base in the DC area. Occasionally, a 'base wide exercise' will be conducted, significantly impacting employee access to the base. Impacts include employees having to wait anywhere from an additional 30 minutes to an additional 2 hours in line just waiting to get bagged through the gate. Following gate access, employees spend additional time on detour routes, and even more time searching for parking that has been reduced/relocated due to exercise restrictions. Are there any methods to compensate employees for time delays due to base wide exercises? There has been much office speculation as to ‘when the workday clock starts’ – when I log into my computer, when I enter the office building, when I pass through the base gate, while I’m waiting in line to pass through the base gate, etc… Any official regulation and/or guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
4/13/2012 at 11:08 AM
I have been applying for several jobs recently and noticed a problem. Every time I upload and select all my documents (I literary select all documents). and send them for the application. My letter from the VA is uploaded and I can down load it just fine and view it. However I am being informed they did not receive different documents that would place me on the cert for review for the application. Is it possible to edit or change the platform so it will show what documents was received? It could possibly send a seperate email stating what documents was received exactly. There is no way to prove either side (The Veteran or Hiring Agency). Please assist. Thank you
4/16/2012 at 8:32 AM
I am dealing with a very traumatic situation that happened to me in 2004 in a Federal Agency where I worked regarding a male co-worker I am trying to get help but can’t. I would like to file for short term disability to get help and get my life in order. Because of the situation in 2004 a situation in 2012 has came up I need to deal with it and stop running. What can I do, please have someone contact me. Need your help.
4/16/2012 at 8:33 AM
I am dealing with a very traumatic situation that happened to me in 2004 in a Federal Agency where I worked regarding a male co-worker I am trying to get help but can’t. I would like to file for short term disability to get help and get my life in order. Because of the situation in 2004 a situation in 2012 has came up I need to deal with it and stop running. What can I do, please have someone contact me. Need your help.
4/16/2012 at 4:50 PM
I just want to know how I get a copy of the reciept that I paid back my miltary time. pretty simple huh....
4/16/2012 at 4:52 PM
I just want to know how I get a copy of the reciept that I paid back my miltary time. pretty simple huh....
cheryl wilmot
4/17/2012 at 11:23 AM
Once an employee has been fired and then rehired how long must they work before retiring
Rene Leveillee
4/18/2012 at 2:23 PM
Who changed my mail order pharmacy from Medco to Caremark? I had very few problems with Medco. But almost every prescription and/or refill with Caremark they call me and make me call them back because they have a problem with something. They are incompetent. I've been on most of my meds for YEARS with Medco without problems, but I cannot say the same for Caremark.
Rene Leveillee
4/18/2012 at 2:24 PM
Who changed my mail order pharmacy from Medco to Caremark? I had very few problems with Medco. But almost every prescription and/or refill with Caremark they call me and make me call them back because they have a problem with something. They are incompetent. I've been on most of my meds for YEARS with Medco without problems, but I cannot say the same for Caremark.
4/20/2012 at 5:21 PM
I have looked for hours as has another person trying to help me find the locality pay rate in Japan. Could you please help me? Or all of overseas. Thank you.
4/20/2012 at 5:21 PM
I have looked for hours as has another person trying to help me find the locality pay rate in Japan. Could you please help me? Or all of overseas. Thank you.
4/20/2012 at 5:22 PM
I have looked for hours as has another person trying to help me find the locality pay rate in Japan. Could you please help me? Or all of overseas. Thank you.
4/23/2012 at 3:43 PM
I worked for OPM over 20 years ago, can someone tell me where I can go to find out what my last grade was at that time. Looking to apply on usajobs and don't want to give the wrong information.
4/23/2012 at 3:44 PM
I worked for OPM over 20 years ago, can someone tell me where I can go to find out what my last grade was at that time. Looking to apply on usajobs and don't want to give the wrong information.
4/24/2012 at 12:58 PM
I recently applied for a postion that I waited for many years to open. I use the usajobs website. However afte is closed I was notified I was ineligible because I did not supply a SF-50. I looked on the announcement and could not find that requirement. Someone told me since the transition to usajobs it is now a requirement, there was training done while I was on travel. I have missed out on an opportunityt that I am very qaulified for. Seems with all the software and technical wizbang stuff we have it would be easy to prevent someone from completing an application if they have not met some requirement. It seems that it would be quite simple to let an applicant know they are missing an SF-50. I regret greatly that I missed out on this opportunity.
4/27/2012 at 12:53 PM
I am part time. I would like to know if I am scheduled 6 hours do I have to take a half hour lunch or can I take a 15 minute Break. Or is it up to the supervisor. It is very vague on what is correct.
4/27/2012 at 12:55 PM
I am part time. I would like to know if I am scheduled 6 hours do I have to take a half hour lunch or can I take a 15 minute Break. Or is it up to the supervisor. It is very vague on what is correct.
4/28/2012 at 8:45 AM
My Ex-husband has retired on 4-29-2011. It is now 1 year later we have not received any response from OPM on when we will be getting his retirement. They say they are still have to determine how much we will be paid. What is going on? No one will respond to my calls.
5/2/2012 at 11:57 AM
I recently applied to a competitive service position was received the following: "You have been rated ineligible and will receive no further consideration because you failed to submit proof of eligibility as a status applicant for merit promotion." I'm confused. I am a current GG-14, in the excepted service, but I provided a competitive resume, my DD-214 and a copy of my SF-50. What "proof of eligibility for a status applicant for merit promotion" am I missing? Thanks Harrison
5/2/2012 at 11:57 AM
I recently applied to a competitive service position was received the following: "You have been rated ineligible and will receive no further consideration because you failed to submit proof of eligibility as a status applicant for merit promotion." I'm confused. I am a current GG-14, in the excepted service, but I provided a competitive resume, my DD-214 and a copy of my SF-50. What "proof of eligibility for a status applicant for merit promotion" am I missing? Thanks Harrison
Jim Gallagher
5/2/2012 at 2:53 PM
Can a WG-10 supervise an Air Force Master Sergeant (E-8/E-9)?
5/4/2012 at 12:56 PM
I am trying to verify the policy on setting my salary. I was offered a GS-14 that I competitively competed for within the same agency I currently work for. When I accepted my current position however I had "voluntarily" accepted a down grade from a GS-14 step 6 to a GS-13 step 10. Now that I have "competed" and am being offered GS-14 postion - will my pay be set based on the GS-13 step 10 or can I ask that they defer to my previous rate of GS-14 step 6 when setting my new salary?? My previous position as a Gs-14 step 6 was the same type of work just at a different agency under the same department. Please advise.
