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Revised 2002 Benchmark Input-Output Make and Use Tables

Table Changes: 2002 Benchmark Input-Output Make and Use Tables

The 2002 benchmark Input-Output Make and Use tables were revised to eliminate some errors that were present when the tables were originally released in September 2007. The revisions addressed two different types of problems appearing in the initial tables, but they did not alter the input structures or basic relationships as originally presented and not all industries or commodities were impacted by the revisions.

The first set of revisions targeted discrepancies appearing in the industry and commodity output estimates in the original Make and Use tables. These discrepancies arose within the context of the new balancing methodology implemented in the 2002 tables. Total gross output was revised upward by $291 million or 0.002 percent (two one-thousandths of one percent). Of the industry and commodity total output estimates that were revised, the largest percentage revision occurred in the commodity “Chocolate and confectionary manufacturing from cacao,” and represented 1.5 percent of the total commodity output; the smallest percentage correction occurred in the “General state and local government services” commodity and represented 0.00001 percent (one one-hundred thousandths of one percent) of the total commodity output; the average revision to total commodity gross output was 0.03 percent.

A second set of revisions was made because the full value of import duties was incorrectly accounted for in the initial Use table. The total value of import duties was $19.9 billion. Corrections were made to the “Imports of goods and services” column and the “Personal consumption expenditures” column on corresponding manufacturing commodity rows. The duty was distributed to the appropriate commodities with the corresponding increase in domestic supply allocated entirely to personal consumption expenditures. Total imports reported in the revised Use Table now are consistent with the total imports reported in Appendix E of the October Survey article.

Total imports were revised upward by 1.5 percent. The largest change was to the commodity “Sporting and athletic goods manufacturing,” which was revised upward by 14.4 percent. The smallest change was in the commodity “Other plastics product manufacturing,” representing a change of 0.03 percent.

Total personal consumption expenditures (PCE) was revised by 0.3 percent. The largest change was to the commodity “Motor and generator manufacturing,” which was revised upward by 13.8 percent. The smallest change was in the commodity “Other plastics product manufacturing,” representing a change of 0.03 percent.

The commodity allocations to each NIPA PCE category that were detailed in Appendix C of the October SURVEY article were updated to reflect these revisions. The largest revision occurred in the PCE category “Small electric household appliances” and represented a change of 5.3 percent to the published purchasers’ value. The smallest change occurred in the PCE category “Mineral waters, soft drinks, fruit and vegetable juices” and represented a change of 0.01 percent to the published purchasers’ value.

The Appendix A published in the October Survey of Current Business omitted 10 six-digit industries. Those industries are now included.

The sector-level Make and Use tables, Appendix A, and Appendix C in the October Survey of Current Business were updated in the article U.S. Benchmark Input-Output Accounts, 2002, on the BEA Web site.

The revised tables also will appear in the January 2008 issue of the Survey.