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Contact Us:
Instrumentation Division
Brookhaven National Lab
Bldg. 535B
Upton, NY 11973-5000

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Core Technolgies

Semiconductor Detectors
Semiconductor Detector Development and Processing Lab has been the main R&D center for development and production of prototype radiation and particle detectors for various nuclear and high energy physics experiments.

Gas and Noble Liquid Detectors
The gas detector group carries out fundamental studies on the physics of gas-based radiation detectors, and has resources for producing small numbers of detector systems for user facilities.

R&D in Low noise analog electronics, Data acquisition and controls for particle physics experiments and RF electronics for remote sensors.

Lasers and Optical Metrology
R&D of efficient, high quality photoelectron sources, optical version of particle detectors with high spatial and temporal resolution, diagnostics for ultrafast laser pulses, surface figure and finish metrology of grazing-incidence synchrotron x-ray optics.

Micro/Nano Fabrication
The Microfabrication Laboratory is fully equipped with the hardware and software necessary for complete design, processing, and characterization of micro or nanoscale structures.

Instrumentation Division - Our Mission

To develop state-of-the-art instrumentation required for experimental research programs at BNL, and to maintain the expertise and facilities in specialized high technology areas essential for this work. Development of facilities is motivated by present BNL research programs and anticipated future directions of BNL research. The Division’s research efforts also have a significant impact on programs throughout the world that rely on state-of-the-art radiation detectors and readout electronics.

Our staff scientists are encouraged to:

  • Become involved in challenging problems in collaborations with other scientists.
  • Offer unique expertise in solving problems.
  • Develop new devices and instruments when not commercially available.

Scientists from other BNL Departments are encouraged to bring problems and ideas directly to the Division staff members with the appropriate expertise. Division staff is encouraged to become involved with research problems in other Departments to advance the application of new ideas in instrumentation. The Division Head integrates these efforts when they evolve into larger projects, within available staff and budget resources, and defines the priorities and direction with concurrence of appropriate Laboratory program leaders. The Division Head also ensures that these efforts are accompanied by strict adherence to all ES&H regulatory mandates and policies of the Laboratory. The responsibility for safety and environmental protection is integrated with supervision of particular facilities and conduct of operations.

-- Graham Smith, Division Chair

:: Instrumentation Seminars

To be announced..

:: Seminars:| Upcoming | Past |