5/4/2012 at 12:57 PM
I am trying to verify the policy on setting my salary. I was offered a GS-14 that I competitively competed for within the same agency I currently work for. When I accepted my current position however I had "voluntarily" accepted a down grade from a GS-14 step 6 to a GS-13 step 10. Now that I have "competed" and am being offered GS-14 postion - will my pay be set based on the GS-13 step 10 or can I ask that they defer to my previous rate of GS-14 step 6 when setting my new salary?? My previous position as a Gs-14 step 6 was the same type of work just at a different agency under the same department. Please advise.
5/4/2012 at 2:16 PM
Why does it take so long to add a new spouse to one's FEHB benefits? It is now some 4 months and I still don't know if my spouse has been added or not. Please help by providing an email address of someone at OPM that can assist with this situation. Thank you!
5/6/2012 at 11:09 PM
I have a question about AWOL(Absent Without Leave). I called in 15min after my start time and told my boss(#1) I just woke up and Im headed in. Once I arrived I was only 30min late. The boss(#1) charged me 30min Annual Leave. A different boss(#2) later charged me with AWOL. Can boss(#2) retract my 30min of AL and later charge me with 30min of AWOL? The two bosses are the same rank/GS-11 and never work the same day(shift work).
5/6/2012 at 11:11 PM
I have a question about AWOL(Absent Without Leave). I called in 15min after my start time and told my boss(#1) I just woke up and Im headed in. Once I arrived I was only 30min late. The boss(#1) charged me 30min Annual Leave. A different boss(#2) later charged me with AWOL. Can boss(#2) retract my 30min of AL and later charge me with 30min of AWOL? The two bosses are the same rank/GS-11 and never work the same day(shift work).
5/7/2012 at 5:20 AM
I am federal employee that recently been assigned to the states. I have heard rumors but I wanted to know how long between OCONUS tours do GS employees must wait? I was informed that it was a year before they can re-apply to overseas.
5/7/2012 at 5:20 AM
I am federal employee that recently been assigned to the states. I have heard rumors but I wanted to know how long between OCONUS tours do GS employees must wait? I was informed that it was a year before they can re-apply to overseas.
Manolito R. Toledo
5/7/2012 at 2:20 PM
I retired on May 5, 2011 with disability. I have been e-mailing several times but no response. When will I get my full retirement? It has been a year now.
Manolito R. Toledo
5/7/2012 at 2:22 PM
I retired on May 5, 2011 with disability. I have been e-mailing several times but no response. When will I get my full retirement? It has been a year now.
Angela Jones
5/8/2012 at 1:20 PM
I recently left the DoD/Army as a civilian. I had career status and was told in the recruiting to my new agency that the term position would be converted to perm soon. However, that does not seem to be the case. On my SF50 my new agency will not put my previous status in Section 7 From: Position Title and Number. This essentially keeps me from proving that I had career status and will keep me from being able to apply for other jobs. Can I get a correct SF50 or am I stuck with the answer I was given?
Brian L
5/8/2012 at 1:41 PM
I'm have been a career Postal Worker since Oct 1995. Prior to that, I worked as a temp casual and TE employee from 1990-1995 when I was hired. I was told that you can't get credit for your casual time, but you can for your TE- Transitional appts. that you served. I have over 1.5 years in as a TE employee. Am looking to find out where go to pursue this information. Thanks
Don Phelps
5/14/2012 at 3:48 PM
Does a widow recieving SS(mothers)benefits, once they stop, will she be able to recieve the spousal supplement until age 60? And if so, will she need to file for it or will OPM start the supplement up automatically? Thanks Don
David Tenca
6/5/2012 at 8:42 PM
A person I know legally processed a simple divorce while her spouse was employed by the Defense Department as an airplane mechanic federal employee under the CSRS system. He started receiving his annuity approximately 2 years ago. Can she now make a claim for a portion of the annuity as she was married to him for 19 years while he was employed by the federal government? Can she obtain a court order to send to the OPM for a valid claim and get an apportionment from his annuity?
David Tenca
6/5/2012 at 8:44 PM
A person I know legally processed a simple divorce while her spouse was employed by the Defense Department as an airplane mechanic federal employee under the CSRS system. He started receiving his annuity approximately 2 years ago. Can she now make a claim for a portion of the annuity as she was married to him for 19 years while he was employed by the federal government? Can she obtain a court order to send to the OPM for a valid claim and get an apportionment from his annuity?
Rob Bromley
6/14/2012 at 9:46 AM
What is the procedure for obtaining a copy of my SF-85P Questionnaire for Public Trust Positions? I believe it was created in January 2010. Thanks...
Linda Z
6/14/2012 at 4:30 PM
I was active Army from Dec 1988 to Jan 2000. I worked as civil service March 2002 to July 2007 during which time I bought back my military time - 2 years DOD and 3 years IHS. In August 2007, I left civil service and went back into the military (USPHS). When I went on active duty with USPHS, they applied 3 years IHS time toward my USPHS retirement date. Will I be eligible for deferred FERS retirement when I reach MRA? If so, how many years will apply toward FERS retirement? If I am not eligible for deferred FERS retirement at MRA, can the military buy back be refunded? At this point I do not anticipate going back to civil service upon retirement from USPHS.
Linda Z
6/14/2012 at 4:32 PM
I was active Army from Dec 1988 to Jan 2000. I worked as civil service March 2002 to July 2007 during which time I bought back my military time - 2 years DOD and 3 years IHS. In August 2007, I left civil service and went back into the military (USPHS). When I went on active duty with USPHS, they applied 3 years IHS time toward my USPHS retirement date. Will I be eligible for deferred FERS retirement when I reach MRA? If so, how many years will apply toward FERS retirement? If I am not eligible for deferred FERS retirement at MRA, can the military buy back be refunded? At this point I do not anticipate going back to civil service upon retirement from USPHS.
6/19/2012 at 11:17 AM
I am currently in a non-government position and I will be applying for a government position that requires a Public Trust Clearance. I received a Public Trust Clearance a few years ago from the US Forest Service, but I do not know if it is still "active". Is there a way to find out?
6/19/2012 at 11:18 AM
I am currently in a non-government position and I will be applying for a government position that requires a Public Trust Clearance. I received a Public Trust Clearance a few years ago from the US Forest Service, but I do not know if it is still "active". Is there a way to find out?
6/19/2012 at 11:19 AM
I am currently in a non-government position and I will be applying for a government position that requires a Public Trust Clearance. I received a Public Trust Clearance a few years ago from the US Forest Service, but I do not know if it is still "active". Is there a way to find out?
6/19/2012 at 11:19 AM
I am currently in a non-government position and I will be applying for a government position that requires a Public Trust Clearance. I received a Public Trust Clearance a few years ago from the US Forest Service, but I do not know if it is still "active". Is there a way to find out?
Michael Beattie
6/20/2012 at 9:21 AM
