
Teri Frady
Chief, Research Communications
508 495-2239
774 327-9404 cell

Shelley Dawicki
Science Writer/Communications Specialist
508 495-2378
774-392-4866 cell

Maggie Mooney-Seus
Communications Specialist
(Fishery Policy and Regulations)
978 281-9175
774-392-4865 cell

NEFSC Newsroom: Science Spotlights

2012 Science Spotlights

Scientists Tag 30 Loggerhead Turtles, Deploy Teacher-Built Surface Drifters
Loggerhead sea turtles tagged earlier this summer, and sea surface current drifters built by New England teachers, are providing students and teachers with science and technology lessons, and practical insight into field research.
soft coral9/25/2012
Coral Hotspots Found in Deepwater Canyons off Northeast US Coast
For the first time in decades, researchers have conducted an extensive exploration for deep-sea corals and sponges in submarine canyons off the northeastern coast of the US.
cod distribution9/18/2012
Sea Surface Temperatures Reach Record Highs on Northeast Continental Shelf
During the first six months of 2012, sea surface temperatures in the Northeast Shelf Large Marine Ecosystem were the highest ever recorded, according to the latest Ecosystem Advisory issued by NOAA's Northeast Fisheries Science Center.
HabCam Seahorse8/23/2012
New Survey of Ocean Floor Finds Juvenile Scallops are Abundant in Mid-Atlantic
NOAA researchers are getting a comprehensive view of the ocean floor using a new instrument, and have confirmed that there are high numbers of young sea scallops off of Delaware Bay.
The triad of drivers7/16/2012
Trio of factors drive marine fisheries production in Northern Hemisphere ecosystems
Comparative analyses of 13 ecosystems provides insight, potential management tools
Daniel Smith with continuous plankton recorder7/10/2012
NEFSC Plankton Surveys, Second Longest in the North Atlantic, Add to New Global Effort
Global Alliance of Continuous Plankton Recorder Surveys Formed
tagged seal5/17/2012
2012 Harbor Seal Survey Underway off New England Coast (SS12.05)
Researchers have completed the first phase of a comprehensive study to determine the distribution and abundance of harbor seals off the coast of Cape Cod and mid-coast Maine.
striper 3/9/2012
Fishing Permit Study Will Improve Economic Evaluation Tools, Better Characterize Worth of Massachusetts' Recreational Fishery (SS12.04)
humpback whale 2/14/2012
Humpback Whales Sing Year Round in the Northwestern Atlantic Ocean (SS12.03)
Pop-up satellite tag on salmon2/8/2012
Satellite Tags Help Unravel Mysteries of Atlantic Salmon Migration at Sea (SS12.02)
five-day-old oyster larvae 1/30/2012
New Probiotic Bacteria Shows Promise for Use in Shellfish Aquaculture (SS12.01)


Spotlight Archives

2011 Science Spotlights

Atlantic salmon grilse 11/17/2011
Changing Environmental Conditions and Predators Affect Survival of Atlantic Salmon (SS11.07)
mussel chamber 11/8/2011
Ribbed Mussel Aquaculture May Improve Urban Water Quality (SS11.06)
Southern Coast of Oman is Important Habitat for Endangered Arabian Sea Humpback Whale Population (SS11.05)
NOAA Scientists Link Shifting Atlantic Mackerel Distribution to Environmental Factors, Changing Climate (SS11.04)
Atlantic Herring Population Trends Linked to Egg Predation by Haddock (SS11.03)
High Number of Right Whales Sighted Off Rhode Island (SS11.02)
Comprehensive Harbor Seal Survey Underway off New England Coast (SS11.01)

2010 Science Spotlights

2009 Science Spotlights

2008 Science Spotlights
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(File Modified Oct. 26 2012)