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USAID | Afghanistan

From the American People

Local Governance and Community Development (LGCD)

Stabilization (Strengthening the reach and legitimacy of the central government in outlying regions)
October 2006 - August 2011

 Active in 21 of Afghanistan’s 34 provinces, the LGCD project is a field-staff driven stability program that helps establish conditions for medium and long-term efforts. The project objectives are: 1) assist the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (GIRoA) to extend its reach into unstable areas and engage at-risk populations; 2) create an environment that encourages local communities to take an active role in their own stability and development; and 3) address the underlying causes of instability and support for the insurgency. LGCD works closely with USAID field staff, military units, GIRoA officials, non-governmental organizations, and a host of other stakeholders to plan and execute projects that promote stability within a U.S. Government counterinsurgency context. The program meets its objectives through the implementation of strategically integrated activities related to the following technical focus areas: 1) assess (shape): assess community grievances and design cost-effective solutions to address those grievances, and Assist military units with shaping activities; 2) local stability initiatives (clear): quick impact stability initiatives to meet recovery needs in priority communities; and 3) community development and mobilization (hold): address priority grievances of at-risk populations through integrated community development projects. LGCD is in its last phase of implementation and will focus its final efforts in Kandahar City and Maywand District in Kandahar Province through July 2011.

Fact Sheet LGCD Jun 2011

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