I think the OPM Director is going fantastic on diversity and inclusion such as the formation of the advisory Council on Hispanic Employees. However, I do not understand why there is not a similar coucil or advisory comittee on people with disabilities. There is a wide variety of types of disabilities, and OPM might not understand the perspective, problems, concerns, and experiences of all different types of people with disabilities. OPM is engaged in a major effort to expand hiring of people with disabilities and veterans in disabilities in particular. Yet, there is apparently no group advicing on what would be the most effective method to accomplish this goal. There may well be a informal network of advisors that I do not know about. However, I maintain that a formal council would be better. There are many interest groups of people with different types of disabilities. If there were public meetings of a council, people from different groups could attend and maybe testify or submit written comments. Why? Because OPM issus important guidance to agencies that is not in the federal register and thus there is no formal process of method for people to comment in advance. I am an HR specailist who is blind and works at the Department of Justice.
Michael Beattie
6/20/2012 at 9:22 AM
I think the OPM Director is going fantastic on diversity and inclusion such as the formation of the advisory Council on Hispanic Employees. However, I do not understand why there is not a similar coucil or advisory comittee on people with disabilities. There is a wide variety of types of disabilities, and OPM might not understand the perspective, problems, concerns, and experiences of all different types of people with disabilities. OPM is engaged in a major effort to expand hiring of people with disabilities and veterans in disabilities in particular. Yet, there is apparently no group advicing on what would be the most effective method to accomplish this goal. There may well be a informal network of advisors that I do not know about. However, I maintain that a formal council would be better. There are many interest groups of people with different types of disabilities. If there were public meetings of a council, people from different groups could attend and maybe testify or submit written comments. Why? Because OPM issus important guidance to agencies that is not in the federal register and thus there is no formal process of method for people to comment in advance. I am an HR specailist who is blind and works at the Department of Justice.
Michael Beattie
6/20/2012 at 9:24 AM
I think the OPM Director is going fantastic on diversity and inclusion such as the formation of the advisory Council on Hispanic Employees. However, I do not understand why there is not a similar coucil or advisory comittee on people with disabilities. There is a wide variety of types of disabilities, and OPM might not understand the perspective, problems, concerns, and experiences of all different types of people with disabilities. OPM is engaged in a major effort to expand hiring of people with disabilities and veterans in disabilities in particular. Yet, there is apparently no group advicing on what would be the most effective method to accomplish this goal. There may well be a informal network of advisors that I do not know about. However, I maintain that a formal council would be better. There are many interest groups of people with different types of disabilities. If there were public meetings of a council, people from different groups could attend and maybe testify or submit written comments. Why? Because OPM issus important guidance to agencies that is not in the federal register and thus there is no formal process of method for people to comment in advance. I am an HR specailist who is blind and works at the Department of Justice.
Roman A Miguel
6/27/2012 at 12:52 PM
My question is regarding, a position that is ocupied by an employee for more than two years, this position is been upgraded, the person that is in that position complies with the requierements of the position and the qualifications, and more than that, that position was upgraded because of the work that this person is performing. Why the new position has to go to be posted and the person that is doing the job is placed at risk to lose the job? The logic to me is to just promote the person that has the qualifications and is been doing the job for more than two years. Does this will grant for a Merit Promotion Board review?_Thank you for your help
Michael Sult
7/9/2012 at 1:22 PM
My Question is reference the New Transportation Bills that has been passsed recently. My understanding is that the Retirement Supplement is going to stop for anyone going to retire after 2012 or starting in Jan 2013. How long will it take OPM to put something togeother and put it out to the public so all personnel will know what is happening? Myself and few other co-workers are concerned about some of the changes that have been happening to our benifits. The changes that are propose to be in the bill will force us out and to retire in 2012. If some don't retire it could cost anywhere from $9,000 to $17,999 per year, not cool. IS THIS TRUE and if it is, can you tell me what is happening so that I can pass this information on to others. Thanks
Michael Sult
7/9/2012 at 1:24 PM
My Question is reference the New Transportation Bills that has been passsed recently. My understanding is that the Retirement Supplement is going to stop for anyone going to retire after 2012 or starting in Jan 2013. How long will it take OPM to put something togeother and put it out to the public so all personnel will know what is happening? Myself and few other co-workers are concerned about some of the changes that have been happening to our benifits. The changes that are propose to be in the bill will force us out and to retire in 2012. If some don't retire it could cost anywhere from $9,000 to $17,999 per year, not cool. IS THIS TRUE and if it is, can you tell me what is happening so that I can pass this information on to others. Thanks
Melanie DiMaio
7/16/2012 at 3:07 PM
Is it possible to have someone in the competitve service reverse back into the excepted service?
Hannah M.
7/17/2012 at 1:38 AM
What are some suggestions for those who are about to enter the work force after college and would like to apply for positions on usajobs? I will be graduating with my Master's degree in May of 2013. I cannot seem to find much information about applying for a job after graduation when I technically have not completed all of the requirements when the job is posted. Am I only limited to jobs based on my Bachelor's degree educational experience or must the requirements be met upon hire?
Lucille G
7/28/2012 at 2:25 AM
I am a full time, permanent employee with USPS. I would also like to apply for a part time job to supplement my income. One I see is 20 hours a week. Is it legal and acceptable to work 60 hours a week in the federal government?
kathy j
8/2/2012 at 4:47 PM
I am a physician, and my primary duty station is >50 miles from the main VAMC hospital. It takes me 2 hrs to drive each way to the main hospital. I have to take call periodically, and when I do I am not reimbursed for mileage, hotel or food. I also do not get extra pay for this. Am I entitled to reimbursement? Thanks
kathy j
8/2/2012 at 4:49 PM
I am a physician, and my primary duty station is >50 miles from the main VAMC hospital. It takes me 2 hrs to drive each way to the main hospital. I have to take call periodically, and when I do I am not reimbursed for mileage, hotel or food. I also do not get extra pay for this. Am I entitled to reimbursement? Thanks
Shelly M
8/6/2012 at 9:58 AM
1. Can the 52 week time in-service be waivered when applying for a higher grade (i.e. GS 9 to GS 11)?

