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ONLINE ACCESS:   http://www.springermaterials.com/ 
Title   LinkSpringerMaterials [electronic resource].
Published   Heidelberg : Springer-Verlag, 2009- .
Frequency   Quarterly
Note   "The World’s Largest Resource for Physical & Chemical Data" - home page, viewed 1/7/2010.
Summary   SpringerMaterials is the online database version of the classic materials resource Landolt-Bornstein, plus the content of additional materials databases. It contains critically assessed physical and chemical data in all areas of physical sciences and engineering. Those familiar with the L-B Groups can still browse them using the "Bookshelf". Can be searched with a full-text search box; with an Advanced Search Function for Substance, Property, Molecular Formula, Chemical Abstract Numbers and Bibliographical Data; or by Periodical table.
Publishing note   Replaces the previous Landolt-Börnstein New Series on SpringerLink as of January 2010.
Subject   LinkPhysics -- Databases
  LinkChemistry -- Databases
  LinkEngineering -- Databases
  LinkMaterials -- Databases
  LinkPhysics -- Tables -- Indexes
  LinkChemistry -- Tables -- Indexes
  LinkEngineering -- Tables -- Indexes
  LinkElectronic books
Other Title   Springer materials
  Landolt-Börnstein database
Format   Online resource
Record Number   001363068

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