[Federal Register: October 16, 2002 (Volume 67, Number 200)]
[Page 63966]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]



Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration

49 CFR Part 393

[FMCSA Docket No. FMCSA-97-2289]
RIN 2126-AA27

Development of a North American Standard for Protection Against 
Shifting and Falling Cargo


    In rule document 02-23693 beginning on page 61212 in the issue of 
Friday, September 27, 2002 make the following correction:

Sec. 393.124  [Corrected]

    On page 61233, in the second column, in Sec. 393.124, in the second 
paragraph from the top, designated as ``(a)'' should read ``(e)''.

[FR Doc. C2-23693 Filed 10-15-02; 8:45 am]
esday, October 16, 2002Presidential 
DocumentsPart VThe 
PresidentProclamation 7607—General Pulaski 
Memorial Day, 
Title 3—The PresidentProclamation 7607 of October 10, 
2002General Pulaski Memorial Day, 2002By 
the President of the United States of AmericaA 
ProclamationAmericans celebrate our 
friendship and common commitment to freedom with the people of Poland 
each year on October 11, when we honor Brigadier General Casimir 
Pulaski, a hero of the American Revolutionary War. As a brave Polish 
patriot, General Pulaski made the ultimate sacrifice for our Nation, 
giving his life in 1779 to help America gain its independence. His 
devotion to liberty continues to inspire us today as we join with our 
allies to secure peace and freedom around the 
globe.Before joining the American Revolution in 1777, 
Casimir Pulaski struggled against oppression in his native Poland, 
fighting alongside his father and brothers to defend their homeland 
from Prussian and Imperial Russian invaders. Though his cause was 
ultimately overcome by those powerful forces, Pulaski was widely 
recognized for his courageous actions as a cavalry officer and leader 
of Polish forces. Benjamin Franklin lauded Pulaski as “famous 
throughout Europe for his bravery and conduct in defense of the 
liberties of his country.”When General Pulaski 
joined General George Washington's staff, he immediately made important 
contributions to the war effort. He led a critical counterattack at the 
Battle of Brandywine that avoided a potential military disaster, 
earning him a commission as a Brigadier General. American leaders 
valued Pulaski's experience in battle, his knowledge of military 
strategy, and his pioneering efforts that led to a recognition that he 
was the “Father of the American cavalry.” While leading 
cavalry forces in the Siege of Savannah, Pulaski was wounded, and died 
on October 11, 1779.Two hundred and twenty-five years 
ago, Casimir Pulaski joined forces with Americans to establish liberty 
and overcome despotism. That inspiration and solidarity is mirrored 
today as we engage in a war against terrorism. As part of a global 
coalition, which includes the government and people of Poland, we are 
working to ensure that our two nations remain strong friends and allies 
in our effort to build a safer, more peaceful world for 
all.NOW, THEREFORE, I, GEORGE W. BUSH, President of the 
United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by 
the Constitution and laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim 
Friday, October 11, 2002, as General Pulaski Memorial Day. I encourage 
all Americans to commemorate this occasion with appropriate programs 
and activities paying tribute to Casimir Pulaski and honoring all those 
who defend the freedom of our great Nation.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto 
set my hand this tenth day of October, in the year of our Lord two 
thousand two, and of the Independence of the United States of America 
the two hundred and twenty-
seventh.B[FR Doc. 
02–26521Filed 10–15–02; 8:45 
am]Billing code 3195–01–P