2. Can education be waivered when applying for a higher grade (i.e. GS 9 to GS 11)?”

3. Can an employee be temporarily promoted and receive pay at the next higher grade without the 52 week time in grade requirement if not what are the other options?
Shelly M
8/6/2012 at 9:59 AM
1. Can the 52 week time in-service be waivered when applying for a higher grade (i.e. GS 9 to GS 11)?

2. Can education be waivered when applying for a higher grade (i.e. GS 9 to GS 11)?”

3. Can an employee be temporarily promoted and receive pay at the next higher grade without the 52 week time in grade requirement if not what are the other options?
8/7/2012 at 8:12 AM
Is there anything that allows an individual privacy such that they don't have to share a bathroom with a transgendered individual? Do the non-transgendered have any rights to privacy? Do my rights to privacy and respect come second to the transgendered rights to equality?
8/7/2012 at 8:14 AM
Is there anything that allows an individual privacy such that they don't have to share a bathroom with a transgendered individual? Do the non-transgendered have any rights to privacy? Do my rights to privacy and respect come second to the transgendered rights to equality?
8/8/2012 at 8:04 PM
I have applied for almost 100 positions within the Federal Government during the past year. I have 25+ years of office/personnel management experience, and with all of that experience I have been unable to secure an interview. I appreciate the sacrifice that Vets have made for my and this Country's freedoms. But, non-Vets need jobs also. Your current recruiting/hiring rules make it impossible for non-Vets to even get an interview. This needs to change. Thank you.
8/8/2012 at 8:06 PM
I have applied for almost 100 positions within the Federal Government during the past year. I have 25+ years of office/personnel management experience, and with all of that experience I have been unable to secure an interview. I appreciate the sacrifice that Vets have made for my and this Country's freedoms. But, non-Vets need jobs also. Your current recruiting/hiring rules make it impossible for non-Vets to even get an interview. This needs to change. Thank you.
8/8/2012 at 8:07 PM
I have applied for almost 100 positions within the Federal Government during the past year. I have 25+ years of office/personnel management experience, and with all of that experience I have been unable to secure an interview. I appreciate the sacrifice that Vets have made for my and this Country's freedoms. But, non-Vets need jobs also. Your current recruiting/hiring rules make it impossible for non-Vets to even get an interview. This needs to change. Thank you.
John S Willard Jr
8/14/2012 at 9:00 AM
I have been using the Mail Order Pharmacy for many years. Caremark is by FAR the most awkward, un-user friendly Mail Order system for us to use. Medco was and IS the BEST! When using Caremark's web-site, one of the prescriptions that my wife uses, is listed as generic for a cost of $70.00 which is incorrect. BUT, in order to get the correct price, I have to always call in the prescription. Also, there is NO option on the web-site for Caremark to send a bill with the prescription like Medco does, you HAVE to call in the prescription. VERY, VERY unconvenient!! BRING BACK MEDCO FOR 2013!!!
debra folcarelli
8/22/2012 at 6:02 PM
2005, I was hurt while working. OWCP accepted my claim, paid for 2 shoulder surgeries. I have applied for Disability Insurance before I applied for Social Security. My case has been forwarded to a Dept. Veterans Affairs Retirement Specialist, who told me I MUST apply for Social Security before my case has is reviewed by adjudication for approval. Another words, my documents will not go to Dept. Veterans Affairs Retirement Adjudication until I apply for SSI &my case has not been approved by the Dept.Vet Affairs Retirement Board.Is there an OPM Regulation stating that I do not apply for SSI until my case has been approved by the Dept. Veterans Affairs Retirement Disability Insurance Board?
Mike Lanes
8/31/2012 at 1:59 PM
I along with numerous other employees are considered essential employees that work schedules that span 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. We are currently working a compressed schedule. It says in the spirit of the law, working a compressed schedule is to improve family life and health of the employee. But, with a law that we have to work 80 hrs per pay period and not able to average hours over a period of time makes this schedule and really any other schedule that will conform to 7 days, 24 hrs a week a burden on family life and dangerous to our health due to short rest periods and constantly changeing shifts. What if anything can be done. The private sector does not have this burden on their employees that have to work rotating 12 hour shifts. Shouldn't we be at least competitive with them and care about our employees as much as they do?
S. Luckett
9/4/2012 at 10:27 AM
I have two questions...1) if I step down from a GS-15 Step 8 to a GS-14, what step would I be? Can I lose money? 2) as an Excepted Service employee I'm finding that I cannot apply for all US Govt jobs...what CAN I apply for?
S. Luckett
9/4/2012 at 10:29 AM
I have two questions...1) if I step down from a GS-15 Step 8 to a GS-14, what step would I be? Can I lose money? 2) as an Excepted Service employee I'm finding that I cannot apply for all US Govt jobs...what CAN I apply for?
Tom Braund
9/10/2012 at 4:35 AM
1. I submitted an application and the update was sent but I didn't get it. The required email address is in my approved sender list. Why didn't I get it?

2. I am applying in USAJobs and filled out the application. Then I had to go to the Application Manager. There are things required that I know little to nothing about such as:
SF-50 - I have no idea where to get mine in order to submit it.
Transcript - what transcript?
Resume' - Is this a different resume' than the one submitted through USAJobs?
Cover Letter - Give me some idea what it's supposed to say. What should it cover?

The application processing status says it's complete but the Documents section says the above documents were not received. That's inconsistent and I am clueless as to why this discrepancy exists.

