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Our Exchange Programs
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The International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP)

The International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP) is the U.S. Department of State’s flagship professional exchange program. More than 290 current and former Chiefs of State and Heads of Government around the world, thousands of cabinet-level ministers, and many other distinguished leaders from the private and public sectors have participated since the program’s inception in 1940. 

In the UK alone, over 10,000 citizens have traveled to the United States on this program.  The IVLP is an exchange program that seeks to build mutual understanding between the U.S. and other nations through carefully designed short-term visits to the U.S. for current and emerging foreign leaders. 

These visits reflect the visitors’ professional interests and support United States foreign policy in key fields such as politics, government, media, arts, business, and education. The IVLP consists of a variety of individual and group programs that last for up to three weeks. Exchanges typically include a visit to Washington, D.C. and three additional cities that together highlight the regional diversity of the United States. There is no application for this program.  International Visitors are selected and nominated annually by American Foreign Service Officers at U.S. Embassies around the world.

Fulbright Classroom Teacher Exchange Program

Since the UK-U.S. Fulbright Classroom Teacher Exchange Program began in 1924, over 16,000 teachers from both countries have participated.  Each year, UK and U.S. teachers are paired up to change classrooms and, often times, their homes.  This affords international teachers with the opportunity to participate in a direct exchange for either one semester or for the academic year.

By living and working abroad, the teachers gain an understanding and appreciation of the similarities and differences between the U.S. and the UK.  Fulbright teacher exchanges result in lasting relationships between schools, students, and teachers, as well as the communities surrounding the participating educational institutions.   The British Council partners with the U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Embassy in London to implement this program.  If you are a UK primary or secondary school teacher and want to participate in this program, please visit this website for more information:

Watch some recently returned Fulbright teachers discuss their experiences in the U.S.A. at an Embassy reception.


04 September 2012 Fulbright Launches New Awards  Bucking the trend, the US-UK Fulbright Commission, announces that from 2013, its awards will be more generously funded and a series of new partnership awards will come on stream as part of its drive to make this trans-Atlantic programme the scholarship of choice.

02 March 2011   The 2011 Fulbright UK Awards Competition are now open and provide awards for study, research and/or lecturing in the United States in 2012-13.

British-American Parliamentary Group

The British-American Parliamentary Group annual exchange program to the United States has sent over 250 UK Members of Parliament to the United States since 1977.  Its purpose is to acquaint Members of Parliament with the U.S. political system at the federal, state, and local levels, with particular emphasis on the role and organization of the U.S. Congress. 

Through this co-sponsored program, Members of Parliament are able to develop contacts with their Congressional counterparts and understand the differences between the U.S. and the UK forms of government.  Participants learn about the U.S. political process, examine domestic and foreign policy issues that drive politics, and acquire first-hand experience of U.S. pluralism and regional diversity. 

The program starts in Washington, D.C. for an overview of the U.S. system of government, followed by a weekend visit to congressional districts, and finally two days in a state capital to look at state and local issues.  Members of Parliament gain an understanding of policy development by examining the role of local and state legislatures, and how viewpoints articulated by state Congressional Members contribute to policy making at a federal Congressional level.  

For more information, contact:

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  • State Alumni logo All Embassy alumni are eligible to join State Alumni, a prestigious, web-based community for alumni of all U.S. government exchange programs.  Members can use the website to network with alumni of all programs from around the globe, find grant and funding opportunities, access free periodicals, participate in Q&A Live discussions with experts and much more.