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2011 Level II Scientific and Technological Achievement Awards (STAA) Awarded Nominations

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2011 STAA Awards

The 2011 STAA Awards are Now Available:
Level I | Level II | Level III | Honorable Mentions

The Science Advisory Board STAA nomination review committee elected not to review the nominations submitted to the Project and Research Reports Pilot Category. ORD is currently seeking other means of recognizing these accomplishments.

Level II awards - are for those who have accomplished a notably excellent research or technological effort that has qualities and values similar to, but to a lesser degree, than those described under Level I. Awarded research has timely consequences and contributes as an important scientific/technological achievement within its discipline or field of study.

Children  Aquatic study  Shoreline  Scientist at work

Nominations Recommended for a Level II Award ($5,000) -- Total of Fifteen
Nom. ID Publication Title & Full Citation Eligible Authors Ineligible Authors Lab/Office/Institution Citation
S11EP0010 A Multi-Pollutant, Risk-Based Approach to Air Quality Management: Case Study for Detroit
Atmospheric Pollution Research/printed text & online, 1(4):296-304 (2010)
Karen Wesson
Neal Fann
Mark Morris
Tyler Fox
Bryan Hubbell
OAQPS, Research Triangle Park, NC Detroit Multi-Pollutant Pilot Study
S11ER0012 Uncertainty Propagation in an Ecosystem Nutrient Budget
Ecological Applications, 20(2):508-524 (2010)
John Lehrter
Just Cebrian
NHEERL, Research Triangle Park, NC Developing Error Propagation Methods to Evaluate the Uncertainty in Ecological Information Used by Decision Makers
(linked to S11ER0032)
Adverse Outcome Pathways: a Conceptual Framework to Support Ecotoxicology Research and Risk Assessment
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 29(3):730-741 (2010)
Richard S. Bennett
Michael W. Hornung
Rodney D. Johnson
David R. Mount
John W. Nichols
Christine L. Russom
Patricia K. Schmieder
Jose A. Serrano
Daniel L. Villeneuve
Gerald T. Ankley
Russell J. Erickson
Dale J. Hoff
Joseph E. Tietge
NHEERL, Duluth, MN Description of a Conceptual Framework for Use of Mechanistic Toxicology Data for Ecological Risk Assessment
S11ER0019 Ecohydrologic Separation of Water Between Trees and Streams in a Mediterranean Climate
Nature Geoscience, 3(2):100-104 (2010)
J. Renee Brooks
Rob Coulombe
Holly Barnard
Jeff McDonnell
NHEERL, Corvallis, OR Separate Realms of Water: Trees and Streams Return Different Pools of Water to the Hydrosphere
S11ER0021 (1) Exposure of Three Generations of the Estuarine Sheepshead Minnow (Cyprinodon variegatus) to the Androgen 17B-trenbolone: Effects on Survival, Development, and Reproduction
Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry, 29(9):2079-2087 (2010)
(2) Multigenerational Exposure of the Estuarine Sheepshead Minnow (Cyprinodon variegatus) to 17B-estradiol. l. Organism-Level Effects Over Three Generations
Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry, 28(11):2397-2408 (2009)
(3) Multigenerational Exposure of the Estuarine Sheepshead Minnow (Cyprinodon variegatus) to 17B-estradiol. l. Population-Level Effects through Two Life Cycles
Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 28(11):2409-2415, 28(11):2409-2415 (2009)
Geraldine Cripe
Sandy Raimondo
Rebecca Hemmer
Larry Goodman
Michael Hemmer
John Fournie
Dannielle H. Kulaw
Joann C. Vennari
Rodney L. Danner
Kent Smith
Blaze R. Manfredonia
NHEERL, Research Triangle Park, NC Developing Approaches to Evaluate Long-Term Effects of Endocrine Disrupting Compounds on Fish
(linked to S11ER0017)
(1) Altered Gene Expression in the Brain and Liver of Female Fathead Minnows Pimephales Promelas Rafinesque Exposed to Fadrozole
Journal of Fish Biology (Invited Submission for a special issue on Teleost Microarrays), 72(9):2281-2340 (2008)
(2) Altered Gene Expression in the Brain and Ovaries of Zebrafish (Danio rerio) Exposed to the Aromatase Inhibitor Fadrozole: Microarray Analysis and Hypothesis Generation
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 28(8):1767-1782 (2009)
(3) Influence of Ovarian Stage on Transcript Profiles in Fathead Minnow (Pimephales promelas) Ovary Tissue
Aquatic Toxicology, 98:354-366 (2010)
Daniel L. Villeneuve
Gerald T. Ankley
Iris Knoebl
Rong-Lin Wang
Michael D. Kahl
Adam D. Biales
David C. Bencic
James M. Lazorchak
Gregory P. Toth
Dalma Martinovic
Jenna E. Cavallin
Nathaniel D. Mueller
Leah C. Wehmas
Natalia Garcia-Reyero
Anne L. Linnum