Please help. Today is the deadline.
Tom Braund
9/10/2012 at 4:36 AM
1. I submitted an application and the update was sent but I didn't get it. The required email address is in my approved sender list. Why didn't I get it?

2. I am applying in USAJobs and filled out the application. Then I had to go to the Application Manager. There are things required that I know little to nothing about such as:
SF-50 - I have no idea where to get mine in order to submit it.
Transcript - what transcript?
Resume' - Is this a different resume' than the one submitted through USAJobs?
Cover Letter - Give me some idea what it's supposed to say. What should it cover?

The application processing status says it's complete but the Documents section says the above documents were not received. That's inconsistent and I am clueless as to why this discrepancy exists.

Please help. Today is the deadline.

Now the document won't submit! I'll copy and paste it when I try again.
Patricia Tompkins
9/20/2012 at 7:19 AM
Are Title 5 employees exempt from the FEMA Qualification System (FQS)? If so, which I believe they are, would you please attach or send me the documentation that states these types of exemptions?

Thank you
Patricia Tompkins
9/20/2012 at 7:24 AM
Are Title 5 employees exempt from the FEMA Qualification System (FQS)? If so, which I believe they are, would you please attach or send me the documentation that states these types of exemptions?

Thank you
Darrell Matula
9/21/2012 at 9:51 AM
Regarding the proposed "Phased Retirement" system, I think this is a great idea for those of us who are retirement-eligible or close to being in that status, but are still having trouble making a decision. However, to make this concept truly a desireable alternative, I would suggest that consideration be given to allowing for at least 2 weeks off-duty followed by two weeks on-duty. The proposals I have heard so far indicate that the time off-duty would be considerably more limited. Also, you might want to somehow try to poll a sample or possibly all current retirement-eligible employees to see what would be required to make them consider a Phased Retirement, if they have any interest in the concept at all. I think that you would probably find that most people going into a retirement status would want a significant stretch of time off for vacation or other activities, particularly while getting adjusted to their new semi-retired status. Thank you.
Darrell Matula
9/21/2012 at 9:53 AM
Regarding the proposed "Phased Retirement" system, I think this is a great idea for those of us who are retirement-eligible or close to being in that status, but are still having trouble making a decision. However, to make this concept truly a desireable alternative, I would suggest that consideration be given to allowing for at least 2 weeks off-duty followed by two weeks on-duty. The proposals I have heard so far indicate that the time off-duty would be considerably more limited. Also, you might want to somehow try to poll a sample or possibly all current retirement-eligible employees to see what would be required to make them consider a Phased Retirement, if they have any interest in the concept at all. I think that you would probably find that most people going into a retirement status would want a significant stretch of time off for vacation or other activities, particularly while getting adjusted to their new semi-retired status. Thank you.
Val Tacker
9/26/2012 at 4:00 PM
I was wondering if individual agencies send out surveys or track new hires through the new program recruiting student interns and hiring of recent graduates?

Does the VA Hospital in Cleveland, Ohio have opportunities under the new program for student interns and recent graduates? Because I heard that their opportunities for people with BA and MBAs leave a lot to be desired. Maybe someone needs to actually come in from their headquarters and train the supervisors and the employees who are candidates for that program as to what is expected or desired through the program. When you have individuals with Bachelor and Master degrees as clerks, then something is definitely not right and seems obvious they are not trying to move these individuals into management areas.
Val Tacker
9/26/2012 at 4:05 PM
I was wondering if individual agencies send out surveys or track new hires through the new program recruiting student interns and hiring of recent graduates?

Does the VA Hospital in Cleveland, Ohio have opportunities under the new program for student interns and recent graduates? Because I heard that their opportunities for people with BA and MBAs leave a lot to be desired. Maybe someone needs to actually come in from their headquarters and train the supervisors and the employees who are candidates for that program as to what is expected or desired through the program. When you have individuals with Bachelor and Master degrees as clerks, then something is definitely not right and seems obvious they are not trying to move these individuals into management areas.
Ron Graham
10/5/2012 at 8:54 PM
I am a retired Vet. I worked for DoD and now for the Dept. of Veteran's Affairs. I was able to obtain 2 PhDs (one in Psy. and one in Sociology) while in service. No one had a problem with me using the title Dr. as I had earned the title. Now that I come into the VA system, they tell me I cannot use my Doctorial title in the role I am in as a Clinical (Psychological Social Worker). The union says I am entitled and that the VA should be proud to have someone on board to deliver the utmost care in my role for the Vets. Is there a regulation saying I cannot use my doctorate title in my clinical role that if that level of education is not reguired for the job?
Ron Graham
10/5/2012 at 9:02 PM
I am a retired Vet. I worked for DoD and now for the Dept. of Veteran's Affairs. I was able to obtain 2 PhDs (one in Psy. and one in Sociology) while in service. No one had a problem with me using the title Dr. as I had earned the title. Now that I come into the VA system, they tell me I cannot use my Doctorial title in the role I am in as a Clinical (Psychological Social Worker). The union says I am entitled and that the VA should be proud to have someone on board to deliver the utmost care in my role for the Vets. Is there a regulation saying I cannot use my doctorate title in my clinical role that if that level of education is not reguired for the job?
Yvonne Allison
10/9/2012 at 1:24 AM
I have been away from the federal government since 2003. What are my chances of being rehired? What procedures do I need to take?
Yvonne Allison
10/9/2012 at 1:31 AM
I have been away from the federal government since 2003. What are my chances of being rehired? What procedures do I need to take?
Stephen Anderson
10/17/2012 at 5:52 PM
When will Macintosh users be able to use OPM's eOPF web site?

I'm able to log on but can not open the action item buttons. I've tried using Safari, Firefox, Opera, and Chrome web browsers but with no success. My only option is to use a Windows PC at work.
Stephen Anderson
10/17/2012 at 5:55 PM
When will Macintosh users be able to use OPM's eOPF web site?

