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green November 2010

Question and Answer Search

NADF has placed the Question and Answer section of their Newsletter "NADF News" for the years 2004 to Present in a search engine for easy reference.  Click here to reference this feature:

Question and Answer Search


green September 2010

Dr. Margulies' Flu Vaccinations Recommendation
Influenza season is coming fast upon us, and NADF Medical Director Paul  Margulies, MD, FACE, FACP recommends that all adrenal insufficient patients (Addison’s disease, 2ndary adrenal insufficiency, congenital adrenal hyperplasia, adrenomyeloneuropathy, et al.) get both the H1N1 (a.k.a. Swine Flu) vaccination when it is available (in early October, is being reported), as well as their regular yearly flu vaccination.


April 2010

Boston Marathon Fundraiser for NADF.

Jay Ross ran in the Boston Marathon on April 19, 2010 in memory of his sister, Jill Marie Ross.  Proceeds from the fundraiser were donated to NADF.  This flyer tells the story of his sister's death due to ignorance of Addisons disease by a prescribing physician.

Check Out This Video

December 2009

Hair Cortisol Study

The Hair Cortisol study announced here last July has come to an end.  The study was done by Dr. Stan Van Uum in London Ontario Canada.  Dr. Uum sends his thanks to those that contributed to the study.  They received queries from almost 200 interested patients and more than 100 participated from all across North America.  They are now analyzing the data and the results should be out shortly.


Results of Survey for Development of Dual-Release Hydrocortisone

(Many NADF members were involved and
NADF's 1997 North American Survey is cited as a reference.)

Here is a link to a survey. Click here


Contact NADF  with suggestions or contributions for articles or content

Contact the Webmaster  if you have technical difficulties navigating our site


What we do

Publish a quarterly newsletter.

Publish, print and mail adrenal disease literature and information to all who request it.

Provide emotional support for those suffering from adrenal disease.


Read about Juan Miguel's story here.


NADF is a member of the National Organization for Rare Disorders - Click to view the NORD website




Potentially Life-Preserving Information Packet for Adrenal Insufficient Patients (including Addison's disease) please download.

click for zip file

click for self-extrating file

(self-extracting file is for PC computers that do not have a zip program. All you have to do is double-click on the file you download to open)


Potentially Life-Preserving Information Packet for Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH)
Patients - please download.

click for zip file

click for self-extrating file

(self-extracting file is for PC computers that do not have a zip program. All you have to do is double-click on the file you download to open)


Pfizer, the manufacturer of Solu-Cortef®, in the convenient "acto-vials", has removed the preservatives from their product, so have been issued a new NDC number by the FDA. The number is 0009001103.
This NDC number change has apparently made it difficult for pharmacies to find the product in their computer systems, with the result of their informing some adrenal insufficient patients that it is no longer available for prescription.
We have created this form [PDF] to inform you and your pharmacy that the product is still available for prescription.
If your pharmacy is having trouble obtaining these products, please instruct them to call Pfizer's Customer Service at 1(800) 533-4535.
Other possible contact numbers for Pfizer are 1(800) 821-7000 or patient services at 1(888) 691-6813.
Please feel free to make copies of this notice and pass it on to your pharmacy/s. Maybe it will help you avoid the misunderstanding and resulting aggravation some other people have experienced.

NADF does not engage in the practice of medicine, is not a medical authority, and does not claim medical knowledge.
In all cases, NADF recommends that you consult your own physician regarding any course of treatment or medication.

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publications or websites reached from links on our website.
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