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World Data Center for Geophysics & Marine Geology, Boulder

2008 Samples Added/in Processing for Addition to
The Index to Marine & Lacustrine Geological Samples

OSUWecomaW8311A8in review
LacCoreMultipleMultiple1220in review
OSUMelvilleMV050219in review
USGSMPMultipleMultiple479on hold since 2000
LDEOIGSNs added to all LDEO cores
ARFFSU2584 new samples from ARFFSU web & IGSNs added
URIIGSNs added to all URI samples
OSUMelvilleVancouver/MV020963added May 27, 2008
RFFSUNathaniel B. PalmerNBP05-0543added July 17, 2008
WHOIMultipleMultiple929added August 8, 2008
SIORobert Gordon SproulBPSIO6added August 28, 2008
SIORoger RevelleAMATO2RR33added August 28, 2008
SIOMelvilleAVON04MV33added August 28, 2008
SIOBairdCAPB91added August 28, 2008
SIOHorizonCAPH63added August 28, 2008
SIORoger RevelleDANA07RR1added August 28, 2008
SIORoger RevelleDANA08RR52added August 28, 2008
SIORoger RevelleDRFT06RR67added August 28, 2008
SIONathaniel B. PalmerNBP-02069added August 28, 2008

samples added in other years: 2007 | 2006 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998

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