I'm able to log on but can not open the action item buttons. I've tried using Safari, Firefox, Opera, and Chrome web browsers but with no success. My only option is to use a Windows PC at work.
Robert Falkenstein
10/19/2012 at 2:09 PM
Question - I work at a Federal agency as a GS-1101-15, Program Advisor. My PD (under the factor - supervisory controls)states that I am to receive work assignments from my Director. My Director knows that I have a history of protecting my rights, but has put me under a GS-13 Branch Chief, so as to maintain a control over me should I file a grievance. Frankly, management is compromising my grade and classification as a Program Advisor that is suppose to advise and received assignments from, the Director. I have been told that a Branch Chief (GS-13) is my immediate supvisor. What recourse do I have to change this scenario where management complies with the provisions found in my GS-1101-15 PD?
Robert Falkenstein
10/19/2012 at 2:17 PM
Question - I work at a Federal agency as a GS-1101-15, Program Advisor. My PD (under the factor - supervisory controls)states that I am to receive work assignments from my Director. My Director knows that I have a history of protecting my rights, but has put me under a GS-13 Branch Chief, so as to maintain a control over me should I file a grievance. Frankly, management is compromising my grade and classification as a Program Advisor that is supposed to advise and receive assignments from, the Director. I have been told that a Branch Chief (GS-13) is my immediate supvisor. What recourse do I have to change this scenario where management must comply with the provisions found in my GS-1101-15 PD?
10/25/2012 at 2:44 PM
Problem - "Office of Personnel Management Retirement Benefits Branch" phone numbers keep disconnecting instead of putting you on hold.
When you call 202-606-5148, -5149, -4857, or -4976. you get a recording that “Your call is very important to us but we are currently assisting other callers… called all Federal holidays… Thank you and have a nice day.” But then the call disconnects within 45 seconds!!!! This has been going on for several days.
10/25/2012 at 2:45 PM
Problem - "Office of Personnel Management Retirement Benefits Branch" phone numbers keep disconnecting instead of putting you on hold and saying how long the hold will be.
When you call 202-606-5148, -5149, -4857, or -4976. you get a recording that “Your call is very important to us but we are currently assisting other callers… We are closed all Federal holidays… Thank you and have a nice day.” But then the call disconnects within 45 seconds!!!! This has been going on for several days.
Linda Astor
10/30/2012 at 1:29 AM
The guidance issued by OPM with respect to the closures related to Hurricane Sandy have created a lot of confusion. Some staff and supervisors interpret it as authorizing administrative leave, while others regard it as required telework for ALL those who have authorized telework agreements.
Linda Astor
10/30/2012 at 1:36 AM
The guidance issued by OPM with respect to the closures related to Hurricane Sandy have created a lot of confusion. Some staff and supervisors interpret it as authorizing administrative leave, while others regard it as required telework for ALL those who have authorized telework agreements.
Linda Astor
10/30/2012 at 1:36 AM
The guidance issued by OPM with respect to the closures related to Hurricane Sandy have created a lot of confusion. Some staff and supervisors interpret it as authorizing administrative leave, while others regard it as required telework for ALL those who have authorized telework agreements.
Linda Astor
10/30/2012 at 1:36 AM
The guidance issued by OPM with respect to the closures related to Hurricane Sandy have created a lot of confusion. Some staff and supervisors interpret it as authorizing administrative leave, while others regard it as required telework for ALL those who have authorized telework agreements.
10/31/2012 at 1:45 PM
What form do I use to do an on line Transfer from one Work Location to another (same agency) National Transfer..?
10/31/2012 at 1:50 PM
What form do I use to do an on line Transfer from one Work Location to another (same agency) National Transfer..?
10/31/2012 at 1:51 PM
What form do I use to do an on line Transfer from one Work Location to another (same agency) National Transfer..?
Lana C. Rice
11/2/2012 at 9:12 AM
I have a small family (self and one). I have MHBP insurance. Several years ago my standard option insurance went up approximately $200 in one season causing me to have to go the the value plan which does not come anywhere near giving me the coverage or peace of mind as a retiree as my standard option gave me. We need a self and one option for smaller families in our insurance coverage. Samll families need help also.
Lana C. Rice
11/2/2012 at 9:13 AM
I have a small family (self and one). I have MHBP insurance. Several years ago my standard option insurance went up approximately $200 in one season causing me to have to go the the value plan which does not come anywhere near giving me the coverage or peace of mind as a retiree as my standard option gave me. We need a self and one option for smaller families in our insurance coverage. Samll families need help also.
danny B
11/8/2012 at 11:58 PM
Since the Presidents direction in June 2010 there has been "some" movement in providing benefits for same sex domestic partners, but it seemed that everything stalled pending the outcome of the presidential election. congratulations president Obama. With his re-election, when can we expect that we will be treated as equals to our opposite sex partnered co-workers? My specific issue and question concerns visas for partners who are not American citizens. The Dept of State stands in the forefront but no one else has provided such a benefit. I will soon be on PPP back to CONUS. Do I just leave my partner behind and hope for the best? Is there some relief in sight? I have asked numerous people in OPM this question and I ONLY get put in a holding pattern. A truly transparent organization would just tell me the truth regarding the situation. Can someone please help me? I am desperate for information so that I know how to plan the next step in my life. Thank you for your attention.
Gary A. Valenzuela
11/14/2012 at 4:23 PM
My position is being relooked for a higher grade. eg. GS12 to GS13. The Agency is telling me if the position is upgraded that the position will be open for hire and I will have to compete for the position again. Where can i find out if this is a true fact and a regulation to go to? Thanks.
Gary A. Valenzuela
11/14/2012 at 4:26 PM
My position is being relooked for a higher grade. eg. GS12 to GS13. The Agency is telling me if the position is upgraded that the position will be open for hire and I will have to compete for the position again. Where can i find out if this is a true fact and a regulation to go to? Thanks.
Martin G. Wilson
11/20/2012 at 2:51 PM
In August I changed jobs from the Census Bureau to the Veterans Administration. The Annual and Sick Leave I accumulated during the three years I worked at the Census has not been transferred to the VA's records. I checked with HR and they said if I gave them a copy the last paycheck I received from the Census Bureau they could enter the leave immediately. I gave them a copy of my last paycheck over three weeks ago and nothing has changed. My wife and I have our 30th wedding anniversary in a few weeks and have already purchased non-refundable airline tickets. What can I do to get the Annual Leave I need for this trip moved to the VA's records?
Save the Trees
11/29/2012 at 11:04 AM
The Telework Agreement required annually is antiquated. Why can't this be done either electronically or allow employees to review the previous agreement and sign the same one for the year rather than fill out a new form, print and have the supervisor sign then make multiple copies for personnel records. With over 2 million federal employees we could save alot of trees!!!!
