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On World Food Day, some facts about food and development

October 16, 2012

Tuesday, October 16 is World Food Day, which marks the founding of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) 67 years ago, and calls attention each year to the persistent problem of world hunger. While FAO says that progress has been made and that there are 130 million fewer hungry people today than there were 20 years
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Monthly news wrap-up: September 2012

October 03, 2012

Last month, the General Assembly of the United Nations convened to begin the General Debate of the 67th Session and leaders from 193 countries congregated in New York City to discuss some of the world’s toughest issues. As reported by the State Department, some of the United States’ priorities include building on the progress made toward achieving the Millennium Development
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At U.N. and CGI, U.S. highlights importance of collaboration in addressing world’s biggest problems

October 01, 2012

The need to form partnerships and collaborate emerged as a common theme over the past week as top world leaders converged in New York for both the 67th General Assembly of the United Nations and the Clinton Global Initiative. President Barack Obama spoke at the United Nations of “an interdependent world (where) all of us have a stake in working
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September Board Meeting: Priorities renewed and newer

September 26, 2012

At its September meeting, OPIC’s Board of Directors kept the agency’s focus trained on priority sectors – renewable resources; food security and safe drinking water; and small and medium size businesses (SMEs) – and added another: the growing middle class in emerging markets, which stand to transform developing countries in the coming years. Be it Africa, where 100 million households
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Investing in better harvests

August 13, 2012

Workers at the FAIM company in Rwanda begin planting new, virus-free banana plant seedlings. These seedling will help farmers boost their farm production, their incomes, and the local food supply. In Rwanda, deficient seed and plant stocks hinder food production and impair the health and nutrition of communities that depend on local food. For example, the use of diseased plants
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Looking to Rio: Connecting the dots between environment and development

June 20, 2012

Later this week, as thousands of world leaders gather with the global development and business communities at the Rio+20 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development in Brazil, they will focus on some of the seemingly incompatible challenges facing a world with a rapidly growing population and diminishing natural resources. Global energy consumption is expected to be 30% to 40% higher
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Monthly news wrap-up: May 2012

June 04, 2012

OPIC provided political risk insurance to rebuild a flour mill and animal feed facility that was destroyed in the 2010 earthquake. This picture is from a tour at the grand reopening of the facility on December 15, 2011. This is just one of many OPIC projects focused on food security. We continue our monthly news wrap-up series this month, starting with a
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Investing in food security

May 18, 2012

President Obama delivered the opening keynote on May 18 to the Symposium on Global Agriculture and Food Security in Washington, D.C. The event precedes the G8 summit Saturday May 20 at Camp David, where leaders will meet to discuss the challenge of feeding a growing world. The focus of the event underscores how food security remains a major challenge: The U.S.
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Project Snapshot: Restoring food supply in Haiti

March 01, 2012

Site Haiti Sector Food Challenge Mitigating the risk involved in rebuilding a key flour mill that was destroyed in the 2010 earthquake. Solution OPIC provided Seaboard Overseas Limited with political risk insurance that covered both the rebuilding and expansion of the mill. Impact Restarting domestic flour milling in Haiti has increased the country’s food production capacity and domestic food security.
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