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Environmental assessment
The evaluation of the status of a specific ecosystem or geographic area and how a proposed change in management or a proposed project will affect that status.
TMDL (2 items)

Results 21 - 30 of 43 listed by similarity [list alphabetically]
Framework for Assessing the Sustainability of Monitored Natural Attenuation [More info]
Research findings and examples of application to real problems--When can natural processes to reduce, or even destroy, contaminants at toxic waste sites be relied on?
Front Range Infrastructure Resources Project (FRIRP) [More info]
Home page for the Front Range Infrastructure Resources Project, a demonstration study of the northern Colorado Front Range urban corridor and the entire Rocky Mountain Front Range urban corridor with links to projects, datasets, and publications.
Historical interrelationships between population settlement and farmland in the conterminous United States, 1790 to 1992 [More info]
Chapter from Land Use History of the North America on the results of a study to understand the interactions of population growth, urbanization, and agricultural activity over time.
Historical landcover changes in the Great Lakes region [More info]
Results of a study that provides a regional vegetation history of the Great Lakes area during the last 150 years compared to the preceding 1,000 years.
Identifying sources of fecal coliform bacteria in selected streams on Virginia's Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDL) priority list [More info]
Describes project to identify sources of fecal coliform bacteria by ribotyping to develop the use of Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) values for contaminated stream segments in Virginia.
Land Remote Sensing Program [More info]
Land Remote Sensing Program (LRS) provides a primary source of remotely sensed data and applications of land remote sensing, nationally and internationally.
Land use history of North America (LUHNA) [More info]
Report prepared with NASA on the importance of a historical context for understanding ongoing changes in land cover and land use in North America and the effect on the environment. Site contains primarily contents of a book edited by T.D. Sisk.
Landscape changes in the southwestern United States: techniques, long-term data sets, and trends [More info]
This study illustrates some approaches for reconstructing landscape change.
Mercury contamination of aquatic ecosystems [More info]
Fact sheet on mercury bioaccumulation and cycling in the environment. Also available in PDF format.
Mercury in the environment [More info]
Fact sheet on mercury and the environment, including toxic effects, risk to people and wildlife, sources of mercury, environments where methylmercury is a problem, and mercury contamination.
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