Save the Trees
11/29/2012 at 11:07 AM
The Telework Agreement required annually is antiquated. Why can't this be done either electronically or allow employees to review the previous agreement and sign the same one for the year rather than fill out a new form, print and have the supervisor sign then make multiple copies for personnel records. With over 2 million federal employees we could save alot of trees!!!!
Save the Trees
11/29/2012 at 11:07 AM
The Telework Agreement required annually is antiquated. Why can't this be done either electronically or allow employees to review the previous agreement and sign the same one for the year rather than fill out a new form, print and have the supervisor sign then make multiple copies for personnel records. With over 2 million federal employees we could save alot of trees!!!!
Save the Trees
11/29/2012 at 11:07 AM
The Telework Agreement required annually is antiquated. Why can't this be done either electronically or allow employees to review the previous agreement and sign the same one for the year rather than fill out a new form, print and have the supervisor sign then make multiple copies for personnel records. With over 2 million federal employees we could save alot of trees!!!!
Save the Trees
11/29/2012 at 11:07 AM
The Telework Agreement required annually is antiquated. Why can't this be done either electronically or allow employees to review the previous agreement and sign the same one for the year rather than fill out a new form, print and have the supervisor sign then make multiple copies for personnel records. With over 2 million federal employees we could save alot of trees!!!!
Save the Trees
11/29/2012 at 11:07 AM
The Telework Agreement required annually is antiquated. Why can't this be done either electronically or allow employees to review the previous agreement and sign the same one for the year rather than fill out a new form, print and have the supervisor sign then make multiple copies for personnel records. With over 2 million federal employees we could save alot of trees!!!!
Save the Trees
11/29/2012 at 11:07 AM
The Telework Agreement required annually is antiquated. Why can't this be done either electronically or allow employees to review the previous agreement and sign the same one for the year rather than fill out a new form, print and have the supervisor sign then make multiple copies for personnel records. With over 2 million federal employees we could save alot of trees!!!!
Save the Trees
11/29/2012 at 11:08 AM
The Telework Agreement required annually is antiquated. Why can't this be done either electronically or allow employees to review the previous agreement and sign the same one for the year rather than fill out a new form, print and have the supervisor sign then make multiple copies for personnel records. With over 2 million federal employees we could save alot of trees!!!!
Save the Trees
11/29/2012 at 11:08 AM
The Telework Agreement required annually is antiquated. Why can't this be done either electronically or allow employees to review the previous agreement and sign the same one for the year rather than fill out a new form, print and have the supervisor sign then make multiple copies for personnel records. With over 2 million federal employees we could save alot of trees!!!!
Save the Trees
11/29/2012 at 11:08 AM
The Telework Agreement required annually is antiquated. Why can't this be done either electronically or allow employees to review the previous agreement and sign the same one for the year rather than fill out a new form, print and have the supervisor sign then make multiple copies for personnel records. With over 2 million federal employees we could save alot of trees!!!!
Save the Trees
11/29/2012 at 11:08 AM
The Telework Agreement required annually is antiquated. Why can't this be done either electronically or allow employees to review the previous agreement and sign the same one for the year rather than fill out a new form, print and have the supervisor sign then make multiple copies for personnel records. With over 2 million federal employees we could save alot of trees!!!!
Save the Trees
11/29/2012 at 11:08 AM
The Telework Agreement required annually is antiquated. Why can't this be done either electronically or allow employees to review the previous agreement and sign the same one for the year rather than fill out a new form, print and have the supervisor sign then make multiple copies for personnel records. With over 2 million federal employees we could save alot of trees!!!!
Vicki Pocock
12/10/2012 at 12:11 PM
I was interested in knowing if there had been thought to change the policy for FEHB and stepchildren as it could be considered discriminatory. I am a female and the federal employee in my family. My husband and my daughter are covered by my FEHB plan, but because my stepdaughter does not live with me, I can not cover her, yet my husband still has to pay her insurance. The issue is this: if a male federal employee marries a woman with children from a previous relationship they tend to live with him because children are most often placed with their mothers and thus they can be covered. I find it discriminatory since most male federal employees can cover their stepchildren, but women generally can not because the likelihood is her husband will not have primary custody of his children. Male federal employees have a financial benefit in this situation that female federal employees do not. Now I go out of pocket for the individual insurance policy for my stepdaughter's health insurance. There should be an accommodation made for instances like mine.
Vicki Pocock
12/10/2012 at 12:15 PM
I was interested in knowing if there had been thought to change the policy for FEHB and stepchildren as it could be considered discriminatory. I am a female and the federal employee in my family. My husband and my daughter are covered by my FEHB plan, but because my stepdaughter does not live with me, I can not cover her, yet my husband still has to pay her insurance. The issue is this: if a male federal employee marries a woman with children from a previous relationship they tend to live with him because children are most often placed with their mothers and thus they can be covered. I find it discriminatory since most male federal employees can cover their stepchildren, but women generally can not because the likelihood is her husband will not have primary custody of his children. Male federal employees have a financial benefit in this situation that female federal employees do not. Now I go out of pocket for the individual insurance policy for my stepdaughter's health insurance. There should be an accommodation made for instances like mine.
Vicki Pocock
12/10/2012 at 12:15 PM
I was interested in knowing if there had been thought to change the policy for FEHB and stepchildren as it could be considered discriminatory. I am a female and the federal employee in my family. My husband and my daughter are covered by my FEHB plan, but because my stepdaughter does not live with me, I can not cover her, yet my husband still has to pay her insurance. The issue is this: if a male federal employee marries a woman with children from a previous relationship they tend to live with him because children are most often placed with their mothers and thus they can be covered. I find it discriminatory since most male federal employees can cover their stepchildren, but women generally can not because the likelihood is her husband will not have primary custody of his children. Male federal employees have a financial benefit in this situation that female federal employees do not. Now I go out of pocket for the individual insurance policy for my stepdaughter's health insurance. There should be an accommodation made for instances like mine.
