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DOD Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program

The Department of Defense (DoD) Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program allows schools to use USDA Foods entitlement dollars to buy fresh produce. The program is operated by the Defense Logistics Agency at the Department of Defense. In school year (SY) 1994-1995, the program began as a pilot in eight states; $3.2 million of produce was delivered to schools. Today, schools in 46 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and Guam participate in the program, with more than $100 million in anticipated purchases during SY 2012-2013. DoD Fresh allocations may be changed throughout the year and USDA does not impose a cap on the amount of entitlement used through this program. 

Bullet About DOD Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program This document provides history of the program and information about current operations
Bullet Defense Logistics Agency Produce Website DLA's site provides detailed information about how the program works and lists links to the produce vendor long term contracts and delivery zones
Bullet Farm to school state contacts  This site provides a farm to school contact for every state.
Bullet FFAVORS Web The web-based Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Order/Receipt System is the ordering mechanism for the DoD Fresh program.

·     Using DoD Fresh for Local Produce Purchases – USDA Farm to School Fact Sheet


Last Modified: 02/13/2013


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