Edward J. Perkins
Patrick Larkin
Ann L. Miracle
Nancy D. Denslow
Barbara J. Carter
NHEERL, Duluth, MN Application of Microarray Technology to Advance Ecotoxicology Research with Small-Fish Models
S11HE0038 (1) Characterization of the Effects of Inhaled Perchloroethylene on Sustained Attention in Rats Performing a Visual Signal Detection Task
Neurotoxicology and Teratology, 30:167-174 (2008)
(2) Acute Perchloroethylene Exposure Alters Rat Visual-Evoked Potentials in Relation to Brain Concentrations
Toxicological Sciences, 108(1):159-172 (2008)
(3) Long-Term Perchloroethylene Exposure: a Meta-Analysis of Neurobehavioral Deficits in Occupationally and Residentially Exposed Groups
Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A, 72(13):824-831 (2009)
Wendy M. Oshiro
Q. Todd Krantz
William K. Boyes
Philip J. Bushnell
Mark Bercegeay
Vernon A. Benignus
Elaina M. Kenyon
Andrew M. Geller
NHEERL, Research Triangle Park, NC Providing Data and Models to Link Exposure to Neurological Deficits and Improve EPA's Perchloroethylene Risk Assessment
(linked to S11MM0074)
Risks to Aquatic Organisms Posed by Human Pharmaceutical Use
Science of the Total Environment, 389(2-3):329-39 (2008)
Mitchell Kostich
James Lazorchak
NERL, Research Triangle Park, NC Advancing Knowledge About Ecological and Human Risks Posed by Pharmaceutical Residues in Municipal Wastewater
(linked to S11IR0068)
Analysis of Ecologically Relevant Pharmaceuticals in Wastewater and Surface Water using Selective Solid-Phase Extraction and UPLC-MS/MS
Analytical Chemistry, 80(13):5021-5030 (2008)
Angela Batt
Mitchell Kostich
James Lazorchak
OTHER, Research Triangle Park, NC Developing a Rapid, Sensitive Analytical Method to Determine Concentrations of Pharmaceuticals in the Environment
S11OR0096 Massive Volcanic SO² Oxidation and Sulphate Aerosol Deposition in Cenozoic North America
Nature, 465:909-912 (2010)
Shaocai Yu
Huiming Bao
Daniel Tong
NERL, Research Triangle Park, NC Massive volcanic SO2 Oxidation and Sulphate Aerosol Deposition in Cenozoic North America
S11RA0108 Key Scientific Findings and Policy-and Health-Relevant Insights from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Particulate Matter Supersites Program and Related Studies: an Integration and Synthesis of Results
Journal Air & Waste Manage. Assoc., peer-reviewed, 58(13):S3-S92 (2008)
Paul Solomon
Richard Scheffe
Philip Hopke
John Froines
NERL, Research Triangle Park, NC Providing Key Science, Policy, and Health-Relevant Results from EPA's Particulate Matter Supersites Program to EPA and Stakeholders
S11RA0115 Cellular Stress Response Pathway System as a Sentinel Ensemble in Toxicological Screening
Toxicological Sciences 111(2), 202-225, 111(2):202-225 (2009)
Steven O. Simmons
Ram Ramabhadran
Chun-Yang Fan
NHEERL, , Devising an Integrated Pathway-Based Testing Paradigm for High Throughput Toxicant Identification and Characterization
S11TF0122 Nitrous Oxide Emissions from the Gulf of Mexico Hypoxic Zone
Environmental Science and Technology, 44(5):1617-1623 (2010)
John T. Walker
Chris Geron
Craig Stow
NRMRL, Durham, NC Investigation of Nitrous Oxide Emissions from the Gulf of Mexico Hypoxic Zone
S11TF0127 Linking Global to Regional Models to Assess Future Climate Impacts on Surface Ozone Levels in the United States
Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 113(D14307):doi:10.1029/200 (2008)
Christopher G. Nolte
Alice B. Gilliland
Christian Hogrefe
Loretta J. Mickley
NERL, Research Triangle Park, NC Showing that Climate Change is Expected to Worsen Air Quality by Increasing Ozone Over Parts of the United States
S11TF0130 To what Extent can Biogenic SOA be Controlled
Science and Technology, 44(9):3376-3380 (2010)
Robert W. Pinder
Annmarie G. Carlton
Prakash V. Bhave
George A. Pouliot
NERL, Research Triangle Park, NC Finding that Reducing Emissions can Remove Particulate Matter Previously Thought to be Part of the Natural Background
Key to Acronyms used in the above Table
OA Office of the Administrator
NERL National Exposure Research Laboratory
NHEERL National Health and Environmental Effects Laboratory
NRMRL National Risk Management Research Laboratory
OAQPS Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards
OPP Office of Pesticide Programs
ORIA Office of Radiation and Indoor Air
ORCR Office of Resource Conservation and Recovery
OSCP Office of Science Coordination and Policy
*Note: The percentages given after name represent the current percent of the total level of effort as documented in the EPA nomination.

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