12/12/2012 at 12:01 PM
I would like the option to include my parents on my insurance in the near future. After browsing the website, it looks like this is not an option. However, with the growing uncertainty of the future of Medicare, it seems that this would be an interesting solution for many families. I am a current federal employee and plan on staying with the USPTO for the entirety of my career, and would love to be able to provide insurance coverage for my aging parents.
12/20/2012 at 9:19 AM
Has a decision been made as to whether the federal government will close on Monday Dec 24th? If so, what was the decision? If not, when will it be made?
Joseph Calamusa
1/3/2013 at 12:05 PM
I retired as of Aug.31 2012...recieved my pay monthly since, but one big insurance is being taken out of my pay each month..I cancelled it effective on my retirement date..I am currently on my wife's insurance..she pays the preium also..I've tried to get this resolved but the deduction is still being taken out each month..I need this corrected and money paid back to me that I'm there someway someone can fix this problem..I've tried calling....e-mail...written letters....again...I cancelled my health insurance as of Aug 31 last wife is a postal employeee and I am on her health insurance....we both pay the preium...
Joseph Calamusa
1/3/2013 at 12:07 PM
I retired as of Aug.31 2012...recieved my pay monthly since, but one big insurance is being taken out of my pay each month..I cancelled it effective on my retirement date..I am currently on my wife's insurance..she pays the preium also..I've tried to get this resolved but the deduction is still being taken out each month..I need this corrected and money paid back to me that I'm there someway someone can fix this problem..I've tried calling....e-mail...written letters....again...I cancelled my health insurance as of Aug 31 last wife is a postal employeee and I am on her health insurance....we both pay the preium...
Joseph Calamusa
1/3/2013 at 12:07 PM
I retired as of Aug.31 2012...recieved my pay monthly since, but one big insurance is being taken out of my pay each month..I cancelled it effective on my retirement date..I am currently on my wife's insurance..she pays the preium also..I've tried to get this resolved but the deduction is still being taken out each month..I need this corrected and money paid back to me that I'm there someway someone can fix this problem..I've tried calling....e-mail...written letters....again...I cancelled my health insurance as of Aug 31 last wife is a postal employeee and I am on her health insurance....we both pay the preium...
1/5/2013 at 4:18 PM
With increased taxes and possible furloughs for Gov't employees, OPM should allow employees the
ability to change their healthcare plans anytime (not during Open Season) so that we can adjust our
health care plans and prepare for the change in finances. The alternative would be to have another
Open Season in Feb 2013 to give us an opportunity to change it then.
Marque French
1/9/2013 at 12:39 AM
My father received a disability from the post office in about 1960. My mother retired from the VA in 1995. both died. My youngest brother was totally disabled before age 16 and receives a survivor's annuity based upon ebing and disabled adult child who is dually entitled. Because of the type of disability my father received from the post office, that income was tax exempt (apparently as a type of federal worker's compensation payment). Thus the annuity portion which my brother receives, under IRS regulations, should also be non taxable. In order to determine that fact, I need to know what the disability benefit my father received was called, and what the statutory basis for it was. With whom should I speak to determine the characterization of his postal service payments? I have their claim numbers available.
Marque French
1/9/2013 at 12:45 AM
My father received a disability from the post office in about 1960.His payment amount was a small one. My mother retired from the VA in 1995. Both died. My youngest brother was totally disabled before age 16 and receives a survivor's annuity based upon being a disabled adult child who is dually entitled. Because of the type of disability payment my father received from the post office, that income was tax exempt (apparently as a type of federal worker's compensation payment). Thus the annuity portion which my brother receives from my dad's account, under IRS regulations, should also be non taxable. In order to determine that fact, I need to know what the disability benefit my father received was called, and what the statutory basis for it was. With whom should I speak to determine the characterization of his postal service payments? I have their claim numbers available.
1/13/2013 at 10:38 PM
Will there be a furlough or a rift among civilian employees in March or thereafter?
Kitt XX
1/13/2013 at 10:42 PM
Will there be a furlough or a rift among civilian employees in March or thereafter?
Leslie B
1/15/2013 at 3:06 PM
My soon to be ex and I are changing our marital settlement agreement. I am a federal employee; He just retired from federal service in December 2012 and is now an annuitant. The change will affect his designation of beneficiaries for his basic life insurance. Once finalized where do I send this change? Is the notarized document sufficient, or should I wait for its attachment to the disso judgment. I understand he would independently request, send in request for change of beneficiaries.
Leslie B
1/15/2013 at 3:08 PM
My soon to be ex and I are changing our marital settlement agreement. I am a federal employee; He just retired from federal service in December 2012 and is now an annuitant. The change will affect his designation of beneficiaries for his basic life insurance. Once finalized where do I send this change? Is the notarized document sufficient, or should I wait for its attachment to the disso judgment. I understand he would independently request, send in request for change of beneficiaries.
Leslie B
1/15/2013 at 3:08 PM
My soon to be ex and I are changing our marital settlement agreement. I am a federal employee; He just retired from federal service in December 2012 and is now an annuitant. The change will affect his designation of beneficiaries for his basic life insurance. Once finalized where do I send this change? Is the notarized document sufficient, or should I wait for its attachment to the disso judgment. I understand he would independently request, send in request for change of beneficiaries.
Cheryl Olivier
1/30/2013 at 8:15 AM
I have accured some comp time but do not want to use it yet. The Agency is telling me I have to use my comp time before I can use my annual, is this true?
Cheryl Olivier
1/30/2013 at 8:18 AM
I have accured some comp time but do not want to use it yet. The Agency is telling me I have to use my comp time before I can use my annual, is this true?
Maria Davis
2/19/2013 at 1:21 AM
I am trying to time my retirement date with a possible outside job offer. If the job offer does not work out then I want to be able to rescind my retirement - will that be possible? Can I indicate a retirement date, but have the option to pull out at the last minute?
Maria Davis
2/19/2013 at 1:23 AM
I am trying to time my retirement date with a possible outside job offer. If the job offer does not work out then I want to be able to rescind my retirement - will that be possible? Can I indicate a retirement date, but have the option to pull out at the last minute?
Leonard J. Perkins
2/25/2013 at 1:25 PM
Can anyone tell me if an employee who took job with another agency, have the right to return to the same position within a certain time period. If so, where can I find such a law or requirement. Thanks to all who can help.

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